Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

# Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Christian Jaeger, copying@christianjaeger.ch
# This is free software, offered under either the same terms as perl 5
# or the terms of the Artistic License version 2 or the terms of the
# MIT License (Expat version). See the file COPYING.md that came
# bundled with this file.
=head1 NAME
use Chj::TEST;
# or
use Chj::TEST use => 'Method::Signatures'
#, use => ['Foo::Bar', qw(bar baz)],
#, require => 'CGI'
# ^ this will use or require the indicated modules, and if RUN_TESTS
# is set and they fail, will gracefully fail with a SKIP testing message
# (if RUN_TESTS is not set, it will die as normally).
TEST { 1+1 } 2; # success
TEST { 1+1 } "2"; # fails,
# because equality is compared on the result of Data::Dumper
# compute also result lazily:
TEST { 1+1 } GIVES {3-1}; # success
TEST_STDOUT { print "Hello" } "Hello";
TEST_EXCEPTION { die "Hello" } "Hello"; # " at .. line .." and
# backtrace are cut off
use Chj::TEST ':all';
my $result = run_tests(__PACKAGE__);
is $result->failures, 0; # 0 failures
is $result->successes > 0, 1;
# or
#run_tests __PACKAGE__, "Another::Package";
# or
#run_tests_ packages => __PACKAGE__, numbers => [2..4];
# aliases package, number, no also accepted
# For conditional running the tests as part of a global test suite:
#perhaps_run_tests "main" or do_something_else;
# This will run run_tests("main") iff the RUN_TESTS environment
# variable is true, otherwise run do_something_else.
If the `TEST` environmental variable is set to false (as opposed to
not set at all), tests are dropped. This saves the memory otherwise
required to hold the test code and results.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 NOTE
This is alpha software! Read the status section in the package README
or on the L<website|http://functional-perl.org/>.
package Chj::TEST;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized';
use base "Exporter";
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(run_tests run_tests_ no_tests);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => [@EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK]);
use Carp;
# get the style
sub run_tests_style { # "old" or "tap"
if (my $rt = $ENV{RUN_TESTS}) {
$rt =~ /(old|pod_snippets)/i ? "old"
#$rt =~ /(new|tap)/i ? "tap" :
} else {
# Use from the repl can't run "tap" style as that one will
# fail on re-runs
our $run_tests_style; # used internally only, see sub run_tests_style
# ($ENV{RUN_TESTS}) how to set it. OK?
sub style_switch {
my $choices = shift;
my $handler = $choices->{$run_tests_style}
or die "missing choice for style '$run_tests_style'";
goto $handler
# remove 'use' and 'require' arguments from import list, run them,
# then delegate to Exporter
sub import {
my $class = shift;
my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
my @args;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @_; $i++) {
my $v = $_[$i];
if ($v eq "use" or $v eq "require") {
my $val = $_[$i + 1];
defined $val or croak "undef given as 'require' parameter";
my ($module, @args) = do {
if (ref($val) eq "ARRAY") {
} elsif (length $val) {
} else {
"value given as 'require' parameter must be a string or array";
my $smallcode
= ("$v $module " . join(",", map { singlequote $_} @args));
$filename =~ /[\r\n]/
and die
"possible security issue"; # XXX: how to do it fully right?
my $code = "#line $line $filename\npackage $package; $smallcode; 1";
if (eval $code) {
# ok
} else {
if (my $rt = $ENV{RUN_TESTS}) {
if ($rt =~ /pod_snippets/i) {
die "TEST use<$module> failed: $smallcode";
} else {
require Test::More;
Test::More::plan(skip_all => "could not $smallcode");
exit 1; # necessary?
} else {
die $@
} else {
push @args, $v
my $sub = $class->can("SUPER::import")
or die "$class does not have an 'import' procedure";
@_ = ($class, @args);
goto &$sub;
use Chj::xIO 'capture_stdout_';
our $tests_by_package = {};
our $num_by_package = {};
our $dropped_tests = 0;
sub no_tests {
@_ == 0 or fp_croak_arity 0;
exists $ENV{TEST} and !$ENV{TEST}
sub _TEST {
my ($proc, $res) = @_;
if (no_tests) {
} else {
my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller(1);
push @{ $$tests_by_package{$package} },
$proc, $res,
$$num_by_package{$package}, ($package, $filename, $line)
sub TEST (&$) {
sub TEST_STDOUT (&$) {
my ($proc, $res) = @_;
_TEST(sub { capture_stdout_($proc) }, $res);
my ($proc, $res) = @_;
sub {
if (
eval {
} else {
my $msg = "$@";
$msg =~ s| at .*? line \d*.*||s;
sub GIVES (&) {
my ($thunk) = @_;
bless $thunk, "Chj::TEST::GIVES";
our @ISA = qw(Test::Builder);
# sub level {
# my( $self, $level ) = @_;
# # original just sets $Level in Test::Builder to $level if
# # defined; returns $Level
# 18
# }
# Ah, ^ that won't ever work since the sub at the right location
# already returned after value generation. So, fake it
# completely instead:
our $fake_caller;
sub caller {
my ($self, $height) = @_;
if ($fake_caller) {
wantarray ? @$fake_caller : $$fake_caller[0] ## no critic
} else {
my $m = $self->can("SUPER::caller") or die "bug";
goto $m
use FP::Equal qw(relaxedequal);
sub eval_test {
@_ == 2 or fp_croak_arity 2;
my ($t, $stat) = @_;
my ($proc, $res, $num, $package, $filename, $line) = @$t;
style_switch {
old => sub {
print "running test $num..";
tap => sub {
# say nothing, the ok at the end will say it; XXX: capture
# output! then present that after the "not ok" output.
my ($got, $maybe_e);
my $action = sub {
$got = &$proc;
if (ref($res) eq 'Chj::TEST::GIVES') {
$res = &$res;
style_switch {
old => $action,
tap => sub {
eval {
} || do {
$maybe_e = [$@]; # box it to ensure not undef
my $location = "at $filename line $line";
my $nicelocation = "line $line";
if (!$maybe_e and relaxedequal($got, $res)) {
style_switch {
old => sub {
print "ok\n";
tap => sub {
} else {
my $gotstr = show $got;
my $resstr = show $res;
style_switch {
old => sub {
die "bug, shouldn't happen in this mode" if defined $maybe_e;
print "FAIL $location:\n";
print " got: $gotstr\n";
print " expected: $resstr\n";
tap => sub {
# fail($location);
# want to avoid it reporting this file as the location, thus use this:
my $tb = Test::More->builder;
ref($tb) eq 'Test::Builder'
or ref($tb) eq 'Chj::TEST::Test::Builder'
or die "unexpected class of: $tb"
bless $tb, 'Chj::TEST::Test::Builder';
# NOTE: Test::More->builder is a singleton and
# *remains* blessed!
local $Chj::TEST::Test::Builder::fake_caller
= [$package, $filename, $line];
#$tb->ok( 0, $nicelocation);
# On some systems (Test::Builder versions?), the above
# hackery doesn't work (sigh, move to Test2::*?), thus
# provide the full location info anyway:
$tb->ok(0, $location);
if (defined $maybe_e) {
diag("Exception: $$maybe_e[0]");
} else {
diag(" got: $gotstr\n" . " expected: $resstr\n");
sub run_tests_for_package {
my ($package, $stat, $maybe_testnumbers) = @_;
my $action = sub {
if (my $tests = $$tests_by_package{$package}) {
if (defined $maybe_testnumbers) {
style_switch {
old => sub {
"=== running selected tests in package '$package'\n";
tap => sub {
# XX better?
"=== running selected tests in package '$package'\n";
for my $number (@$maybe_testnumbers) {
if ( $number =~ /^\d+\z/
and $number > 0
and (my $test = $$tests[$number - 1]))
eval_test $test, $stat
} else {
warn "ignoring invalid test number '$number'";
} else {
my $action = sub {
for my $test (@$tests) {
eval_test $test, $stat
style_switch {
old => sub {
print "=== running tests in package '$package'\n";
tap => sub {
plan(tests => scalar @$tests);
} else {
style_switch {
old => sub {
print "=== no tests for package '$package'\n";
tap => sub {
# Can't do 0 tests, planning for it throws an
# exception right away, and not planning will fail
# in the upper level instead. Thus, fake test result:
plan(tests => 1);
pass("no tests for package '$package'");
style_switch {
old => $action,
tap => sub {
subtest("Package $package" => $action);
sub unify_values {
my $maybe_values;
for (@_) {
if (ref $_) {
push @$maybe_values, @$_
} elsif (defined $_) {
push @$maybe_values, $_
my $accessor = sub {
my ($field) = @_;
sub { my $s = shift; $$s{$field} }
*failures = $accessor->("failures");
*successes = $accessor->("successes");
sub run_tests_ {
@_ % 2 and die "need even number of arguments";
my $args = +{@_};
my $maybe_packages = unify_values delete $$args{packages},
delete $$args{package};
my $maybe_testnumbers = unify_values delete $$args{numbers},
delete $$args{number}, delete $$args{no};
for (sort keys %$args) { warn "run_tests_: unknown argument '$_'" }
local $run_tests_style //= run_tests_style;
local $| = 1;
style_switch {
old => sub {
print "==== run_tests in $run_tests_style style ====\n";
tap => sub {
# if run_tests is called from perhaps_run_tests this was
# already done but can't count on that:
require Test::More;
import Test::More;
my $stat = bless { successes => 0, failures => 0 }, "Chj::TEST::Result";
my $packages = do {
if (defined $maybe_packages and @$maybe_packages) {
} else {
[sort keys %$tests_by_package]
my $action = sub {
run_tests_for_package $_, $stat, $maybe_testnumbers for @$packages;
style_switch {
old => sub {
print "===\n";
print " => $$stat{successes} success(es), "
. "$$stat{failures} failure(s)\n";
tap => sub {
plan(tests => scalar @$packages);
sub run_tests {
my $packages = [@_];
run_tests_ packages => $packages;
# run tests for test suite:
sub perhaps_run_tests {
my $args = [@_];
if ($ENV{RUN_TESTS}) {
# run TEST forms (called as part of test suite)
die "Tests were dropped due to the TEST environmental "
. "variable being set to false"
if $dropped_tests;
local $run_tests_style //= run_tests_style;
require Test::More;
import Test::More;
style_switch {
old => sub {
# Outer single TAP wrapper around the running of the
# whole test suite. # XX could still report individual
# failures by collecting them up, perhaps even simply
# via Capture::Tiny. Not currently done.
eval { run_tests(@$args)->failures }
// do { diag($@); undef },
0, "run_tests"
tap => sub {
# Run each test as a TAP test.
# Handle exceptions at each individual test, OK?
1 # so that one can write `perhaps_run_tests or something_else;`
} else {