Changes for version 0.61_004 - 2017-02-21

    • Fix typemap to work on perls before 5.14 (due to lack of s///r)

Changes for version 0.61_003 - 2017-02-15

    • Fix window refcounting bug - a TickitWindow already has a refcount from its parent

Changes for version 0.61_002 - 2017-02-04

  • The "FOSDEM" Release that actually works
    • Remember to actually flush rootwin as part of the overall Tickit core event loop

Changes for version 0.61_001 - 2017-02-04

  • The "FOSDEM" Release
    • Complete reïmplementation of Tickit::Window using libtickit


Terminal Interface Construction KIT
debug logging support for Tickit
event information structures
store a collection of rendering attributes
a lightweight data structure representing a rectangle
store a set of rectangular regions
efficiently render text and line-drawing
store string position counters
terminal formatting abstraction
unit testing for Tickit-based code
utility functions for Tickit
a window for drawing operations


in lib/Tickit/
in lib/Tickit/
in lib/Tickit/Test/