Changes for version 0.73 - 2022-12-03

    • Accept `field VAR = EXPR;` syntax; evaluated within constructor similarly to block form
    • Generally prefer `field` over `has` in docs, unit tests, etc...
    • Long-deprecated `extends` and `implements` keywords are now immediate compile-time failures
    • Extended the C-level extension API
      • Added `get_compclassmeta()`
      • Added `mop_class_add_method_cv()` and `mop_class_get_name()`
      • Optional integration with XS::Parse::Keyword via the addition of the `OPXKP_*` macros
    • Account for bleadperl's slightly changed warning message of "bareword found ..."


a simple syntax for lexical field-based objects
build-time support for extensions to Object::Pad
meta-object representation of a Object::Pad class
meta-object representation of data field of a Object::Pad class
meta-object representation of a field attribute for Object::Pad
meta-object representation of a method of a Object::Pad class
utility functions for Object::Pad classes