makepp_index -- All keywords, functions and operators in makepp
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y
Where items occur multiply, if the first has no indication, it pertains to mpp itself, whereas the following ones indicate their target in parentheses.
?: $*, $+, $/, $<, $?, $@, $^, &, *, **, -, -?, -? (mppb), -? (mppc), -? (mppg), -? (mppi), -? (mppl), -? (mppr), =, ?, @, [], !=, &=, +=, :=, ;=, ?=
A: -A, -A (mppb), -A (mppc), -A (mppg), -A (mppi), -A (mppl), -A (mppr), absolute_filename, absolute_filename_nolink, abspath, addprefix, addsuffix, and, AR, architecture_independent, ARFLAGS, --args-file, --args-file (mppb), --args-file (mppc), --args-file (mppg), --args-file (mppi), --args-file (mppl), --args-file (mppr), --arguments-file, --arguments-file (mppb), --arguments-file (mppc), --arguments-file (mppg), --arguments-file (mppi), --arguments-file (mppl), --arguments-file (mppr), AS, --assume-new, --assume-old, autoload, awk
B: -b, -b (mppc), -b (mppg), basename, --because, --build-cache, :build_cache, build_cache, --build-cache-links, --build-check, :build_check, build_check, --build-check-method, --build-reasons
C: -C, -C (mppl), -C (mppr), -c, -c (mppl), -c (mppr), C, call, &cat, CC, c_compilation_md5, CFLAGS, changed_dependencies, changed_inputs, chgrp, &chmod, chown, clean, &cp, create, CURDIR, --current-working-directory, --current-working-directory-and-up, &cut, &cwd, CXX, CXXFLAGS
D: -D, -d (mppc), -d (mppg), -d (mppi), date, --dates, --decode-dates, --defer-include, define, --dependencies, dependencies, dependency, &dir, dir, $DIRECTNAMEFLAGS, --directory, --directory (mppr), dir_noslash, :dispatch, --do-build, --do-build (Sandboxes), --dont-build, --dont-build (Sandboxes), --dont-read, --dont-read (Sandboxes), --do-read, --do-read (Sandboxes), --dot, --down, --downwards, --dry-run, --dry-run (mppr), --dump-makefile, --dump-makeppfile
E: -e, &echo, --empty-directories, :env, --environment-overrides, --env-overrides, error, exact_match, export, &expr
F: -F, -f, -f (mppi), -f (mppl), F77, false, FC, --file, filesubst, filter, filter_out, filter_out_dirs, --final-rules-only, findfile, find_first_upwards, find_program, findstring, find_upwards, first_available, firstword, fmt, --follow, --force, --force-copy-from-bc, --force-rescan, foreach (Functions), foreach (Variables)
G: -g, global, --graphviz, &grep, --gullible
H: -h, -h (mppb), -h (mppc), -h (mppg), -h (mppi), -h (mppl), -h (mppr), head, --help, --help (mppb), --help (mppc), --help (mppg), --help (mppi), --help (mppl), --help (mppr), &home, --html, --hybrid, --hybrid-recursion, --hybrid-recursive-make
I: -I, -I (mppb), -I (mppg), -I (mppr), -i (mppg), -i (mppl), if, ifdef, ifeq, ifmakeperl, ifndef, ifneq, ifnsys, ifntrue, ifperl, ifsys, iftrue (Functions), iftrue (Statements), ignore_action, ignore_error, --implicit-load-makeppfile-only, --include, --include (mppb), --include (mppg), --include (mppr), :include, include, _include, --include-dir, --include-dir (mppb), --include-dir (mppg), --include-dir (mppr), --includes, infer_linker, infer_objects, info, input, inputs, --in-sandbox, --in-sandbox (Sandboxes), --inside-sandbox, --inside-sandbox (Sandboxes), &install, --installation-directories, --install-dirs
J: -j, --jobs, join, --just-print, --just-print (mppr)
K: -K, -k, -k (mppc), -k (mppi), -k (mppl), -k (mppr), --keep-going, --keep-going (mppr), --keep-src-info, --keylist (mppi), --keylist (mppl), --keys (mppi), --keys (mppl)
L: -l (mppc), -l (mppg), -l (mppl), :last_chance, --last-chance-rules, LD, --leave-src-info, LEX, LIBTOOL, &ln, --load-makefile, load_makefile, --load-makeppfile, --log, --log (mppc), --log (mppg), --log (mppl), --log-file, --log-file (mppg), --log-file (mppl)
M: -M (mppb), -M (mppg), -M (mppr), -m, -m (mppc), -m (mppg), m4, MAKE, make (Functions), make (Statements), MAKECMDGOALS, --makefile, $MAKEFLAGS, MAKEFLAGS, MAKEINFO, makemap, makeperl (Functions), makeperl (Rules), makeperl (Statements), &makepp, --makepp, makepp_build_cache_control, $MAKEPPBUILTINFLAGS, $MAKEPP_CASE_SENSITIVE_FILENAMES, $MAKEPPCLEANFLAGS, --makeppfile, $MAKEPPFLAGS, MAKEPPFLAGS, _MAKEPPFLAGS, $MAKEPPGRAPHFLAGS, $MAKEPPINFOFLAGS, MAKEPP_LN_CP, $MAKEPPLOGFLAGS, makepp_percent_subdirs, $MAKEPPREPLAYFLAGS, makepp_require_phony, makepp_simple_concatenation, MAKEPP_VERSION, makesub, map, md5, --md5-bc, --md5-check-bc, --merge, --meta, &mkdir, mktemp, --module (mppb), --module (mppg), --module (mppr), mppbcc, &mv
N: -n, -n (mppl), -n (mppr), --new-file, --no-builtin-rules, --no-cache-scaninfos, noecho, --no-implicit-load, no_implicit_load, --no-indent, --no-log, --no-path-executable-dependencies, --no-path-exe-dep, --no-populate-bc, --no-print-directory, --no-print-directory (mppr), --no-remake-makefiles, notdir, --no-warn, --no-warn (mppr)
O: -o, -o (mppg), -o (mppl), --old-file, only_action, --only-build-cache-links, only_generated, --only-logs, --only-meta, only_nontargets, only_phony_targets, --only-repository-links, only_stale, only_targets, or, origin, --out-of-sandbox, --out-of-sandbox (Sandboxes), --output (mppg), --output (mppl), output, outputs, --override-signature, --override-signature-method
P: -p (mppg), -p (mppl), :parser, patsubst, &perl, perl (Functions), perl (Rules), perl (Statements), perl_begin, phony, --plain, plain, --populate-bc-only, prebuild (Functions), prebuild (Statements), --prefix, &preprocess, print, &printf, --profile, PWD
Q: -q, --quiet, --quiet (mppi)
R: -R, -R (mppc), -r, -r (mppc), -r (mppg), realpath, --recon, --recon (mppr), --recurse, --recursive, register_command_parser, register_input_suffix, register_parser, relative_filename, relative_to, --remove-stale, --remove-stale-files, --rename, --repository, repository, --repository-links, &rm, RM, rmdir, --rm-stale, ROOT, --root-dir, --root-dir (mppr), --root-directory, --root-directory (mppr), runtime
S: -s, -s (mppg), --sandbox, --sandbox (Sandboxes), --sandbox-warn, --sandbox-warn (Sandboxes), --sandbox-warning, --sandbox-warning (Sandboxes), &sed, --separate-directions, shared_object, SHELL, shell, show, --showkey, --signature, :signature, signature, --signature-method, --silent, &sort, sort, sorted_dependencies, sorted_inputs, stats, stem, --stop, --stop-after-loading, --stop-on-race, --stop-race, strip, sub, subst, &suf, suffix, --symlink-in-rep-as-file, --symlink-in-repository-as-file
T: -t (mppg), -t (mppi), -t (mppl), -t (mppr), --tabulate, tail, target, target_newer, targets, &template, --temporary, temporary, --text, &touch, tr, --traditional, --traditional-recursion, --traditional-recursive-make, --traverse
U: -u (mppg), -u (mppl), &uninstall, &uniq, --uniq, --unique, --up, --upwards, &usr
V: -V, -V (mppb), -V (mppc), -V (mppg), -V (mppi), -V (mppl), -V (mppr), -v, -v (mppc), --verbose, --verbose (mppc), --version, --version (mppb), --version (mppc), --version (mppg), --version (mppi), --version (mppl), --version (mppr), --virtual-sandbox, --virtual-sandbox (Sandboxes), VPATH, vpath