Changes for version 0.51 - 2021-08-10

    • Added `ADJUSTPARAMS` blocks
    • Allow `apply` hook functions to modify the hookdata value that gets stored by the hook
    • Store method name data in accessor generator hooks, so other modules can reliably find it
    • Clarify in SYNOPSIS that the example requires perl 5.26 because of signatures; also provide another copy that doesn't (RT138578)
    • Don't segfault on colliding :param names (RT138633)
    • Don't ship the authoring test xt/99exported-symbols.t (RT138634)
    • Developement time for this release was sponsored by Perl-Verein Schweiz


a simple syntax for lexical slot-based objects
build-time support for extensions to Object::Pad
meta-object representation of a Object::Pad class
meta-object representation of a method of a Object::Pad class
meta-object representation of data slot of a Object::Pad class