Changes for version 0.29 - 2007-06-22
- absolute paths are now used for conf file specification to aid CGIs you should still remove explicit conf files and use the default /etc/gantry.conf for production environments
- CGI scripts are now confed according to the config CGI {} block
- limit_by no longer causes a warning when no limit parameters is used
- added where_terms keyword for main listing methods
- added accessor keyword for table fields, to rename default DBIx accessor
- corrected app.server so dbpass is not always set to dbuser's value thanks to Tim Allwine for pointing out the bug.
- Stub base modules no longer use their children.
- bigtop no longer prints instructions when no_gen tells it not to build
- kickstart syntax no longer treats id, created, and modified as a group which is left out whenever you mention one of them. Now you are responsible for any that you do mention and the others are still made.
- when you have html_form_options, your stub model gets enough pod for its tests to pass (as long as the field is in before the stub is made)
- bigtop with -c no longer litters on the disk if the list of things to build doesn't list any valid backend types (or the word all).
- schema_base_class methods get POD to keep coverage tests happy
- tests liter less
A document explaining Bigtop's features and history
lists all backends and their config statements
Bigtop syntax by example
Descriptions of all Bigtop keywords
An annotated list of modules in the Bigtop distribution
Short descriptions of all Bigtop keywords
The fastest ways to Gantry apps with Bigtop
An introduction to Bigtop syntax description
Table of Contents for Bigtop::Docs::* documentation modules
tentmaker reference (best viewed in html)
tentmaker tutorial (best viewed in html)
a simple case study of building a web app with bigtop
How to get vim syntax things for Bigtop files
generated by Parse::RecDescent from bigtop.grammar
the parser/generater for the bigtop langauge
browser based bigtop file editor
A web application data language processor
defines the legal keywords for cgi backends
A generated server for the [% app_name %] app
defines the legal keywords for conf backends
makes Config::Gantry conf files
makes Config::General conf files
defines legal keywords in control blocks
controller generator for the Gantry framework
defines the legal keywords for httpd conf backends
httpd.conf generator for the Gantry framework
Bigtop backend which works sort of like h2xs
defines legal keywords in table and field blocks
defines legal keywords in table and field blocks
backend to generate sql for MySQL database creation
backend to generate sql for Postgres database creation
backend to generate sql for SQLite database creation
Bigtop to generate site appearance files
given an AST, makes a corresponding bigtop source file
generated by Parse::RecDescent from bigtop.grammar
A central place to describe all bigtop keywords
the Parse::RecDescent grammar driven parser for bigtop files
A helper modules for command line utilities
Factory for scripts' command line and standard in handlers
handles kickstart syntax for scripts
gets its descriptions from Postgresql
A Gantry App to Help You Code Bigtop Files
keeps track of where the tentmaker templates live
in lib/Bigtop/Backend/Model/
in lib/Bigtop/Backend/Model/
in lib/Bigtop/
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/authors/example.bigtop
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/contact_us/example.bigtop
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/copyright_holder/example.bigtop
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/email/example.bigtop
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/license_text/example.bigtop
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/location/example.bigtop
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/no_gen/example.bigtop
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/uses/
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/uses/example.better.bigtop
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/uses/example.bigtop
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app_literal/Conf/example.bigtop
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app_literal/HttpdConf/example.bigtop
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app_literal/SQL/example.bigtop
- examples/Billing-Finished/Build.PL
- examples/Billing-Finished/Changes
- examples/Billing-Finished/MANIFEST
- examples/Billing-Finished/MANIFEST.SKIP
- examples/Billing-Finished/README
- examples/Billing-Finished/app.cgi
- examples/Billing-Finished/app.server
- examples/Billing-Finished/docs/billing.bigtop
- examples/Billing-Finished/docs/schema.mysql
- examples/Billing-Finished/docs/schema.postgres
- examples/Billing-Finished/docs/schema.sqlite
- examples/Billing-Finished/html/
- examples/Billing-Finished/t/01_use.t
- examples/Billing-Finished/t/02_pod.t
- examples/Billing-Finished/t/03_podcover.t
- examples/Billing-Finished/t/10_run.t
- examples/address-new.bigtop
- examples/address.bigtop
- examples/address.server
- examples/address2.bigtop
- examples/billing.bigtop
- examples/billing_model.png
- examples/checking.bigtop
- examples/
- examples/default.bigtop
- examples/phonelist.bigtop
Other files
- Changes
- META.yml
- Makefile.PL
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/authors/discussion
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/contact_us/discussion
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/copyright_holder/discussion
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/email/discussion
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/license_text/discussion
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/location/discussion
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/no_gen/discussion
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app/uses/discussion
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app_literal/Conf/discussion
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app_literal/HttpdConf/discussion
- docs/keyword_cookbook/app_literal/SQL/discussion