pl - Swiss Army Knife of Perl One-Liners
There are always those tasks too menial for dedicated script, but still too cumbersome even with the many neat one-liner options of perl -E
. This small script fills the gap with many bells & whistles: Various one-letter commands & magic variables (with meaningful aliases too) and more nifty loop options take Perl programming to the command line. List::Util is fully imported. If you pass no program on the command line, starts a simple Perl Shell.
How to e(cho)
values, including from @A(RGV)
, with single $q(uote)
& double $Q(uote)
. Same for hard-to-print values:
pl 'echo "${quote}Perl$quote", "$Quote@ARGV$Quote"' one liner
pl 'e "${q}Perl$q", "$Q@A$Q"' one liner
pl 'echo \"Perl", \@ARGV, undef' one liner
pl 'e \"Perl", \@A, undef' one liner
Print up to 3 matching lines, resetting count (and $.
) for each file:
pl -rP3 '/Perl.*one.*liner/' file1 file2 file3
Loop over args, printing each with line ending. And same, SHOUTING:
pl -opl '' Perl one liner
pl -opl '$_ = uc' Perl one liner
Count hits in magic statistics hash %n(umber)
pl -n '++$number{$1} while /(Perl|one|liner)/g' file1 file2 file3
pl -n '++$n{$1} while /(Perl|one|liner)/g' file1 file2 file3
Though they are sometimes slightly, sometimes quite a bit more complicated, most Perl one-liners from the internet work, just by omitting -e
or -E
. See minor differences for exceptions.
Don't believe everything you read on SourceForge^H^H^H the internet! -- Aristotle ;-)
Pl follows Perl's philosophy for one-liners: the one variable solely used in one-liners, @F
, is single-lettered. Because not everyone may like that, Pl has it both ways. Everything is aliased both as a word and as a single letter, including Perl's own @F
Perl one-liners, and hence pl, are by nature bilingual. You must run the command with its options & arguments, typically from Shell. By design, Perl quotes mimic Shell quotes, so here they collide. As Perl also uses Shell meta-characters like $
, the best solution is to protect Perl-code from the Shell with single quotes. That means they can't be used inside. (An ugly way around that is '\''
, which ends a string, blackslashes a quote and starts another. For literal quotes use $q(uote)
.) Double quotes or q{}
are the way to go.
-b doesn't do a BEGIN
block. Rather it is in the same scope as your main PERLCODE. So you can use it to initialise my
variables. Whereas, if you define a my variable in the main program of a -n, -p, -P, -o or -O loop, it's a new variable each time. This echoes "a c" because -e gives an END
block, as a closure of the 1st $inner
variable. Perl warns "Variable "$inner" will not stay shared":
pl -Ob 'my $outer' -e 'echo $inner, $outer' 'my $inner = $outer = $ARGV' a b c
pl -Ob 'my $outer' -e 'e $inner, $outer' 'my $inner = $outer = $A' a b c
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research. ;-)
Only some of these are original. Many have been adapted from the various Perl one-liner pages on the internet. This is no attempt to appropriate ownership, just to show how things are even easier and more concise with pl.
All examples, if applicable, use the long names and are repeated for short names.
Dealing with Files
- Heads ...
People say the back of my head looks really nice -- but I don't see it. :-)
If you want just n, e.g. 10, lines from the head of each file, use the optional number argument to -p, along with -r to reset the count. The program can be empty, but must be present, unless you're reading from stdin:
pl -rp10 '' file*
If you want the head up to a regexp, use the flip-flop operator, starting with line number 1. Use the print-if-true -P loop option, again with -r to reset the count:
pl -rP '1../last/' file*
You can combine the two, if you want at most n lines, e.g. 10:
pl -rP10 '1../last/' file*
- ... or Tails?
What has a head, a tail, but no legs? A penny. :-)
If you want a bigger number of last lines, you need to stuff them in a list; not really worth it. But if you want just 1 last line from each file, the end-of-file -z code (no need to quote, as it has no special characters) can
it for you, capitalized so as to not add another newline (yes, Perl is case sensitive):pl -z Echo '' file* pl -z E '' file*
If you want the tail from a line-number (e.g. 99) or a regexp, use the flip-flop operator, starting with your regexp and going till each end-of-file:
pl -P '99..eof' file* pl -P '/first/..eof' file*
You can even get head and tail (which in programming logic translates to
), if last line of head comes before 1st line of tail (or actually any number of such disjoint ranges):pl -rP '1../last/ or /first/..eof' file*
- Remove trailing whitespace in each file
This print-loops (-p) over each file, replacing it (-i) with the modified output. Line ends are stripped on reading and added on printing (-l), because they are also whitespace (
). At each end of line, substitute one or more spaces of any kind (incl. DOS newlines) with nothing:pl -pli 's/\s+$//' file*
- Tabify each file
This print-loops (-p) over each file, replacing it (-i) with the modified output. At beginning of line and after each tab, 8 spaces or less than 8 followed by a tab are converted to a tab:
pl -pi '1 while s/(?:^|\t)\K(?: {1,7}\t| {8})/\t/' file*
If you're a fan or half-width tabs, make that:
pl -pi '1 while s/(?:^|\t)\K(?: {1,3}\t| {4})/\t/' file*
- Print only 1st occurrence of each line
Poets create worlds through a minimal of words. -- Kim Hilliker |/|
This counts repetitions of lines in a hash. Print only when the expression is true (-P), i.e. the count was 0:
pl -P '!$a{$_}++' file*
If you want this per file, you must empty the hash in the end-of-file -z code:
pl -Pz '%a = ()' '!$a{$_}++' file*
- Remove Empty Lines
Technically this does the opposite, printing back to the same files (-Pi) all lines containing non-whitespace
:pl -Pi '/\S/' file*
- Move a line further down in each file
Assume we have lines matching "from" followed by lines matching "to". The former shall move after the latter. This loops over each file, replacing it with the modified output. The flip-flop operator becomes true when matching the 1st regexp. Capture something in there to easily recognize it's the first, keep the line in a variable and empty
. When$1
is again true, it must be the last matching line. Append the keep variable to -pi 'if( /(f)rom/.../(t)o/ ) { if( $1 eq "f" ) { $k = $_; $_ = "" } elsif( $1 ) { $_ .= $k }}' file*
- Delete matching files, except last one
If you have many files, which sort chronologically by name, and you want to keep only the last one, it can be quite painful to formulate Shell patterns. So check on each iteration of the -o loop, if the index
) is less than the last, before unlinking (deleting). If you want to test it first, replaceunlink
:pl -o 'unlink if $ARGIND < $#ARGV' file* pl -o 'unlink if $I < $#A' file*
If your resulting list is too long for the Shell, let Perl do it. Beware that the Shell has a clever ordering of files, while Perl does it purely lexically! In the -b begin code the result is assigned to
, as though it had come from the command line. This list is then popped (shortened), instead of checking each time. Since the program doesn't contain special characters, you don't even need to quote it:pl -ob '@ARGV = <file*>; pop' unlink pl -ob '@A = <file*>; pop' unlink
You can exclude files by any other criterion as well:
pl -ob '@ARGV = grep !/keep-me/, <file*>' unlink pl -ob '@A = grep !/keep-me/, <file*>' unlink
File statistics
42% of statistics are made up! :-)
- Count files per suffix
Find and pl both use the -0 option to allow funny filenames, including newlines. Sum up encountered suffixes in sort-value-numerically-at-end hash
:find -print0 | pl -0ln '++$number{/(\.[^\/.]+)$/ ? $1 : "none"}' find -print0 | pl -0ln '++$n{/(\.[^\/.]+)$/ ? $1 : "none"}'
- Count files per directory per suffix
There are three types of people: those who can count and those who can't. (-:
Match to last
and after a dot following something, i.e. not just a dot-file.""
is the suffix for suffixless files. Stores in sort-by-key-and-stringify-at-end%s(tring)
. So count in a nested hash of directory & suffix:find -type f -print0 | pl -0ln '/^(.+)\/.+?(?:\.([^.]*))?$/; ++$string{$1}{$2}' find -type f -print0 | pl -0ln '/^(.+)\/.+?(?:\.([^.]*))?$/; ++$s{$1}{$2}'
This is the same, but groups by suffix and counts per directory:
find -type f -print0 | pl -0ln '/^(.+)\/.+?(?:\.([^.]*))?$/; ++$string{$2}{$1}' find -type f -print0 | pl -0ln '/^(.+)\/.+?(?:\.([^.]*))?$/; ++$s{$2}{$1}'
This is similar, but stores in sort-by-number-at-end
. Since this matches suffixes optionally, a lone dot indicates no suffix. The downside is that it is neither sorted by directory, nor by suffix:find -type f -print0 | pl -0ln '/^(.+)\/.+?(?:\.([^.]*))?$/; ++$number{"$1 .$2"}' find -type f -print0 | pl -0ln '/^(.+)\/.+?(?:\.([^.]*))?$/; ++$n{"$1 .$2"}'
This avoids the lone dot:
find -type f -print0 | pl -0ln '/^(.+)\/.+?(?:\.([^.]*))?$/; ++$number{length($2) ? "$1 .$2" : "$1 none"}' find -type f -print0 | pl -0ln '/^(.+)\/.+?(?:\.([^.]*))?$/; ++$n{length($2) ? "$1 .$2" : "$1 none"}'
- Sum up file-sizes per suffix
Find separates output with a dot and -F splits on that. The
is to escape one backslash from the Shell. No matter how many dots the filename contains, 1st element is the size and last is the suffix. Sum it in%n(umber)
, which gets sorted numerically at the end:find -name "*.*" -type f -printf "%s.%f\0" | pl -0lF\\. '$number{".$FIELD[-1]"} += $FIELD[0]' find -name "*.*" -type f -printf "%s.%f\0" | pl -0lF\\. '$n{".$F[-1]"} += $F[0]'
This is similar, but also deals with suffixless files:
find -type f -printf "%s.%f\0" | pl -0lF\\. '$number{@FIELD == 2 ? "none" : ".$FIELD[-1]"} += $FIELD[0]' find -type f -printf "%s.%f\0" | pl -0lF\\. '$n{@F == 2 ? "none" : ".$F[-1]"} += $F[0]'
- Count files per date
Incredibly, find has no ready-made ISO date, so specify the 3 parts. If you don't want days, just leave out
. Sum up encountered dates in sort-value-numerically-at-end hash%n(umber)
:find -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\n" | pl -ln '++$number{$_}' find -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\n" | pl -ln '++$n{$_}'
- Count files per date with rollup
Learn sign language! It's very handy. :-)
Rollup means, additionally to the previous case, sum up dates with the same prefix. The trick here is to count both for the actual year, month and day, as well as replacing once only the day, once also the month with "__", and once also the year with "____". This sorts after numbers and gives a sum for all with the same leading numbers. Use the sort-by-key-at-end hash
:find -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\n" | pl -ln '++$string{$_}; ++$string{$_} while s/[0-9]+(?=[-_]*$)/"_" x length $&/e' find -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td\n" | pl -ln '++$s{$_}; ++$s{$_} while s/[0-9]+(?=[-_]*$)/"_" x length $&/e'
Diff several inputs by a unique key
Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else. :-)
The function k(eydiff)
stores the 2nd arg or chomped $_
in %k(eydiff)
keyed by 1st arg or $1
and the arg counter $ARGIND
(or $I
). Its sibling K(eydiff)
does the same using 1st arg or 0 as an index into @F(IELD)
for the 1st part of the key. At the end only the rows differing between files are shown. If you specify --color and have Algorithm::Diff
the exact difference gets color-highlighted.
- Diff several csv, tsv or passwd files by 1st field
This assumes no comma in key field and no newline in any field. Else you need a csv-parser package. -F implies -a, which implies -n (even using older than Perl 5.20, which introduced this idea):
pl -F, Keydiff *.csv pl -F, K *.csv
This is similar, but removes the key from the stored value, so it doesn't get repeated for each file:
pl -n 'keydiff if s/(.+?),//' *.csv pl -n 'k if s/(.+?),//' *.csv
A variant of csv is tsv, with tab as separator. Tab is
, which must be escaped from the Shell as\\t
:pl -F\\t Keydiff *.tsv pl -F\\t K *.tsv pl -n 'keydiff if s/(.+?)\t//' *.tsv pl -n 'k if s/(.+?)\t//' *.tsv
The same, with a colon as separator, if you want to compare passwd files from several hosts:
pl -F: Keydiff /etc/passwd passwd* pl -F: K /etc/passwd passwd* pl -n 'keydiff if s/(.+?)://' /etc/passwd passwd* pl -n 'k if s/(.+?)://' /etc/passwd passwd*
- Diff several zip archives by member name
This uses the same mechanism as the csv example. Addidionally it reads the output of
unzip -vql
for each archive through thep(iped)
block. That has a fixed format, except for tiny members, which can report -200%, screwing the column by one:pl -o 'piped { keydiff if / Defl:/ && s/^.{56,57}\K (.+)// } "unzip", "-vql", $_' *.zip pl -o 'p { k if / Defl:/ && s/^.{56,57}\K (.+)// } "unzip", "-vql", $_' *.zip
If you do a clean build of java, many class files will have the identical crc, but still differ by date. This excludes the date:
pl -o 'piped { keydiff $2 if / Defl:/ && s/^.{31,32}\K.{16} ([\da-f]{8}) (.+)/$1/ } "unzip", "-vql", $_' *.jar pl -o 'p { k $2 if / Defl:/ && s/^.{31,32}\K.{16} ([\da-f]{8}) (.+)/$1/ } "unzip", "-vql", $_' *.jar
- Diff several tarballs by member name
This is like the zip example. But tar gives no checksum, so this is not very reliable. Each time a wider file size was seen, columns shift right. Reformat the columns, so this doesn't show up as a difference:
pl -o 'piped { s/^\S+ \K(.+?) +(\d+) (.{16}) (.+)/sprintf "%-20s %10d %s", $1, $2, $3/e; keydiff $4 } "tar", "-tvf", $_' *.tar *.tgz *.txz pl -o 'p { s/^\S+ \K(.+?) +(\d+) (.{16}) (.+)/sprintf "%-20s %10d %s", $1, $2, $3/e; k $4 } "tar", "-tvf", $_' *.tar *.tgz *.txz
Again without the date:
pl -o 'piped { s/^\S+ \K(.+?) +(\d+) .{16} (.+)/sprintf "%-20s %10d", $1, $2/e; keydiff $3 } "tar", "-tvf", $_' *.tar *.tgz *.txz pl -o 'p { s/^\S+ \K(.+?) +(\d+) .{16} (.+)/sprintf "%-20s %10d", $1, $2/e; k $3 } "tar", "-tvf", $_' *.tar *.tgz *.txz
- Diff ELF executables by loaded dependencies
You get the idea: you can do this for any command that outputs records with a unique key. This one looks at the required libraries and which file they came from. For a change, loop with -O and
to avoid the previous examples' confusion between outer$_
which are the cli args, and the inner one, which are the read lines:pl -O 'piped { keydiff if s/^\t(.+\.so.*) => (.*) \(\w+\)/$2/ } ldd => $ARGV' exe1 exe2 lib*.so pl -O 'p { k if s/^\t(.+\.so.*) => (.*) \(\w+\)/$2/ } ldd => $A' exe1 exe2 lib*.so
It's even more useful if you use just the basename as a key, because version numbers may change:
pl -O 'piped { keydiff $2 if s/^\t((.+)\.so.* => .*) \(\w+\)/$1/ } ldd => $ARGV' exe1 exe2 lib*.so pl -O 'p { k $2 if s/^\t((.+)\.so.* => .*) \(\w+\)/$1/ } ldd => $A' exe1 exe2 lib*.so
Looking at Perl
A pig looking at an electric socket: "Oh no, who put you into that wall?" :)
- VERSION of a File
Print the first line (-P1) where the substitution was successful. To avoid the hassle of protecting them from (sometimes multiple levels of) Shell quoting, there are variables for single
& double$Q(uote)
:pl -P1 's/.+\bVERSION\s*=\s*[v$Quote$quote]([0-9.]+).+/$1/' pl pl -P1 's/.+\bVERSION\s*=\s*[v$Q$q]([0-9.]+).+/$1/' pl
For multple files, add the filename, and reset (-r) the -P count for each file:
pl -rP1 's/.+\bVERSION\s*=\s*[v$Quote$quote]([0-9.]+).+/$ARGV: $1/' *.pm pl -rP1 's/.+\bVERSION\s*=\s*[v$Q$q]([0-9.]+).+/$A: $1/' *.pm
- Only POD or non-POD
You can extract either parts of a Perl file, with these commands. Note that they don't take the empty line before into account. If you want that, and you're sure the files adheres strictly to this convention, use the option -00P instead (not exactly as desired, the empty line comes after things, but still, before next thing). If you want only the 1st POD (e.g. NAME & SYNOPSIS) use the option -P1 or -00P1:
pl -P '/^=\w/../^=cut/' file pl -P 'not /^=\w/../^=cut/' file
- Count Perl Code
This makes
the last inspected line of (unlike inperl -n
!) each file. It strips any comment (not quite reliably, also inside a string). Then it strips leading whitespace and adds the remaining length to print-at-end$r(esult)
:pl -ln 'last if /^__(?:DATA|END)__/; s/(?:^|\s+)#.*//s; s/^\s+//; $result += length' *.pm pl -ln 'last if /^__(?:DATA|END)__/; s/(?:^|\s+)#.*//s; s/^\s+//; $r += length' *.pm
If you want the count per file, instead of
use either sort-lexically$string{$ARGV}
) or sort-numerically$number{$ARGV}
). - Content of a Package
can print any item. Packages are funny hashes, with two colons at the end. Backslashing the variable passes it as a unit toData::Dumper
, which gets loaded on demand in this case. Otherwise all elements would come out just separated by spaces:pl 'echo \%List::Util::' pl 'e \%List::Util::'
- Library Loading
Where does perl load from, and what exactly has it loaded?
pl 'echo \@INC, \%INC' pl 'e \@INC, \%INC'
Same, for a different Perl version, e.g. if you have perl5.20.0 in your path:
pl -V5.20.0 'echo \@INC, \%INC' pl -V5.20.0 'e \@INC, \%INC'
- Configuration
You get
loaded on demand and returned byc(onfig)
:pl 'echo config' pl 'e c'
It returns a hash reference, from which you can lookup an entry:
pl 'echo config->{sitelib}' pl 'e c->{sitelib}'
You can also return a sub-hash, of only the keys matching any regexps you pass:
pl 'echo config "random", qr/stream/' pl 'e c "random", qr/stream/'
- ISO paper sizes
ISO replaced 8 standards by one. Now we have 9 standards. :-(
Can't put the A into the format, because 10 is wider. Uses Perl's lovely list assignment to swap and alternately halve the numbers. Because halving happens before echoing, start with double size:
pl '($w, $h) = (1189, 1682); echof "%3s %4dmm x %4dmm", "A$_", ($w, $h) = ($h / 2, $w) for 0..10' pl '($w, $h) = (1189, 1682); f "%3s %4dmm x %4dmm", "A$_", ($w, $h) = ($h / 2, $w) for 0..10'
The table could easily be widened to cover B- & C-formats, by extending each list of 2, to a corresponding list of 6, e.g.
($Aw, $Ah, $Bw, ...)
. But a more algorithmic approach seems better. This fills@A(RGV)
in -b, as though it had been given on the command line and prepares a nested list of the 3 initials specs. The format is tripled (with cheat spaces at the beginning). The main PERLCODE loops over@A(RGV)
, thanks to -O, doing the same as above, but on anonymous elements of@d
:pl -Ob '@ARGV = 0..10; @d = (["A", 1189, 1682], ["B", 1414, 2000], ["C", 1297, 1834])' \ 'echof " %3s %4dmm x %4dmm"x3, map +("$$_[0]$A", ($$_[1], $$_[2]) = ($$_[2] / 2, $$_[1])), @d' pl -Ob '@A = 0..10; @d = (["A", 1189, 1682], ["B", 1414, 2000], ["C", 1297, 1834])' \ 'f " %3s %4dmm x %4dmm"x3, map +("$$_[0]$A", ($$_[1], $$_[2]) = ($$_[2] / 2, $$_[1])), @d'
- ANSI foreground;background color table
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried! ;-)
What a table, hardly a one-liner... You get numbers to fill into
to get a color and close it with"\e[m"
. There are twice twice 8 different colors for dim & bright and for foreground & background. Hence the multiplication of escape codes and of values to fill them.This fills
in -b, as though it had been given on the command line. It maps it to the 16fold number format to print the header. Then the main PERLCODE loops over it with$A(RGV)
, thanks to -O, to print the body. All numbers are duplicated with(N)x2
, once to go into the escape sequence, once to be displayed:pl -Ob '@ARGV = map +($_, $_+8), 1..8; f "co: fg;bg"."%5d"x16, @ARGV' \ 'echof "%2d: \e[%dm%d; ".("\e[%dm%4d "x16)."\e[m", $A, ($A + ($A > 8 ? 81 : 29))x2, map +(($_)x2, ($_+60)x2), 40..47' pl -Ob '@A = map +($_, $_+8), 1..8; f "co: fg;bg"."%5d"x16, @A' \ 'f "%2d: \e[%dm%d; ".("\e[%dm%4d "x16)."\e[m", $A, ($A + ($A > 8 ? 81 : 29))x2, map +(($_)x2, ($_+60)x2), 40..47'
This does exactly the same, but explicitly loops over lists
@co & @bg
:pl '@co = map +($_, $_+8), 1..8; @bg = map +(($_)x2, ($_+60)x2), 40..47; echof "co: fg;bg"."%5d"x16, @co; echof "%2d: \e[%dm%d; ".("\e[%dm%4d "x16)."\e[m", $_, ($_ + ($_ > 8 ? 81 : 29))x2, @bg for @co' pl '@co = map +($_, $_+8), 1..8; @bg = map +(($_)x2, ($_+60)x2), 40..47; f "co: fg;bg"."%5d"x16, @co; f "%2d: \e[%dm%d; ".("\e[%dm%4d "x16)."\e[m", $_, ($_ + ($_ > 8 ? 81 : 29))x2, @bg for @co'
- Triangular Number and Factorial
The triangular number is defined as the sum of all numbers from 1 to n, e.g. 1 to 5:
pl 'echo sum 1..5' pl 'e sum 1..5'
Factorial is the equivalent for products. This requires List::Util as of Perl 5.20 or newer:
pl 'echo product 1..5' pl 'e product 1..5'
- Big Math
2 + 2 = 5 for extremely large values of 2. :-)
With the
modules you can do arbitrary precision math:pl -Mbignum 'echo 123456789012345678901234567890 * 123456789012345678901234567890' pl -Mbignum 'e 123456789012345678901234567890 * 123456789012345678901234567890' pl -Mbignum 'echo 1.23456789012345678901234567890 * 1.23456789012345678901234567890' pl -Mbignum 'e 1.23456789012345678901234567890 * 1.23456789012345678901234567890' pl -Mbigrat 'echo 1/23456789012345678901234567890 * 1/23456789012345678901234567890' pl -Mbigrat 'e 1/23456789012345678901234567890 * 1/23456789012345678901234567890'
- Separate big numbers with commas, ...
Loop and print with line-end (-opl) over remaining args in
. If reading from stdin or files, instead of arguments, use only -pl. After a decimal dot, insert a comma before each 4th comma-less digit. Then do the same backwards from end or decimal dot:pl -opl '1 while s/[,.]\d{3}\K(?=\d)/,/; 1 while s/\d\K(?=\d{3}(?:$|[.,]))/,/' \ 12345678 123456789 1234567890 1234.5678 3.141 3.14159265358
The same for languages with a decimal comma, using either a dot or a space as spacer:
pl -opl '1 while s/[,.]\d{3}\K(?=\d)/./; 1 while s/\d\K(?=\d{3}(?:$|[.,]))/./' \ 12345678 12345678 1234567890 1234,5678 3,141 3,141592653589 pl -opl '1 while s/[, ]\d{3}\K(?=\d)/ /; 1 while s/\d\K(?=\d{3}(?:$|[ ,]))/ /' \ 12345678 12345678 1234567890 1234,5678 3,141 3,141592653589
The same for Perl style output with underscores:
pl -opl '1 while s/[._]\d{3}\K(?=\d)/_/; 1 while s/\d\K(?=\d{3}(?:$|[._]))/_/' \ 12345678 123456789 1234567890 1234.5678 3.141 3.14159265358
- Generate a random UUID
Lottery: a tax on people who are bad at math. :-)
This gives a hex number with the characteristic pattern of dashes. The hex format takes only the integral parts of the random numbers:
pl '$x = "%04x"; echof "$x$x-$x-$x-$x-$x$x$x", map rand 0x10000, 0..7' pl '$x = "%04x"; f "$x$x-$x-$x-$x-$x$x$x", map rand 0x10000, 0..7'
To be RFC 4122 conformant, the 4 version & 2 variant bits need to have standard values. Note that Shell strings can span more than one line:
pl '@u = map rand 0x10000, 0..7; ($u[3] /= 16) |= 0x4000; ($u[4] /= 4) |= 0x8000; $x = "%04x"; echof "$x$x-$x-$x-$x-$x$x$x", @u' pl '@u = map rand 0x10000, 0..7; ($u[3] /= 16) |= 0x4000; ($u[4] /= 4) |= 0x8000; $x = "%04x"; f "$x$x-$x-$x-$x-$x$x$x", @u'
- Generate a random password
Why should you trust atoms? They make up everything. :-)
, which doesn't put spaces between its arguments. Generate twelve random characters between 33 & 127, i.e. printable Ascii characters:pl 'say map chr(33 + rand 94), 1..12'
- DNS lookup
What do you call a sheep with no legs? A cloud. *,=,
function deals with the nerdy details and outputs as a hosts file. The file is sorted by address type (localhost, link local, private, public), version (IPv4, IPv6) and address. You tack on any number of IP-addresses or hostnames, either as Perl arguments or on the command-line via@A(RGV)
:pl 'hosts qw(' pl 'h qw(' pl 'hosts @ARGV' pl 'h @A'
If you don't want it to be sorted, call
for individual addresses:pl 'hosts for qw(' pl 'h for qw(' pl -o hosts pl -o h
If your input comes from a file, collect it in a list and perform at end (-e):
pl -lne 'hosts @list' 'push @list, $_' file pl -lne 'h @list' 'push @list, $_' file
- Quine
I feel more like I do now than I did a while ago. (-:
A quine is a program that prints itself. This uses inside knowledge of how your program compiles to a function. The internal pretty-printer decompiles it. Surrounding boilerplate is replaced by
pl ''
. Both the long and short form are quines. This requires at least Perl 5.14, which introduced and automatically adds/u
:pl 'echo grep({tr/\n / /s; s/.*: \{ /pl $quote/u; s/; \}.*/$quote/u;} pl::pretty(\&pl::prog))' pl 'e grep({tr/\n / /s; s/.*: \{ /pl $q/u; s/; \}.*/$q/u;} pl::pretty(\&pl::prog))'
Even if it is rarer nowadays, Perl 5.10 is still found out in the wild. Pl tries to accomodate it gracefully, falling back to what works. Dumped data-structures will be formatted with a funny margin and h(osts)
will find the less IPv6 resolutions, the older your Perl.
Minor Differences with perl -e
Known minor differences are:
goto LINE
, butnext LINE
is finein a -n loop
goes straight to the next file instead of behaving likeexit
, etc. to implicitly modify@A(RGV)
works in -b begin code, but not in your main program (which gets compiled to a function)shenanigans with unbalanced braces won't work
Windows Notes
Work Is Never Done On Windows Systems ;-)
Do yourself a favour and get a real Shell, e.g. from WSL, Cygwin, MSYS or MinGW! If you can't avoid or cmd.exe, you will have to first convert all inner quotes to qq
. Then convert the outer single quotes to double quotes:
pl "echo qq{${quote}Perl$quote}, qq{$Quote@ARGV$Quote}" one liner
pl "e qq{${q}Perl$q}, qq{$Q@A$Q}" one liner
Any help for getting this to work in PowerShell is welcome!
While the old Windows 10 terminal understands Ansi escape sequences, it makes it horribly hard to activate them. So they are off by default, requiring --color to override that choice.
Pl is maintained on SourceForge and also available on meta::cpan.