# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
# (C) Paul Evans, 2009-2012 -- leonerd@leonerd.org.uk
use strict;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(
use IO::Async::Test qw();
use Fcntl qw( SEEK_SET );
use Socket qw( sockaddr_family AF_UNIX );
use Time::HiRes qw( time );
our $VERSION = '0.59';
# Abstract Units of Time
use constant AUT => $ENV{TEST_QUICK_TIMERS} ? 0.1 : 1;
# The loop under test. We keep it in a single lexical here, so we can use
# is_oneref tests in the individual test suite functions
my $loop;
=head1 NAME
C<IO::Async::LoopTests> - acceptance testing for C<IO::Async::Loop> subclasses
use IO::Async::LoopTests;
run_tests( 'IO::Async::Loop::Shiney', 'io' );
This module contains a collection of test functions for running acceptance
tests on L<IO::Async::Loop> subclasses. It is provided as a facility for
authors of such subclasses to ensure that the code conforms to the Loop API
required by C<IO::Async>.
=head1 TIMING
Certain tests require the use of timers or timed delays. Normally these are
counted in units of seconds. By setting the environment variable
C<TEST_QUICK_TIMERS> to some true value, these timers run 10 times quicker,
being measured in units of 0.1 seconds instead. This value may be useful when
running the tests interactively, to avoid them taking too long. The slower
timers are preferred on automated smoke-testing machines, to help guard
against false negatives reported simply because of scheduling delays or high
system load while testing.
TEST_QUICK_TIMERS=1 ./Build test
=head2 run_tests( $class, @tests )
Runs a test or collection of tests against the loop subclass given. The class
being tested is loaded by this function; the containing script does not need
to C<require> or C<use> it first.
This function runs C<Test::More::plan> to output its expected test count; the
containing script should not do this.
sub run_tests
my ( $testclass, @tests ) = @_;
my $count = 0;
$count += __PACKAGE__->can( "count_tests_$_" )->() + 4 for @tests;
plan tests => $count;
( my $file = "$testclass.pm" ) =~ s{::}{/}g;
eval { require $file };
if( $@ ) {
BAIL_OUT( "Unable to load $testclass - $@" );
foreach my $test ( @tests ) {
$loop = $testclass->new;
isa_ok( $loop, $testclass, '$loop' );
is( IO::Async::Loop->new, $loop, 'magic constructor yields $loop' );
# Kill the reference in $ONE_TRUE_LOOP so as not to upset the refcounts
# and to ensure we get a new one each time
undef $IO::Async::Loop::ONE_TRUE_LOOP;
is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1' );
__PACKAGE__->can( "run_tests_$test" )->();
is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 finally' );
sub wait_for(&)
# Bounce via here so we don't upset refcount tests by having loop
# permanently set in IO::Async::Test
IO::Async::Test::testing_loop( $loop );
# Override prototype - I know what I'm doing
&IO::Async::Test::wait_for( @_ );
IO::Async::Test::testing_loop( undef );
sub time_between(&$$$)
my ( $code, $lower, $upper, $name ) = @_;
my $start = time;
my $took = ( time - $start ) / AUT;
cmp_ok( $took, '>=', $lower, "$name took at least $lower seconds" ) if defined $lower;
cmp_ok( $took, '<=', $upper * 3, "$name took no more than $upper seconds" ) if defined $upper;
if( $took > $upper and $took <= $upper * 3 ) {
diag( "$name took longer than $upper seconds - this may just be an indication of a busy testing machine rather than a bug" );
The following test suite names exist, to be passed as a name in the C<@tests>
argument to C<run_tests>:
=head2 io
Tests the Loop's ability to watch filehandles for IO readiness
use constant count_tests_io => 17;
sub run_tests_io
my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
$_->blocking( 0 ) for $S1, $S2;
my $readready = 0;
my $writeready = 0;
handle => $S1,
on_read_ready => sub { $readready = 1 },
is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after watch_io on_read_ready' );
is( $readready, 0, '$readready still 0 before ->loop_once' );
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $readready, 0, '$readready when idle' );
$S2->syswrite( "data\n" );
# We should still wait a little while even thought we expect to be ready
# immediately, because talking to ourself with 0 poll timeout is a race
# condition - we can still race with the kernel.
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $readready, 1, '$readready after loop_once' );
# Ready $S1 to clear the data
$S1->getline; # ignore return
handle => $S1,
on_read_ready => 1,
handle => $S1,
on_read_ready => sub { $readready = 1 },
$readready = 0;
$S2->syswrite( "more data\n" );
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $readready, 1, '$readready after ->unwatch_io/->watch_io' );
$S1->getline; # ignore return
handle => $S1,
on_write_ready => sub { $writeready = 1 },
is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after watch_io on_write_ready' );
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $writeready, 1, '$writeready after loop_once' );
handle => $S1,
on_write_ready => 1,
$readready = 0;
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $readready, 0, '$readready before HUP' );
$readready = 0;
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $readready, 1, '$readready after HUP' );
handle => $S1,
on_read_ready => 1,
# HUP of pipe - can be different to sockets on some architectures
my ( $Prd, $Pwr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair or die "Cannot pipepair - $!";
$_->blocking( 0 ) for $Prd, $Pwr;
my $readready = 0;
handle => $Prd,
on_read_ready => sub { $readready = 1 },
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $readready, 0, '$readready before pipe HUP' );
$readready = 0;
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $readready, 1, '$readready after pipe HUP' );
handle => $Prd,
on_read_ready => 1,
$loop->_CAN_ON_HANGUP or skip "Loop cannot watch_io for on_hangup", 2;
my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
$_->blocking( 0 ) for $S1, $S2;
sockaddr_family( $S1->sockname ) == AF_UNIX or skip "Cannot reliably detect hangup condition on non AF_UNIX sockets", 1;
my $hangup = 0;
handle => $S1,
on_hangup => sub { $hangup = 1 },
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $hangup, 1, '$hangup after socket close' );
my ( $Prd, $Pwr ) = IO::Async::OS->pipepair or die "Cannot pipepair - $!";
$_->blocking( 0 ) for $Prd, $Pwr;
my $hangup = 0;
handle => $Pwr,
on_hangup => sub { $hangup = 1 },
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $hangup, 1, '$hangup after pipe close for writing' );
# Check that combined read/write handlers can cancel each other
my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair or die "Cannot socketpair - $!";
$_->blocking( 0 ) for $S1, $S2;
my $callcount = 0;
handle => $S1,
on_read_ready => sub {
$loop->unwatch_io( handle => $S1, on_read_ready => 1, on_write_ready => 1 );
on_write_ready => sub {
$loop->unwatch_io( handle => $S1, on_read_ready => 1, on_write_ready => 1 );
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $callcount, 1, 'read/write_ready can cancel each other' );
# Check that error conditions that aren't true read/write-ability are still
# invoked
my ( $S1, $S2 ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair( 'inet', 'dgram' ) or die "Cannot create AF_INET/SOCK_DGRAM connected pair - $!";
$_->blocking( 0 ) for $S1, $S2;
my $readready = 0;
handle => $S1,
on_read_ready => sub { $readready = 1 },
$S1->syswrite( "Boo!" );
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $readready, 1, 'exceptional socket invokes on_read_ready' );
handle => $S1,
on_read_ready => 1,
# Check that regular files still report read/writereadiness
my $F = IO::File->new_tmpfile or die "Cannot create temporary file - $!";
$F->print( "Here's some content\n" );
$F->seek( 0, SEEK_SET );
my $readready = 0;
my $writeready = 0;
handle => $F,
on_read_ready => sub { $readready = 1 },
on_write_ready => sub { $writeready = 1 },
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $readready, 1, 'regular file is readready' );
is( $writeready, 1, 'regular file is writeready' );
handle => $F,
on_read_ready => 1,
on_write_ready => 1,
=head2 timer
Tests the Loop's ability to handle timer events
use constant count_tests_timer => 21;
sub run_tests_timer
my $done = 0;
# New watch/unwatch API
cmp_ok( abs( $loop->time - time ), "<", 0.1, '$loop->time gives the current time' );
$loop->watch_time( after => 2 * AUT, code => sub { $done = 1; } );
is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after watch_time' );
time_between {
my $now = time;
$loop->loop_once( 5 * AUT );
# poll might have returned just a little early, such that the TimerQueue
# doesn't think anything is ready yet. We need to handle that case.
while( !$done ) {
die "It should have been ready by now" if( time - $now > 5 * AUT );
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 * AUT );
} 1.5, 2.5, 'loop_once(5) while waiting for watch_time after';
$loop->watch_time( at => time + 2 * AUT, code => sub { $done = 2; } );
time_between {
my $now = time;
$loop->loop_once( 5 * AUT );
# poll might have returned just a little early, such that the TimerQueue
# doesn't think anything is ready yet. We need to handle that case.
while( !$done ) {
die "It should have been ready by now" if( time - $now > 5 * AUT );
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 * AUT );
} 1.5, 2.5, 'loop_once(5) while waiting for watch_time at';
my $cancelled_fired = 0;
my $id = $loop->watch_time( after => 1 * AUT, code => sub { $cancelled_fired = 1 } );
$loop->unwatch_time( $id );
undef $id;
$loop->loop_once( 2 * AUT );
ok( !$cancelled_fired, 'unwatched watch_time does not fire' );
$loop->watch_time( after => -1, code => sub { $done = 1 } );
$done = 0;
time_between {
$loop->loop_once while !$done;
} 0, 0.1, 'loop_once while waiting for negative interval timer';
my $done;
my $id;
$id = $loop->watch_time( after => 1 * AUT, code => sub {
$loop->unwatch_time( $id ); undef $id;
$loop->watch_time( after => 1.1 * AUT, code => sub {
wait_for { $done };
is( $done, 1, 'Other timers still fire after self-cancelling one' );
# Legacy enqueue/requeue/cancel API
$done = 0;
$loop->enqueue_timer( delay => 2 * AUT, code => sub { $done = 1; } );
is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after enqueue_timer' );
time_between {
my $now = time;
$loop->loop_once( 5 * AUT );
# poll might have returned just a little early, such that the TimerQueue
# doesn't think anything is ready yet. We need to handle that case.
while( !$done ) {
die "It should have been ready by now" if( time - $now > 5 * AUT );
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 * AUT );
} 1.5, 2.5, 'loop_once(5) while waiting for timer';
skip "Unable to handle sub-second timers accurately", 3 unless $loop->_CAN_SUBSECOND_ACCURATELY;
# Check that short delays are achievable in one ->loop_once call
foreach my $delay ( 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 ) {
my $done;
my $count = 0;
my $start = time;
$loop->enqueue_timer( delay => $delay, code => sub { $done++ } );
while( !$done ) {
$loop->loop_once( 1 );
last if time - $start > 5; # bailout
is( $count, 1, "One ->loop_once(1) sufficient for a single $delay second timer" );
$cancelled_fired = 0;
$id = $loop->enqueue_timer( delay => 1 * AUT, code => sub { $cancelled_fired = 1 } );
$loop->cancel_timer( $id );
undef $id;
$loop->loop_once( 2 * AUT );
ok( !$cancelled_fired, 'cancelled timer does not fire' );
$id = $loop->enqueue_timer( delay => 1 * AUT, code => sub { $done = 2; } );
$id = $loop->requeue_timer( $id, delay => 2 * AUT );
$done = 0;
time_between {
$loop->loop_once( 1 * AUT );
is( $done, 0, '$done still 0 so far' );
my $now = time;
$loop->loop_once( 5 * AUT );
# poll might have returned just a little early, such that the TimerQueue
# doesn't think anything is ready yet. We need to handle that case.
while( !$done ) {
die "It should have been ready by now" if( time - $now > 5 * AUT );
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 * AUT );
} 1.5, 2.5, 'requeued timer of delay 2';
is( $done, 2, '$done is 2 after requeued timer' );
=head2 signal
Tests the Loop's ability to watch POSIX signals
use constant count_tests_signal => 14;
sub run_tests_signal
my $caught = 0;
$loop->watch_signal( TERM => sub { $caught++ } );
is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after watch_signal' );
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $caught, 0, '$caught idling' );
kill SIGTERM, $$;
is( $caught, 0, '$caught before ->loop_once' );
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $caught, 1, '$caught after ->loop_once' );
kill SIGTERM, $$;
is( $caught, 1, 'second raise is still deferred' );
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $caught, 2, '$caught after second ->loop_once' );
is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 before unwatch_signal' );
$loop->unwatch_signal( 'TERM' );
is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after unwatch_signal' );
my ( $cA, $cB );
my $idA = $loop->attach_signal( TERM => sub { $cA = 1 } );
my $idB = $loop->attach_signal( TERM => sub { $cB = 1 } );
is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after 2 * attach_signal' );
kill SIGTERM, $$;
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $cA, 1, '$cA after raise' );
is( $cB, 1, '$cB after raise' );
$loop->detach_signal( 'TERM', $idA );
undef $cA;
undef $cB;
kill SIGTERM, $$;
$loop->loop_once( 0.1 );
is( $cA, undef, '$cA after raise' );
is( $cB, 1, '$cB after raise' );
$loop->detach_signal( 'TERM', $idB );
ok( exception { $loop->attach_signal( 'this signal name does not exist', sub {} ) },
'Bad signal name fails' );
=head2 idle
Tests the Loop's support for idle handlers
use constant count_tests_idle => 11;
sub run_tests_idle
my $called = 0;
my $id = $loop->watch_idle( when => 'later', code => sub { $called = 1 } );
ok( defined $id, 'idle watcher id is defined' );
is( $called, 0, 'deferred sub not yet invoked' );
time_between { $loop->loop_once( 3 * AUT ) } undef, 1.0, 'loop_once(3) with deferred sub';
is( $called, 1, 'deferred sub called after loop_once' );
$loop->watch_idle( when => 'later', code => sub {
$loop->watch_idle( when => 'later', code => sub { $called = 2 } )
} );
$loop->loop_once( 1 );
is( $called, 1, 'inner deferral not yet invoked' );
$loop->loop_once( 1 );
is( $called, 2, 'inner deferral now invoked' );
$called = 2; # set it anyway in case previous test fails
$id = $loop->watch_idle( when => 'later', code => sub { $called = 20 } );
$loop->unwatch_idle( $id );
time_between { $loop->loop_once( 1 * AUT ) } 0.5, 1.5, 'loop_once(1) with unwatched deferral';
is( $called, 2, 'unwatched deferral not called' );
$id = $loop->watch_idle( when => 'later', code => sub { $called = 3 } );
my $timer_id = $loop->watch_time( after => 5, code => sub {} );
$loop->loop_once( 1 );
is( $called, 3, '$loop->later still invoked with enqueued timer' );
$loop->unwatch_time( $timer_id );
$loop->later( sub { $called = 4 } );
$loop->loop_once( 1 );
is( $called, 4, '$loop->later shortcut works' );
=head2 child
Tests the Loop's support for watching child processes by PID
sub run_in_child(&)
my $kid = fork;
defined $kid or die "Cannot fork() - $!";
return $kid if $kid;
die "Fell out of run_in_child!\n";
use constant count_tests_child => 8;
sub run_tests_child
my $kid = run_in_child {
exit( 3 );
my $exitcode;
$loop->watch_child( $kid => sub { ( undef, $exitcode ) = @_; } );
is_oneref( $loop, '$loop has refcount 1 after watch_child' );
ok( !defined $exitcode, '$exitcode not defined before ->loop_once' );
undef $exitcode;
wait_for { defined $exitcode };
ok( WIFEXITED($exitcode), 'WIFEXITED($exitcode) after child exit' );
is( WEXITSTATUS($exitcode), 3, 'WEXITSTATUS($exitcode) after child exit' );
# We require that SIGTERM perform its default action; i.e. terminate the
# process. Ensure this definitely happens, in case the test harness has it
# ignored or handled elsewhere.
local $SIG{TERM} = "DEFAULT";
$kid = run_in_child {
sleep( 10 );
# Just in case the parent died already and didn't kill us
exit( 0 );
$loop->watch_child( $kid => sub { ( undef, $exitcode ) = @_; } );
kill SIGTERM, $kid;
undef $exitcode;
wait_for { defined $exitcode };
ok( WIFSIGNALED($exitcode), 'WIFSIGNALED($exitcode) after SIGTERM' );
is( WTERMSIG($exitcode), SIGTERM, 'WTERMSIG($exitcode) after SIGTERM' );
my %kids;
$loop->watch_child( 0 => sub { my ( $kid ) = @_; delete $kids{$kid} } );
%kids = map { run_in_child { exit 0 } => 1 } 1 .. 3;
is( scalar keys %kids, 3, 'Waiting for 3 child processes' );
wait_for { !keys %kids };
ok( !keys %kids, 'All child processes reclaimed' );
=head2 control
Tests that the C<run>, C<stop>, C<loop_once> and C<loop_forever> methods
behave correctly
use constant count_tests_control => 8;
sub run_tests_control
time_between { $loop->loop_once( 0 ) } 0, 0.1, 'loop_once(0) when idle';
time_between { $loop->loop_once( 2 * AUT ) } 1.5, 2.5, 'loop_once(2) when idle';
$loop->watch_time( after => 0.1, code => sub { $loop->stop( result => "here" ) } );
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Test timed out before ->stop" };
alarm( 1 );
my @result = $loop->run;
alarm( 0 );
is_deeply( \@result, [ result => "here" ], '->stop arguments returned by ->run' );
$loop->watch_time( after => 0.1, code => sub { $loop->stop( result => "here" ) } );
my $result = $loop->run;
is( $result, "result", 'First ->stop argument returned by ->run in scalar context' );
$loop->watch_time( after => 0.1, code => sub {
$loop->watch_time( after => 0.1, code => sub { $loop->stop( "inner" ) } );
my @result = $loop->run;
$loop->stop( @result, "outer" );
} );
@result = $loop->run;
is_deeply( \@result, [ "inner", "outer" ], '->run can be nested properly' );
$loop->watch_time( after => 0.1, code => sub { $loop->loop_stop } );
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Test timed out before ->loop_stop" };
alarm( 1 );
alarm( 0 );
ok( 1, '$loop->loop_forever interruptable by ->loop_stop' );
=head1 AUTHOR
Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk>