Changes for version 0.08_6

  • Set 'sa_len' member of sockaddr structure if platform needs it

Changes for version 0.08_5

  • Better comparison of sockaddr returns - unpack and test components to avoid errors on platforms that use sin_len, since Socket doesn't
  • Use XSRETURN() in XS functions to ensure stack is correct height
  • Better diagnostic if $err tests fail - convert number to symbolic constant

Changes for version 0.08_4

  • Define constants in XS code wrapped in #ifdef tests, to ensure only ones that the platform defines are attempted.
  • Print whether PP or XS implementation are being used in the t/00use.t file

Changes for version 0.08_3

  • Use ExtUtils::CBuilder to compile the test .c file in the Configure() stage, to make it (hopefully) more portable
  • Some OSes return $err==0 but no results for invalid names - make sure the test script can cope.

Changes for version 0.08_2

  • Declare variables in "PREINIT" XS section, not "INIT"; keeps non-C99 compilers happy
  • Skip tests that require internet connectivity unless the tester declares it possible
  • Declare test counts upfront in testing scripts
  • Renamed XS functions 'getaddrinfo' and 'getnameinfo'; no need to prefix with 'real_'
  • Folded inline into Build.PL, in case it has to make further decisions

Changes for version 0.08_1

  • Complete rewrite to XS+PP emulation system. No longer uses Socket6 on account of API and error reporting issues.
  • Provided two styles of API at import time (:newapi and :Socket6api) to allow caller to choose between RFC2553-like or Socket6 styles


RFC 2553's getaddrinfo and getnameinfo functions.