Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

=head1 NAME
SQL::Steno - Short hand for SQL and compact output
Type some short-hand, see the corresponding SQL and its output:
steno> TABLE1;somecolumn > 2 -- ; after tables means where
select * from TABLE1 where somecolumn > 2;
prepare: 0.000s execute: 0.073s rows: 14
id|column1 |column2
| | |column3
| | | |somecolumn
27|foo | |a|7|
49|bar |abcd|a|3|
81|baz\nbazinga\nbazurka |jk |b|9|
1984|bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla|xyz |c|5|
steno> /abc|foo/#TBL1;.socol > 2 -- /regexp/ grep, #tableabbrev, .columnabbrev
select * from TABLE1 where somecolumn > 2;
prepare: 0.000s execute: 0.039s rows: 14
| |column2
| | |[column3=a]
| | |somecolumn
27|foo| |7|
steno> .c1,.c2,.some;#TE1#:ob2d3 -- ; before tables means from, 2nd # alias, :macro
select column1,column2,somecolumn from TABLE1 TE1 order by 2 desc, 3;
steno> n(), yr(), cw(,1,2,3) -- functionabbrev before (, can have initial default arg
select count(*), year(now()), concat_ws(',',1,2,3);
steno> .col1,.clm2,.sn;#TBL1:jTBL2 u(id);mydate :b :m+3d and :d-w -- :jTABLEABBREV and :+/- family
select column1,column2,somecolumn from TABLE1 join TABLE2 using(id) where mydate
between date_format(now(),"%Y-%m-01")+interval 3 day and curdate()-interval 1 week;
You're the command-line type, but are tired of typing C<select * from TABLE
where CONDITION>, always forgetting the final C<;>? Output always seems far
too wide and at least mysql cli messes up the format when it includes
This module consists of the function C<convert> which implements a
configurable ultra-compact language that maps to SQL. Then there is C<run>
which performs normal SQL queries but has various tricks for narrowing the
output. It can also grep on whole rows, rather than having to list all fields
that you expect to match. They get combined by the function C<shell> which
converts and runs in an endless loop.
This is work in progress, only recently isolated from a monolithic script.
Language elements and API may change as the need arises, e.g. C<:macro> used
to be C<@macro>, till the day I wanted to use an SQL-variable and noticed the
collision. In this early stage, you are more than welcome to propose
ammendments, especially if they make the language more powerful and/or more
consistent. Defaults are for MariaDB/MySQL, though the mechanism also works
with other DBs.
use v5.12;
package SQL::Steno v0.2.3;
use strict;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
binmode STDIN, ':utf8';
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
our $dbh;
our $perl_re = qr/(\{(?:(?>[^{}]+)|(?-1))*\})/;
our( %Table_Columns, $table_re );
sub init {
die "\$dbh is undef\n" unless $dbh;
local @{$dbh}{qw(PrintWarn PrintError RaiseError)} = (0, 0, 0); # \todo is this right? views can barf because more restrictive.
for my $table ( @{$dbh->table_info->fetchall_arrayref} ) {
$Table_Columns{uc $table->[2]} = [];
splice @$table, 3, -1, '%';
my $info = $dbh->column_info( @$table ) or next;
for my $column ( @{$info->fetchall_arrayref} ) {
push @{$Table_Columns{$table->[2]}}, uc $column->[3];
undef $table_re; # (re)create below
our $init_from_query = <<\SQL;
select ucase(TABLE_NAME), ucase(COLUMN_NAME)
from information_schema.COLUMNS
where TABLE_SCHEMA = schema()
sub init_from_query {
die "\$dbh is undef\n" unless $dbh;
local @{$dbh}{qw(PrintWarn PrintError RaiseError)} = (0, 0, 0); # \todo is this right?
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $init_from_query );
$sth->bind_columns( \my( $table, $column ));
push @{$Table_Columns{$table}}, $column while $sth->fetch;
undef $table_re; # (re)create below
my %render =
(csv => \&render_csv,
table => \&render_table,
yaml => \&render_yaml,
yml => \&render_yaml);
my( $render, %opt );
sub set_render($@) {
($render, %opt) = ();
for( @_ ) {
if( defined $render ) { # all further args are opts
tr/ \t//d;
undef $opt{$_}; # make it exist
} else {
$render = substr $_, 1;
$render = $render{$render};
''; # For use as a query
our( %Queries_help, %Queries );
for my $fmt ( keys %render ) {
$Queries_help{".$fmt"} = " output '&.$fmt() this' or next query as \U$fmt";
$Queries{".$fmt"} = \&set_render;
sub Queries(@) {
for( @_ ) {
$Queries_help{$_->[0]} = $_->[1];
$Queries{$_->[0]} = $_->[2];
['-' => " output next query as YAML",
[ps => ' show processlist (without Sleep)',
'{($_[7] // "") ne "Sleep"}=show processlist'],
[psf => ' show full processlist (without Sleep)',
'{($_[7] // "") ne "Sleep"}=show full processlist'],
[s => 'var,value set @var = value',
'set @$1=$2'],
[ss => 'var,value set @var = "value"',
'set @$1=$"*"'],
[sd => 'var,value set @var = cast("value" as date)',
'set @$1=cast($"*" as date)'],
[sdt => 'var,value set @var = cast("value" as datetime)',
'set @$1=cast($"*" as datetime)'],
[st => 'var,value set @var = cast("value" as time)',
'set @$1=cast($"*" as time)'],
[sy => ' set @a, @z yesterday is between @a and @z (see :baz)',
#'set @a=date(now())-interval 1 day, @z=date(now())-interval 1 second',
'select @a:=date(now()-interval 1 day)`@a`, @z:=date(now())-interval 1 second`@z`'];
our $weekstart = 1;
my $timespec_re = qr/[yqmwdhMs]?/;
our %Join_clause;
our %Macros =
b => ' between',
baz => ' between @a and @z',
d => ' distinct',
h => ' having',
j => ' join',
l => ' like',
lj => ' left join',
n => ' is null',
nb => ' not between',
nc => ' sql_no_cache',
nl => ' not like',
nn => ' is not null',
nr => ' not rlike',
od => ' on duplicate key update',
odku => ' on duplicate key update',
r => ' rlike',
u => ' union select',
ua => ' union all select',
wr => ' with rollup',
'' => sub {
my $join = 'for all #TBL matching TABLE';
my $int = 'see :+ :- :y-m :q+0 :d+2h';
my $gob = 'for 0 or more digits, optionally followed by a or d';
return ([jTBL => $join], ['jTBL#' => $join], [ljTBL => $join], [1 => 'for all numbers'],
[gb147 => $gob], [ob2d5a9 => $gob],
['+' => <<INT], ['-' => $int], ['d+2h' => $int], ['y-m' => $int], ['q+0' => $int])
:B+/-NO this B(ase) +/- N(umber, 0 for none, default 1 if O given) O(ffset)
optional B, O is y(ear), q(uarter), m(onth), w(eek), d(ay), h(our), M(inute), s(econd)
unless @_; # help
for( $_[0] ) {
return " limit $_" if /^\d+$/;
if( s/^([og])b(?=(?:\d[ad]?)*$)/ $1 eq 'g' ? ' group by ' : ' order by ' /e ) {
s/(?<! )(?=\d)/, /g;
s/a/ asc/g; s/(?<!r)d/ desc/g;
return $_;
if( s/^(l?)j/#/ ) { # (l)jtbl: j or lj with any #tbl
my $left = $1 ? ' left' : '';
return "$left join $_" . ($Join_clause{$1} || $Join_clause{''} || '');
return $_ if
s(^($timespec_re)([+-])(\d*)($timespec_re)$) {
({ y => ' date_format(now(),"%Y-01-01")',
q => ' date_format(now()-interval mod(month(now())+11,3) month,"%Y-%m-01")',
m => ' date_format(now(),"%Y-%m-01")',
w => ' curdate()-interval weekday(now())' . ($weekstart ? ' day' : '+1 day'),
d => ' curdate()',
h => ' date_format(now(),"%F %H:00")',
M => ' date_format(now(),"%F %H:%M")',
s => ' now()' }->{$1} || '') .
($3 ne '0' &&
"$2interval" .
($3 ? " $3" : $4 ? ' 1' : '') .
({ y => ' year',
q => ' quarter',
m => ' month',
w => ' week',
d => ' day',
h => ' hour',
M => ' minute',
s => ' second' }->{$4} || ''))
# \todo default arg n() -> n(*) time*(now())
our %Functions =
c => 'concat',
cw => 'concat_ws',
coa => 'coalesce',
gc => 'group_concat',
i => 'in', # not really fn, but ( follows
in => 'ifnull',
l => 'char_length',
lc => 'lcase',
m => 'min',
M => 'max',
n => 'count',
ni => 'not in', # -"-
s => 'substring',
u => 'using', # -"-
uc => 'ucase'
# functions where the 1st argument can be now()
my @nowFunctions = qw(
adddate addtime convert_tz date date_add date_format date_sub datediff day
dayname dayofmonth dayofweek dayofyear hour last_day minute month
monthname quarter second subdate subtime time time_format time_to_sec
timediff timestamp to_days to_seconds week weekday weekofyear year
our @Functions = sort @nowFunctions, qw(
abs acos aes_decrypt aes_encrypt ascii asin atan avg benchmark bin bit_and
bit_count bit_length bit_or bit_xor cast ceiling char_length char
character_length charset coalesce coercibility collation compress
concat_ws concat connection_id conv cos cot count crc32 curdate
current_date current_time current_timestamp current_user curtime database
decode default degrees des_decrypt des_encrypt elt encode encrypt exp
export_set field find_in_set floor format found_rows from_days
from_unixtime get_format get_lock greatest group_concat hex if ifnull
inet_aton inet_ntoa insert instr interval is_free_lock is_used_lock isnull
last_insert_id lcase least left length ln load_file localtime
localtimestamp locate log10 log2 log lower lpad ltrim make_set makedate
maketime master_pos_wait max md5 microsecond mid min mod name_const now
nullif oct octet_length old_password ord password period_add period_diff
pi position power quote radians rand release_lock repeat replace reverse
right round row_count rpad rtrim schema sec_to_time session_user sha1 sign
sin sleep soundex space sqrt stddev stddev_pop stddev_samp str_to_date
strcmp substring_index substring sum sysdate system_user tan timestampadd
timestampdiff trim truncate ucase uncompress uncompressed_length unhex
unix_timestamp upper user utc_date utc_time utc_timestamp uuid values
var_pop var_samp variance
our %DefaultArguments = (
count => '*',
concat_ws => "','"
$DefaultArguments{$_} = 'now()' for @nowFunctions;
our %Tables;
our %Columns;
sub regexp($$) {
my( $str, $type ) = @_;
if( $type < 2 ) {
return if $str !~ /_/; # Otherwise same as find sprintf cases
return ($type ? '' : '^') . join '.*?_', split /_/, $str; # 0 & 1
my $expr = join '.*?', split //, $str; # 2, 3 & 4
if( $type < 4 ) {
substr $expr, 0, 0, '^'; # 2 & 3
$expr .= '$' if $type == 2; # 2
my $error;
my @simple = qw(^%s$ ^%s_ ^%s _%s$ _%s %s$ %s_ %s);
sub find($$$\%;\@) {
my( $str, $prefix, $suffix, $hash, $list ) = @_;
my $ret = $hash->{$str};
return $ret if $ret;
$ret = $hash->{''};
$ret = &$ret( $str ) if $ret;
return $ret if $ret;
if( $list ) {
for my $type ( 0..@simple+4 ) { # Try to find a more and more fuzzy match.
my $expr = $type < @simple ?
sprintf $simple[$type], $str :
regexp $str, $type - @simple;
next unless defined $expr;
my @res = grep /$expr/i, @$list;
if( @res ) {
return $res[0] if @res == 1;
warn "$prefix$str$suffix matches @res\n";
$error = 1;
return '';
# no special syntax for fields or functions, so don't fail on real one
return $str if ord $prefix == ord '.' or ord $suffix == ord '(';
warn "$prefix$str$suffix doesn't match\n";
$error = 1;
sub convert_Queries($$) {
my $res = find $_[0], '&', '', %Queries;
local $_ = $_[1];
my @arg = split ',';
return &$res( $_[0], @arg ) // '' if ref $res;
my @rest;
for my $i ( 1..@arg ) {
$res =~ s/\$$i/$arg[$i - 1]/g or $res =~ s/\$"$i"/"$arg[$i - 1]"/g or push @rest, $arg[$i - 1];
$res =~ s!\$\?(.*?)\?(.*?)\?!@rest ? $1 : $2!e;
$res =~ s!\$"\*"!'"' . join( '","', @rest ) . '"'!ge or
$res =~ s!\$\*!join( ',', @rest )!ge;
my @keys_Table_Columns;
sub convert_table_column {
# \todo .col. or .col.alias like #tbl#
@keys_Table_Columns = keys %Table_Columns unless @keys_Table_Columns;
s&(?<!\\)#(\w+)(?:#(\w*))?&find( $1, '#', '', %Tables, @keys_Table_Columns ) . ($2 ? " $2" : defined $2 ? " $1" : '')&eg unless $error;
unless( $table_re ) {
$table_re = join '|', keys %Table_Columns;
$table_re = $table_re ? qr/\b(?:$table_re)\b/ : qr/\s\b\s/;
unless( $error ) {
my %column;
for( grep /$table_re/io, split /\W+/ ) {
undef $column{$_} for @{$Table_Columns{$_}};
my @column = keys %column;
s/(^|[-+\s(,;&|])?(?<!\\)\.([a-z]\w*)(?:\.(\w*))?/(defined $1 ? $1 : '.') . (find $2, '.', '', %Columns, @column) . ($3 ? " $3" : defined $3 ? " $2" : '')/egi;
=head2 convert
This function takes a short-hand query in C<$_> and transforms it to SQL. See
L</shell> for more run time oriented features.
First it looks for C<:macro>. These are mostly simple text-replacements
stored in C<%Macros>. There are also some dynamic macros. Those starting
with C<:j> (join) or C<:lj> (left join) may continue into a table spec without
the leading C<#>. E.g. C<:ljtbl#t> might expand to C<left join table t>.
Those starting with C<:gb> (group by) or C<:ob> (order by) may be followed by
result columns numbers from 1-9, each optionally followed by a or d for asc or
desc. Macros can also be C<:{Perl code}>, which gets replaced by what it
Then there are the time macros, where an optional leading letter indicates a
base time, and an optional trailing letter with an optional count means the
offset. The letters are:
=item y
(this) year. E.g. C<:y+2m> is march this year.
=item q
(this) quarter. E.g. C<:q+0> is this quarter, C<:q+q> is next quarter.
=item m
(this) month. E.g. C<:-3m> is whatever precedes, minus 3 months.
=item w
(this) week (starting on C<$weekstart>). E.g. C<:w+3d> is this week thursday (or wednesday).
=item d
(this) day. E.g. C<:d-w> is midnight one week ago.
=item h
(this) hour. E.g. C<:h+30M> is half past current hour.
=item M
(this) minute. E.g. C<:+10M> is whatever precedes, plus 10min.
=item s
(this) second. E.g. C<:s-2h> is exactly 2h ago.
Then it looks for C<#tbl>, C<#tbl#> or C<#tbl#alias>. Here tbl is a key of
C<%Tables> or any abbreviation of known tables in C<@Tables>. If followed by
C<#>, the abbreviation is used as an alias, unless an alias directly follows,
in which case that is used.
Then it looks for C<.col>, C<.col.> C<.col.alias>. Here col is a key of
C<%Columns> or any abbreviation of columns of any table recognized in the
query. If followed by C<.>, the abbreviation is used as an alias, unless an
alias directly follows, in which case that is used. It tries to be clever
about whether the 1st C<.> needs to be preserved, i.e. following a table name.
Finally it looks for C<func(>. Here func is a key of C<%Functions> or any
abbreviation of known functions in C<@Functions>, which includes words
typically followed by an opening parenthesis, such as C<u(> for C<using(>.
C<i(> is C<in(>, so that C<in(> is free for matching C<ifnull(>, but more
importantly, because it has a smart brother: C<I(> is also C<in(>, where
quoting is applied as necessary, and unless you give an initial comma C<I(,>,
the elements are separated on space. E.g. C<I(a 3 a's q"q)> and
C<I(,a,3,a's,q"q)> both give C<in("a",3,"a's",'q"q')>. If the 1st argument of
a function is empty and the abbrev or function is found in
C<%DefaultArguments> the value becomes the 1st argument.
Finally it picks on the structure of the statement: These keywords can be
abbreviated: C<se(lect)>, C<ins(ert)>, C<upd(ate)> or C<del(ete)>. If none of
these or C<set> is present, C<select> is assumed as default (more keywords
need to be recognized in the future).
For C<select>, semicolons are alternately replaced by C<from> (the 1st being
optional if it starts with a table name) and C<where>. If no result columns
are given, they default to C<*>, see L</SYNOPSIS>. For C<update>, semicolons
are frst replaced by C<set> and then C<where>.
sub convert {
# Handle I(str1 str2 str3)
s<\bI\((, ?)?(.+?)\)> { 'i('.join(',', map { /"/ ? "'$_'" : /^\d+$/ ? $_ : qq+"$_"+ } split $1||' +', $2, -1).')' }ge;
my @strings; # extract strings to prevent following replacements inside.
while( /\G.*?(['"])/gc ) {
my $quote = $1;
my $pos = pos;
while( /\G.*?([\\$quote])/gc ) {
if( $1 eq '\\' ) {
++pos; # skip next
} elsif( ! /\G$quote/gc ) { # skip double quote
push @strings, substr $_, $pos - 1, 1 - $pos + pos, # get string
"\cA".@strings."\cB"; # and replace with counter
until( $error ) {
s&:$perl_re&my $ret = eval $1; warn $@ if $@; $ret // ' NULL '&ego or
# \todo (?(?<=\w)\b)
s&:($timespec_re[+-]\d*$timespec_re(?(?<=\w)\b)|l?j\w+(?:#(\w*))|\w+)&find $1, ':', '', %Macros&ego or
s&^(?=#)&;&; # Assume empty fieldlist before table name
s&^(?=$table_re)&;&; # Assume empty fieldlist before table name
s&\b(\w+)\((?=\s*([,)])?)&my $fn = find $1, '', '(', %Functions, @Functions; ($fn || $1).'('.($2 and $DefaultArguments{$1} || $DefaultArguments{$fn} or '')&eg unless $error;
#s&\b(\w+)(?=\()&find $1, '', '(', %Functions, @Functions or $1&eg unless $error;
return if $error;
if( s/^upd(?:a(?:t(?:e)?)?)?\b/update/i ) {
s/(?<!\\);(?:\s*set\s*)?/ set / && s/(?<!\\);(?:\s*where\s*)?/ where /;
} else {
s/(?<!\\);(?:\s*where\s*)?/ where / while s/(?<!\\);(?:\s*from\s*)?/ from /;
s/^ins(?:e(?:r(?:t)?)?)?\b/insert/i ||
s/^del(?:e(?:t(?:e)?)?)?\b/delete/i ||
s/^(?!se(?:lec)?t)/select /i;
s/ $//mg;
s/ {2,}/ /g;
s/\cA(\d+)\cB/$strings[$1]/g; # put back the strings
# escape map for special replacement characters
my %esc = map { $_ eq 'v' ? "\013" : eval( qq!"\\$_"! ), "\\$_" } qw'0 a b e f n r t v \ "';
# With an argument of total number of rows, init output counting and return undef if it is to be skipped (not stdout).
# Without an argument, do the counting and return undef if no more rows wanted.
my( $total, $cnt, $i );
sub count(;$) {
if( @_ ) {
$total = $_[0];
$cnt = 0;
$i = 100;
return select eq 'main::STDOUT' ? 1 : undef;
if( --$i <= 0 && $cnt < $total ) {
printf STDERR "How many more, * for all, or q to quit? (%d of %d) [default: 100] ",
$cnt, $total;
$i = <>;
if( defined $i ) {
$i =~ tr/qQxX \t\n\r/0000/d;
$i = (0 == length $i) ? 100 :
$i eq '*' ? ~0 :
$i == 0 ? return :
} else {
print "\n";
sub render_csv($;$$) {
my( $sth, $filter ) = @_;
my( $semi, $tab ) =
(exists $_[2]{semi},
exists $_[2]{tab})
if $_[2];
my $name = $sth->{NAME};
my @row = @$name;
while() {
for( @row ) {
if( defined ) {
$_ = qq!"$_"! if
/\A\Z/ or
s/"/""/g or
$semi ? tr/;\n// : $tab ? tr/\t\n// : tr/,\n// or
} else {
$_ = '';
utf8::decode $_;
print join( $semi ? ';' : $tab ? "\t" : ',', @row ) . "\n";
@row = $sth->fetchrow_array
or last;
$filter->( $name, @row ) or goto FETCH if $filter;
sub render_table($;$$) {
my( $sth, $filter ) = @_;
my( $null, $crlf, $date ) =
exists $_[2]{all} ?
('NULL', 1, 1) :
(exists $_[2]{NULL} ? 'NULL' : exists $_[2]{null} ? 'null' : 0,
exists $_[2]{crlf},
exists $_[2]{date})
if $_[2];
$null ||= '\@';
my @name = @{$sth->{NAME}};
my @len = (0) x @name;
my( @txt, @res, @comp );
while( my @res1 = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
next if $filter && !$filter->( \@name, @res1 );
for my $i ( 0..$#res1 ) {
if( !defined $res1[$i] ) {
$res1[$i] = $null;
} elsif( $res1[$i] !~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/ ) {
$txt[$i] = 1;
$res1[$i] =~ s/\r\n/\\R/g unless $crlf;
$res1[$i] =~ s/([\t\n\r])/$esc{$1}/g;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
$res1[$i] =~ s/^(?:(0000-)00-00|(1970-)01-01)(?:( 00:)00:00)?$/$1$2$3/ or
$res1[$i] =~ s/^(\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d )?(?:00:00:00|23:59:5(9))$/$1 . ($2 ? '24:' : '00:')/e or
$res1[$i] =~ s/^((\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d )?\d\d:\d\d):00$/$1/
unless $date;
utf8::decode $res1[$i];
$txt[$i] = 0 if @txt < $i;
my $len = length $res1[$i];
$len[$i] = $len if $len[$i] < $len;
if( @comp ) {
for my $i ( 0..$#comp ) {
undef $comp[$i] if defined $comp[$i] && $comp[$i] ne $res1[$i];
} else {
@comp = @res1;
push @res, \@res1;
if( @res ) {
@comp = () if @res == 1;
my $fmt = '';
for( my $i = 0; $i < @name; ++$i ) {
$name[$i] =~ s/\r\n/\\R/g;
$name[$i] =~ s/([\t\n\r])/$esc{$1}/g;
if( defined $comp[$i] ) {
my $more;
while( defined $comp[$i] ) {
printf $fmt, @name[0..$i-1] unless $more;
$more = 1;
printf "[%s=%s]", $name[$i], $comp[$i];
@name[0..$i] = ('') x ($i+1);
for my $row ( \@comp, \@name, \@len, \@txt, @res ) {
splice @$row, $i, 1;
print "\n";
--$i, next;
if( $len[$i] < length $name[$i] ) {
printf "$fmt%s\n", @name[0..$i];
@name[0..$i] = ('') x ($i+1);
$fmt .= '%' . ($txt[$i] ? -$len[$i] : $len[$i]) . 's|';
$fmt .= "\n";
printf $fmt, @name if $name[-1];
printf $fmt, map '-'x$_, @len;
my $count = count @res; # init
for my $row ( @res ) {
printf $fmt, @$row;
defined count or last if defined $count;
my $yaml_re = join '', sort keys %esc;
$yaml_re =~ s!\\!\\\\!;
my $tabsize = $ENV{TABSIZE} || 8;
sub render_yaml($;$$) {
my( $sth, $filter ) = @_;
my @label; # Fill on 0th round with same transformation as data (but \n inline)
my $count = count $DBI::rows || 1; # init \todo don't know how many unfiltered
my @row = @{$sth->{NAME}};
while() {
local $_;
my $i = 0;
for( @row ) {
if( !defined ) {
$_ = '~';
} elsif( /^(?:y(?:es)?|no?|true|false|o(?:n|ff)|-?\.inf|\.nan)$/s ) { # can only be string in Perl or DB
$_ = "'$_'";
} elsif( tr/][{},?:`'"|<>&*!%#@=~\0-\010\013-\037\177-\237-// or @label ? 0 : tr/\n// ) {
s/([\0-\010\013-\037\177-\237])/sprintf "\\x%02x", ord $1/ge;
$_ = qq!"$_"!;
} elsif( tr/\n// ) {
my $nl = chomp;
s/^/ /mg;
substr $_, 0, 0, $nl ? "|2\n" : "|2-\n";
printf "$label[$i++]$_\n" if @label;
if( @label ) {
defined count or last if defined $count;
} else {
my $maxlen = 0;
for( @row ) {
substr $_, 0, 0, $maxlen ? ' ' : '- '; # 1st field if no maxlen yet
my $length = 0;
$length += $1 ? $tabsize - $length % $tabsize : length $2
while /\G(?:(\t)|([^\t]+))/gc;
$_ .= ": $length";
$maxlen = $length if $maxlen < $length;
s/(\d+)\Z/' ' x ($maxlen - $1)/e
for @label = @row;
@row = $sth->fetchrow_array
or last;
$filter->( $sth->{NAME}, @row ) or goto FETCH if $filter;
my $lasttime = time;
sub run($;$\%) {
my( $sql, $filter, $opt ) = @_;
my $t0 = [gettimeofday];
if( $DBI::err || $t0->[0] - $lasttime > 3600 and !$dbh->ping ) {
printf STDOUT "Inactive for %ds, ping failed after %.03fs, your session variables are lost.\n",
$t0->[0] - $lasttime, tv_interval $t0;
$dbh = $dbh->clone; # reconnect
$t0 = [gettimeofday];
$lasttime = $t0->[0];
if( my $sth = UNIVERSAL::isa( $sql, 'DBI::st' ) ? $sql : $dbh->prepare( $sql )) {
my $t1 = [gettimeofday];
printf STDOUT "prepare: %.03fs execute: %.03fs rows: %d\n",
tv_interval( $t0, $t1 ), tv_interval( $t1 ), $DBI::rows;
if( $sth->{Active} ) {
if( $render ) {
&$render( $sth, $filter, $opt );
} else {
render_table $sth, $filter, $opt;
=head2 shell
This function reads, converts and (if C<$dbh> is set) runs in an end-less loop
(i.e. till end of file or C<^D>). Reading is a single line affair, unless you
request otherwise. This can happen either, as in Unix Shell, by using
continuation lines as long as you put a backslash at the end of your lines.
Or there is a special case, if the 1st line starts with C<\\>, then everything
up to C<\\> at the end of one of the next lines, constitutes one entry.
In addition to converting it offers a few extra features, performed in this
order (i.e. C<&xyz> can return C</regexp/=literal sql> etc.):
=item &query arg, ...
=item &query( arg, ... ) following text
=item &{Perl code} following text
These allow canned entries and are more complex than macros, in that they take
arguments and replacement can depend on the argument.
Run I<Perl code>. It sees the I<following text> in C<$_> and may modify it.
If it returns undef this statement is skipped. If it returns a DBI statement
handle run that instead of this statement. Else replace with what it returns.
Reprocess result as a shell entry (i.e. it may return another C<&>query).
=item /regexp/ statement
=item /regexp/i statement
=item !/regexp/ statement
=item !/regexp/i statement
This will treat the I<statement> normally, but will join each output row for
matching as though it were the only row in default table format. That is
there is no space padding and the character '|' (which must be matched as
C<\|>) separates columns. At this stage no value rewriting has occured,
except NULL is already rendered as C<\@>.
With a suffix C<i>, matching becomes case insensitive. This is why the mostly
optional space is shown above. Without an C<i>, but if the statement starts
with the word C<i> (e.g. your first column name), you must separate it with a
space. With an C<i>, if the statement starts with an alphanumeric caracter,
you must separate it with a space.
Only matching rows are considered unless there is a preceding C<!>, in which
case only non-matching rows are considered.
=item {Perl code}statement
Call I<Perl code> for every output row returned by the I<statement> with the
array of column names as zeroth argument and the values after that (i.e.
numbered from 1 like in SQL). It may modify individual values. If it returns
false, the row is skipped.
You may combine S<C</regexp/{Perl code}>> in any order and as many of them as
you want.
=item =literal sql
A preceding C<=> prevents conversion, useful for hitherto untreated keywords
or where the conversion doesn't play well with your intention.
=item ?
Help prefix. Alone it will give an overview. You can follow up with any of
the special syntaxes, with or without an abbreviation. E.g. C<?(> will show
all function abbreviations, whereas C<?abbrev(> will show only those functions
matching abbrev or C<?#abbrev> only those tables matching abbrev.
=item ??statemment
Will convert and show, but not perform statement. If C<$dbh> is not set, this
is the default behaviour.
=item !System Shell code
Run it.
=item >filename
=item >>filename
Redirect or append next statement's output to I<filename>. For known
suffixes and options, see the L<next section|/Output formats>.
=item |System Shell code
Pipe next statement's output through I<System Shell code>.
=head2 Output formats
The output format for the next SQL statement that is run, is chosen from the
suffix of a redirection or a special suffix query. In both cases
comma-separated options may be passed:
=item >filename.suffix
=item >filename.suffix( opt, ... )
=item >>filename.suffix
=item >>filename.suffix( opt, ... )
=item &.suffix opt, ...
=item &.suffix( opt, ... ) following text
The known suffixes and their respective options are:
=item C<.csv>
CSV can take one of these options:
=item semi
Use a semicolon as a separator. This is a common format in environments where
the comma is the decimal separator. However if you want that, you must
provide such formatting yourself.
=item tab
Use tabulators as column separators. Apart from that you get the full CSV
formatting, so this is not the primitive F<.tsv> format some tools may have.
=item C<.table>
This is the default table format. But you need to name it, if you want to set
=item all
This is a shorthand for outputting everything in the long form, equivalent to
C<( NULL, crlf, date )>.
=item crlf
Do not shorten C<\r\n> to C<\R>.
=item date
Output ISO dates and times fully instead of shortening them.
=item NULL
=item null
Output this keywork instead of the shorter C<\@>.
=item C<.yaml>
=item C<.yml>
Format output as YAML. This format has no options. Because its every value
on a new line format can be more readable, there is a shorthand query C<&->
for it.
our $prompt = 'steno> ';
sub shell() {
print STDERR $prompt;
my $fh;
while( <> ) {
undef $error;
goto NEXT unless /\S/;
if( s/^\s*\\\\\s*// ) {
local $/ = "\\\\\n"; # leading \n gets chopped below
$_ .= <>;
} else {
while( s/(?<!\\)((?:\\\\)*)\\(?=\n\Z)/$1/ ) { # join continuation lines
print STDERR '...> ';
$_ .= <>;
until( $error ) {
last unless
s!^\&(\.?\w+|-)(\(((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?2))*)\))!convert_Queries $1, $3!e
or s!^\&(\.?\w+|-) *(.*)!convert_Queries $1, $2!e
or my $perl = s!^\&$perl_re!!;
if( $perl ) {
$perl = eval $1;
local $| = 1; # flush to avoid stderr prompt overtaking last output line.
warn $@ if $@;
if( UNIVERSAL::isa $perl, 'DBI::st' ) {
$_ = $perl;
goto RUN;
} elsif( defined $perl ) {
substr $_, 0, 0, $perl;
} else {
goto NEXT;
my $filter = '';
while( s/^\s*$perl_re// || s%^\s*(!?)(/.+?/(?:i\b)?)\s*%% ) {
if( defined $2 ) {
$filter .= 'return if join( "|", map ref() ? () : $_ // q!\@!, @_ ) ' . ($1 ? '=' : '!') . "~ $2;\n";
} else {
$filter .= "return unless eval $1;\n";
if( $filter ) {
$filter = eval "sub {\n$filter 1; }";
warn $@ if $@;
goto RUN if s/^\s*=//; # run literally
my $skip = 0;
if( /^\s*\?\s*(?:([?&#.:])(\w*)|(\w*)\()?/ ) { # help
if( $1 && $1 eq '?' ) {
$skip = 1;
} else {
help( $1, $2, $3 );
goto NEXT;
if( s/^\s*!// ) {
system $_;
if( $? == -1 ) {
print STDERR "failed to execute: $!\n";
} elsif( my $exit = $? & 0b111_1111 ) {
printf STDERR "child died with signal %d, with%s coredump\n",
$exit, ($? & 0b1000_0000) ? '' : 'out';
} else {
printf STDERR "child exited with value %d\n", $? >> 8;
goto NEXT;
s/^\s*()//; # dummy because $1 survives loop iterations :-o
if( /\A(>{1,2})\s*(.+?(\.\w+)?)(?:\((.*)\))?\s*\Z/ ) { # redirect output
set_render $3, $4 ? split ',', $4 : () if $3;
open $fh, "$1:utf8", (glob $2)[0];
select $fh;
goto NEXT;
} elsif( /\A\|(.+)\Z/ ) { # pipe output
open $fh, '|-:utf8', $1;
select $fh;
goto NEXT;
undef $error;
goto NEXT unless $_ && &convert;
print STDOUT "$_;\n";
goto NEXT if $skip;
run $_, $filter, %opt if $dbh;
($render, %opt) = ();
if( $fh ) {
select STDOUT;
undef $fh;
print STDERR $prompt;
print STDERR "\n";
sub helphashalt(\%@) {
my $hash = shift;
if( @_ ) {
my $ret = $hash->{''};
print "for *ptr, *cr, *cp, ...:\n";
printf "%-5s %s\n", $_, &$ret( $_ )
for @_;
print "\n";
$_ eq '' or printf "%-5s %s\n", $_, $hash->{$_}
for sort keys %$hash;
sub helphash($$$\%;\@) {
#my( $str, $prefix, $suffix, $hash, $list ) = @_;
if( $_[0] ) {
undef $error;
$error or printf "%-7s %s\n", "$_[1]$_[0]$_[2]", $_ if $_ = &find;
} else {
my %hash = %{$_[3]};
if( my $sub = delete $hash{''} ) {
my @list = $sub->();
for my $elt ( @list ) {
$hash{$elt->[0]} = $sub->( my $name = $elt->[0] ) . ' ' . $elt->[1];
chomp %hash;
printf "%-7s %s\n", "$_[1]$_$_[2]", $hash{$_}
for sort { lc( $a ) cmp lc( $b ) or $a cmp $b } keys %hash;
return unless $_[4];
my $i = 0;
my @list = sort { lc( $a ) cmp lc( $b ) or $a cmp $b } @{$_[4]};
while( @list ) {
if( ($i += length $list[0]) < 80 ) {
print ' ', shift @list;
} else {
$i = 0;
print "\n";
print "\n" if $i;
sub help {
if( defined $_[2] ) {
local $Functions{I} = 'in but quotes strings itself, splits on space, or with beginning if I(, ... or I(,...';
helphash $_[2], '', '(', %Functions, @Functions;
} elsif( !$_[0] ) {
print <<\HELP;
All entries are single line unless \\wrapped at 1st bol and last eol\\ or continued.\
Queries have the form: {{i}/regexp/}{=}query
The query has lots of short-hands expanded, unless it is prefixed by the optional =.
The fields joined with '|' are grepped if regexp is given, case-insensitively if i is given.
??query Only shows massaged query.
!perl-code Runs perl-code.
>file Next query's output to file. In csv or yaml format if filename has that suffix.
Query has the form {select|update|insert|delete}{fieldlist};tablelist{;clause} or set ...
'select' is prepended if none of these initial keywords.
fieldlist defaults to '*', also if Query starts with '#'.
';' is alternately replaced by 'from' and 'where' except '\;'.
Abbreviations, more help with ?&{abbrev}, ?#{abbrev}, ?.{abbrev}, ?{abbrev}(, ?:{abbrev}
&query $1,$2,... # only at bol
&query($1,$2,...)... # only at bol, only replace upto )
&{Perl code}... # only at bol, if it return undef then skip, else prepend to ...
.column # for any table recognized in statement
:{Perl code} # dynamic macro
Characters \t\n\r get masked in output, \r\n as \R.
Date or time 0000-00-00 -> 0000- 1970-01-01 -> 1970- 00:00:00 -> 00: 23:59:59 -> 24:
} elsif( $_[0] eq '#' ) {
@keys_Table_Columns = keys %Table_Columns unless @keys_Table_Columns;
helphash $_[1], '#', '', %Tables, @keys_Table_Columns;
} elsif( $_[0] eq '.' ) {
helphashalt %Columns, 'ptr' unless $_[1];
$error or print "$_\n" if
$_[1] and $_ = find $_[1], '.', '', %Columns; # \todo, @column;
} elsif( $_[0] eq '&' ) {
helphash $_[1], '&', '', %Queries_help;
} else {
local $Tables{TBL} = 'TABLE';
helphash $_[1], ':', '', %Macros;
package SQL::Steno; # doesn't export yet, so get the functions easily
use DBI;
our $dbh = DBI->connect( ... ); # preferably mysql, but other DBs should work (with limitations).
# If you want #tbl and .col to work, (only) one of:
init_from_query; # fast, defaults to mysql information_schema, for which you need read permission
init; # slow, using DBI dbh methods.
# Set any of the variables mentioned above to get you favourite abbreviations.
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<DBI>, L<SQL::Interp>, L<SQL::Preproc>, L<SQL::Yapp>, L<Jade|http://jade-lang.com/>
=head1 AUTHOR
(C) 2015 by Daniel Pfeiffer <occitan@esperanto.org>.