The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Christian Jaeger,
# This is free software. See the file that came bundled
# with this file.
# Fancy (but only?) way to enable taint mode, while also bouncing off
# /usr/bin/env: (thanks to spm and Zefram)
if (!${^TAINT}) {
exec $^X, '-T', '--', $0, @ARGV or die "exec '$^X': $!";
} else {
# trust PERL5LIB:
if (my $lib = $ENV{PERL5LIB}) {
my @paths = $lib =~ m{([^:]+)(?::|\z)}sg;
unshift @INC, @paths;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized';
use experimental "signatures";
# find modules from functional-perl working directory (not installed)
use Cwd 'abs_path';
our ($mydir, $myname);
my $location = (-l $0) ? abs_path($0) : $0;
$location =~ /(.*?)([^\/]+?)_?\z/s or die "?";
($mydir, $myname) = ($1, $2);
use lib "$mydir/../lib";
# trust PATH
$ENV{PATH} = untainted $ENV{PATH};
our @tailcmd = qw(tail --follow=name --retry --lines=0);
sub usage {
print "usage: $myname path/to/ should return (have as its last expression) a hash with
these keys:
logfile => 'path/to/file',
match => sub { my (\$line) = \@_; \$line =~ /some_regex/ },
collecttime => 1200, # seconds
report => report_mailto('system\@example\.com', 'admin\'),
Runs `@tailcmd -- \$\$config{logfile}`,
collects all lines that match the given predicate, and after
\$\$config{collecttime} seconds have passed since the first such
line, passes a file path containing the lines to the subroutine in
\$\$config{report}; 'report_mailto(\$from, \$to)' returns such a sub
that then mails the contents of that file to the given \$to email
address, with '$myname path/to/' as the subject and \$from
as the sender.
exit 1;
our $verbose = 0;
GetOptions("verbose" => \$verbose, "help" => sub {usage},) or exit 1;
usage unless @ARGV == 1;
our ($configpath) = @ARGV;
# move to lib?
use FP::IOStream qw(fh_to_stream);
use FP::Ops qw(the_method);
sub fh_to_linestream ($fh, $close) {
fh_to_stream $fh, the_method("xreadline"), $close
use Time::HiRes qw(time sleep);
sub sleep_until($unixtime) {
my $t = time;
my $seconds = $unixtime - $t;
if ($seconds > 0.01) {
sleep $seconds;
tail sleep_until($unixtime);
sub forked (&) {
my ($thunk) = @_;
if (my $pid = xfork) {
} else {
exit 0;
# /lib
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
use Sys::Hostname qw(hostname);
#use FP::Repl::Trap; # or Chj::Backtrace
#use FP::Repl;
sub safe_for_mail($str) {
$str =~ /^([^\r\n\t]*)\z/s ? $1 : die "not safe for mail: " . show($str);
# (should really escape instead, but don't want to make it
# complex)
# to be accessible by code at $configpath (hacky?)
sub report_mailto ($from, $to) {
my $_from = safe_for_mail($from);
my $_to = safe_for_mail($to);
sub($path) {
my $sendmail = Chj::IO::Command->new_receiver("sendmail", "-t");
my $in = xopen_read($path);
$sendmail->xprintln("From: $_from");
$sendmail->xprintln("To: $_to");
$sendmail->xprintln("Subject: "
. safe_for_mail($myname) . " "
. safe_for_mail($configpath));
"$0 on " . hostname() . " found the following log messages:");
unlink $path;
sub require_config($path) {
my $arg = untainted($path =~ m|^\.{0,2}/| ? $path : "./$path");
require $arg
use Hash::Util 'lock_hash';
my $config = require_config $configpath;
# (btw unlike 'eval' this doesn't give the code in question access to
# lexicals, right?)
lock_hash %$config;
my $REPORTMSG = "REPORT-" . rand(); # XX not enough randomness
my ($r, $w) = xpipe;
sub xtmpfile_noautoclean () {
my $t = xtmpfile;
sub processlines_ ($lines, $out, $maybe_reporterpid) {
weaken $_[0];
my ($line, $rest) = $lines->first_and_rest;
warn "line='$line', maybe_reporterpid=" . singlequote($maybe_reporterpid)
if $verbose;
if ($line =~ /^$REPORTMSG/) {
warn "REPORT!" if $verbose;
# XX is it really guaranteed that lines are never broken
# apart?
xxwaitpid $maybe_reporterpid;
tail processlines_($rest, xtmpfile_noautoclean, undef)
} else {
if ($$config{match}->($line)) {
my $t_report = time + $$config{collecttime};
tail processlines_(
$rest, $out,
$maybe_reporterpid // forked {
sleep_until $t_report;
warn "sent $REPORTMSG" if $verbose;
} else {
tail processlines_($rest, $out, $maybe_reporterpid)
sub processlines($lines) {
weaken $_[0];
processlines_($lines, xtmpfile_noautoclean, undef)
my $tailpid = forked {
xexec @tailcmd, "--", $$config{logfile};
my $lines = fh_to_linestream(
sub($fh) {
xxwait $tailpid;
processlines $lines;