Object::Pad::MOP::Class - meta-object representation of a Object::Pad class


Instances of this class represent a class or role implemented by Object::Pad. Accessors provide information about the class or role, and methods that can alter the class, typically by adding new elements to it, allow a program to extend existing classes.

Where possible, this API is designed to be compatible with MOP::Class.

This API should be considered experimental even within the overall context in which Object::Pad is expermental.




$bool = $metaclass->is_class
$bool = $metaclass->is_role

Exactly one of these methods will return true, depending on whether this metaclass instance represents a true class, or a role.


$name = $metaclass->name

Returns the name of the class, as a plain string.


@classes = $metaclass->superclasses

Returns a list of superclasses, as Object::Pad::MOP::Class instances.

Because Object::Pad does not support multiple superclasses, this list will contain at most one item.


@roles = $metaclass->roles

Returns a list of roles implemented by this class, as Object::Pad::MOP::Class instances.


$metaclass->add_BUILD( $code )

Adds a new BUILD block to the class, as a CODE reference.


$metamethod = $metaclass->add_method( $name, $code )

Adds a new named method to the class under the given name, as CODE reference.

Returns an instance of Object::Pad::MOP::Method to represent it.


$metamethod = $metaclass->get_own_method( $name )

Returns an instance of Object::Pad::MOP::Slot to represent the method of the given name, if one exists. If not an exception is thrown.

This can only see directly-applied methods; that is, methods created by the method keyword on the class itself, or added via "add_method". This will not see other names in the package stash, even if they contain a CODE slot, nor will it see methods inherited from a superclass.


$metaslot = $metaclass->add_slot( $name )

Adds a new slot to the class, using the given name (which must begin with the sigil character $, @ or %).

Returns an instance of Object::Pad::MOP::Slot to represent it.


$metaslot = $metaclass->get_slot( $name )

Returns an instance of Object::Pad::MOP::Slot to represent the slot of the given name, if one exists. If not an exception is thrown.


Paul Evans <>