Changes for version 0.09

  • Move IO::Async-based code out of Tickit into Tickit::Async, reimplement a simple IO framework in Tickit itself.
  • Added Window on_expose event that cascades down the Window tree
  • Implement Widget drawing using Window on_expose events rather than cascading logic down th Widget tree
  • Print proper deprecation warnings from deprecated Window methods penprint, insertch, deletech


Terminal Interface Construction KIT
use Tickit with IO::Async
abstract base class for widgets that contain other widgets
a widget which occupies only one line
store a collection of rendering attributes
root window for drawing operations
abstract base class for widgets that contain a single other widget
terminal formatting abstraction
unit testing for Tickit-based code
utility functions for Tickit
abstract base class for on-screen widgets
contain a single child widget
a widget for entering text
draw a frame around another widget
distribute child widgets in a horizontal row
abstract base class for HBox and VBox
a widget displaying static text
distribute child widgets in a vertical column
implement widgets with a surrounding border
a window for drawing operations


in lib/Tickit/Term/
in lib/Tickit/Test/