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# $Id:,v 1.4 2009/02/09 22:07:39 pfeiffer Exp $
use strict;
our @ISA = qw(Mpp::Signature::c_compilation_md5);
=head1 NAME
Mpp::Signature::verilog_synthesis_md5 -- a signature class that ignores changes to whitespace and comments
Similar to Mpp::Signature::c_compilation_md5, except that it recognizes
different filenames and does not ignore comments containing "synopsys".
our $verilog_synthesis_md5 = bless \@ISA; # Make the singleton object.
sub build_info_key { 'V_MD5_SUM' }
sub important_comment_keywords {
return qw/synopsys/;
sub recognizes_file {
my $finfo = $_[1];
return $finfo->{NAME} =~ /\.v$/;