Jabber::JAX::MyRouterConnection - Perl wrapper for the JECL Library


See Jabber::JAX::Component .

my $c = new Jabber::JAX::Component(
component => "echocomp",
secret => "mysecret",
host => "localhost",
port => "7000",
handler =>
sub {
my ( $rc, $p ) = @_;
my $e = $p->getElement();
my $to = $e->getAttrib('to');
$e->putAttrib('to', $e->getAttrib('from'));
$e->putAttrib('from', $to);
# The subroutine is passed a reference to a
# Jabber::JAX::MyRouterConnection object
# This provides a single method - $rc->deliver( $p )
# to facilitate delivery of outbound packets
$rc->deliver( $p );


Jabber::JAX::Component is yet another perl implementation for writing Jabber components. How it differs is that it is a wrapper for the high performance JECL libraries for writing components in C++.

Jabber::JAX::MyRouterConnection is a helper class that exposes the JECL C++ library function for delivering outbound packets ( Jabber::JAX::Packet ) ( see the jax.h, judo.h, bedrock.h header files for a description ). See above example for usage - note YOU DO NOT CREATE THIS FUNCTION YOURSELF - the callback handler is passed a reference to it.


very new


Piers Harding - but DizzyD ( author of JECL ) is the real star


Jabber::JAX::Packet, Jabber::JAX::Component, Jabber::JAX::MyRouterConnection, Jabber::Judo::Element