#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $copyright = <<'COPYRIGHT';
# Copyright 2021 by Christian Jaeger <ch@christianjaeger.ch>
# Published under the same terms as perl itself
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized';
use experimental 'signatures';
use lib '/opt/functional-perl/lib'; # new stuff, or when fperl_noinstall
use Chj::xperlfunc qw(xlstat xprintln xprint xgetfile_utf8 xchdir xutime);
use FP::IOStream qw(xdirectory_paths);
use FP::Ops qw(string_cmp);
use FP::List qw(cons null);
use FP::Stream ":all";
use Chj::singlequote qw(singlequote);
use JSON qw(decode_json);
use FP::Div qw(min);
use Digest;
my ($email_full) = $copyright =~ / by ([^\n]*)/s;
my ($mydir, $myname);
$0 =~ /(.*?)([^\/]+)\z/s or die "?";
($mydir, $myname) = ($1, $2);
sub usage {
print STDERR map {"$_\n"} @_ if @_;
print "$myname command [args]
Print and read a JSON syntax file containing stat values of all files under
dirpath, recursively:
{ \$path => [ lstat \$path ], ... }
Does not follow symlinks when recursing.
print-tree \$basedir
print the stat values at \$basedir to stdout.
print-mtime-fixes \$file1 \$file2
print which files should be changed to which mtime, assuming
that files (also dirs / devices) with the same contents but
differing mtime on either side should get the older of the two
apply-mtime-fixes \$dir \$file
apply the mtime fixes from print-mtime-fixes to \$dir.
repl \$file...
open a repl with the parsed \$file... in \@ts
By default, treestat uses chdir in print-tree then use '.' as
the base folder name. This option turns that off.
By default, directory entries are sorted alphabetically. This
option will disable the sorting and list them in the order as
delivered by the OS.
exit(@_ ? 1 : 0);
our $verbose = 0;
my ($opt_no_chdir, $opt_no_sort);
#our $opt_dry;
"verbose" => \$verbose,
"help" => sub {usage},
"no-chdir" => \$opt_no_chdir,
"no-sort" => \$opt_no_sort,
#"dry-run"=> \$opt_dry,
) or exit 1;
usage unless @ARGV >= 1;
# JSON::PP < v4 do not allow non-references by default, thus:
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
sub encode_json ($val) {
sub sha256sum ($path) {
my $ctx = Digest->new("SHA-256");
sub directory_records ($dirpath, $tail) {
__ "Stream of [path, [statvalues, maybe_hash]] for dirpath,
xdirectory_paths($dirpath, $opt_no_sort ? () : \&string_cmp)
sub ($path, $tail) {
my $s = xlstat $path;
my $maybe_hash = ($s->is_file and sha256sum($path));
cons([$path, [@$s, $maybe_hash]],
$s->is_dir ? directory_records($path, $tail) : $tail)
sub print_tree ($dirpath) {
my $base;
if ($opt_no_chdir) {
$base = $dirpath;
} else {
# Should we fork to scope the effect?
xchdir $dirpath;
$base = ".";
# Stream out JSON (should make a module for this!):
binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)" or die "binmode: $!";
xprintln "{";
directory_records($base, null)->for_each_with_islast(
sub ($record, $islast) {
my ($path, $s_ary) = @$record;
xprintln " ", encode_json($path), ": ", encode_json($s_ary),
($islast ? () : ",");
xprintln "}";
sub load_json ($path) {
decode_json xgetfile_utf8($path)
my $StatWithHash_numfields = 13 + 1; # 13 from Chj::xperlfunc::xstat
sub hash ($self) {
sub parse_treestat ($path) {
my $hash = load_json($path);
# turn values back into stat objects
for (values %$hash) {
@$_ == $StatWithHash_numfields
or die
"invalid array with other than $StatWithHash_numfields elements: "
. show($_);
bless $_, 'PFLANZE::StatWithHash';
# This is to be applied after Unison synchronized the contents, and
# was doing that without the -times flag, hence left the mtime at the
# target location newer than the source location. Back-dating the
# files to the older time fixes the synchronisation.
sub mtime_fixes ($A, $B) {
my %mtime;
my $ignore_same_mtime = 0;
my $ignore_diffcontent = 0;
my $ignore_difftype = 0;
my $act_file = 0;
my $act_dir = 0;
my $act_other = 0;
for my $k (keys %$A) {
if (defined(my $b = $$B{$k})) {
my $a = $$A{$k};
if ($a->mtime == $b->mtime) {
# no change to be done
} else {
if ($a->filetype == $b->filetype) {
# The older mtime should be the correct
# one. Assuming the items have the same content if
# they are regular files.
my $act = sub {
$mtime{$k} = min($a->mtime, $b->mtime);
if ($a->is_file) {
if ($a->size == $b->size and $a->hash eq $b->hash) {
} else {
# uh, different contents, can't know what
# to do (shouldn't happen once
# synchronisation was run, but may be if
# both sides had changes)
} else {
# Do not try to update symlinks
unless ($a->is_link) {
if ($a->is_dir) {
} else {
# repl;
} else {
mtimes => \%mtime,
ignore_same_mtime => $ignore_same_mtime,
ignore_difftype => $ignore_difftype,
ignore_diffcontent => $ignore_diffcontent,
act_file => $act_file,
act_dir => $act_dir,
act_other => $act_other,
sub print_mtime_fixes {
@_ == 2 or die "print_mtime_fixes needs 2 arguments";
my $json_encoder = JSON->new->utf8(1)->pretty(1)->canonical(1);
xprintln $json_encoder->encode(mtime_fixes(map { parse_treestat $_ } @_));
sub apply_mtime_fixes ($dir, $file) {
my $hash = load_json($file);
my $mtime_fixes = $hash->{mtimes}
// die "missing 'mtimes' key in file '$file'";
ref($mtime_fixes) eq "HASH"
or die "invalid type of values at 'mtimes' in '$file': $mtime_fixes";
for my $relpath (sort keys %$mtime_fixes) {
my $mtime = $mtime_fixes->{$relpath};
my $fullpath = "$dir/$relpath";
my $s = xlstat $fullpath;
die "is a link: '$fullpath'" if $s->is_link;
xutime $s->atime, $mtime, $fullpath;
sub trees_repl {
my @ts = map { parse_treestat $_ } @_;
require FP::Repl;
my $command = shift @ARGV;
my $proc = +{
"print-tree" => \&print_tree,
"repl" => \&trees_repl,
"print-mtime-fixes" => \&print_mtime_fixes,
"apply-mtime-fixes" => \&apply_mtime_fixes,
}->{$command} or usage "unknown command '$command'";
#use Chj::ruse;
#use Chj::Backtrace;