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# $Id: shared_object.pm,v 1.13 2012/03/25 18:34:48 pfeiffer Exp $
use strict;
our @ISA = 'Mpp::Signature::c_compilation_md5';
=head1 NAME
Mpp::Signature::shared_object -- a signature class that ignores changes to shared objects
Normally, if you build a shared object, you do not have to relink anything
that depends on that shared object. This class sets the signature of a shared
object to the same value, regardless of its contents.
For files which are not shared objects, the signature is the same as for C<c_compilation_md5>.
our $shared_object = bless \@ISA; # Make the singleton object.
# Things that can be overridden by a derived class:
sub build_info_key() { 'SHARED_OBJECT' }
# The only subroutine we need to override is the signature method; we use
# exact matching of MD5 signatures.
sub signature {
my ($self, $finfo) = @_; # Name the arguments.
if ($finfo->{NAME} =~ /\.s[oal]$/) {
my $sig = &signature_shared_lib;
defined($sig) and return $sig;
# This function calculates the MD5 sum of the interface of a shared library.
# Normally, when a shared library changes, one does not need to relink;
# it's only if the externally visible variables change that a relink might
# be necessary. This function computes an MD5 checksum on the externally
# visible symbols.
# This will only work with GNU binutils.
# This function may trigger rebuilds too often, because not every change that
# affects a shared library's external symbol table requires a rebuild. But
# it's probably impossible to figure out which changes don't require a rebuild
# without actually doing full symbol resolution.
# Arguments:
# a) The singleton object.
# b) The file info for the shared library.
sub signature_shared_lib {
my ($self, $finfo) = @_;
my $cksum = Mpp::File::build_info_string( $finfo, build_info_key );
return $cksum if $cksum; # Don't bother redigesting if the
# file hasn't changed. (The build info is
# discarded if the file date changes, so this
# flushes our cached signature.)
open my $nm, 'nm -P ' . Mpp::File::absolute_filename( $finfo ) . ' 2>/dev/null |' or
return undef;
local $_;
my @symbols;
my $n_symbols = 0;
while( <$nm> ) { # Keep reading lines.
if( s/\s+([A-Z]) .*/$1\01/s ) { # Uppercase seems to more or less cover the
# non-portable GNU -D opt. Someone who
# understands this might fine tune the types
# that should really go into the sig --
# portably!
++$n_symbols if ord( $1 ) != ord 'U';
push @symbols, $_;
return undef unless $n_symbols; # If that didn't work, then fall back to the
# regular signature.
$cksum = Digest::MD5::md5_base64( sort @symbols );
Mpp::File::set_build_info_string( $finfo, build_info_key, $cksum );