Changes for version 0.05 - 2020-05-13
- Renamed distribution and timer reporting methods to more clearly convey their operation; now named ->report_distribution and ->report_timer
- Optional name prefix in Collector to simplify use in modules
- Use metric handle (combined with prefix) if no other name supplied
- Nicer API for supplying label values to reporting methods
- Check that reported label names match the declared names
- Support non-strict mode where metrics are lazily registered when first reported
- Added Metrics::Any::Adapter::Tee
- More flexible parsing of METRICS_ANY_ADAPTER variable
abstract collection of monitoring metrics
set the Metrics::Any adapter for the program
write metrics to a file
a metrics reporting adapter which does nothing
write metrics to STDERR
send metrics to multiple adapters
a metrics reporting adapter for unit testing
module-side of the monitoring metrics reporting API