use strict;
# Ensure that the build directory exists
BEGIN { `mkdir /tmp/_Inline` if ! -d '/tmp/_Inline' }
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.02';
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
# Inline config for the build of the C++ components
# requires libjax, libjudo, and libbedrock from the JECLs
use Inline 'CPP' => 'Config' =>
# force my header files to come first because they clash
# badly with perls
'AUTO_INCLUDE' => [ undef,
'#include <unistd.h>',
'#include <gen_component.h>',
' extern "C" {','#include "EXTERN.h"',
'#include "perl.h"',
'#include "XSUB.h"',
'#include "INLINE.h"',
' }'],
'CC' => 'g++3',
'LD' => 'g++3',
'DIRECTORY' => '/tmp/_Inline',
'INC' => '-I/usr/local/jax/include '.
'-I/usr/local/include -I'.abs_path('..').' '.
' -I'.abs_path('.'),
'LIBS' => '-L/usr/local/jax/lib -lbedrock -ljudo -ljax '.
'-lresolv -lnsl -lpthread -lresolv '.
'-lnsl -lpthread',
use Inline 'CPP';
# Config for Inline::MakeMaker
#use Inline C=> 'DATA',
# NAME => 'Jabber::JAX::Component',
# VERSION => '0.02';
=head1 NAME
Jabber::JAX::Component - Perl wrapper for the Jabber JECL Library creates the Jabber Compoent Connection Object
use Jabber::JAX::Component;
my $c = new Jabber::JAX::Component(
component => "echocomp",
secret => "mysecret",
host => "localhost",
port => "7000",
handler =>
sub {
my ( $rc, $p ) = @_;
my $e = $p->getElement();
my $to = $e->getAttrib('to');
$e->putAttrib('to', $e->getAttrib('from'));
$e->putAttrib('from', $to);
$rc->deliver( $p );
Jabber::JAX::Component is yet another perl implementation for writing
Jabber components. How it differs is that it is a wrapper for the
high performance JECL libraries for writing components in C++.
Jabber::JAX::Component is the complement for the jax::RouterConnection C++ object
( see the jax.h header file for a description ). It creates a basic connection object for a component to a jaber server with a thread pool ( currently 10 ), and provides the framework for embedding a perl callback subroutine to handle each incoming packet. See the gen_component.h header file for more details.
To run this you should use perl 5.6.x ( the standard one supplied with RH 7.1 works ) - what ever one you use it MUST NOT be compiled with threads ( no -Dusethread -Duseithreads ) - check perl -V, and you need to get the JECL libraries from ( check them out of CVS instead of downloading the tgz files ). The only catch with the libraries are the dependencies ( explained within the library README doco ) - this requires the g++ >= 3.0.x. At the time of writting this can be obtained from in the RH 7.2 beta download section ( yay - GO RedHat ! ).
Further to the SYNOPSIS above - the basic structure for programming with these perl packages is as follows:
The Jabber::JAX::Component object takes a subroutine reference for the parameter 'handler'. This subroutine is then called on receipt of every packet by the Jabber component, and passed two arguements ( well three really - but the last - the stringified xml is temporary until the judo::Element object is finalised ).
The First argument is $rc - a reference to the RouterConnection ( Jabber::JAX::Component ). It has only two methods that you should use and that is deliver, which is passed a Jabber::JAX::Packet object, for delivery, and stop which will shutdown the component.
The second argument is $p a reference to the current inbound packet ( Jabber::JAX::Packet ). Use the $p->getElement() method to return a Jabber::Judo::Element object for easy manipulation of the XML packet.
Don't forget to create the corresponding entry int the jabber.xml config file such as:
<service id='echocomp'>
=head1 VERSION
very new
=head1 AUTHOR
Piers Harding - but DizzyD ( author of JECL ) is the real star
=head1 SEE ALSO
Jabber::JAX::Packet, Jabber::JAX::Component, Jabber::JAX::Client, Jabber::Judo::Element
# Create a component profile
# passing in all the connection information
# and the name of the callback routine for handling the packet
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = {
component => "echocomp",
secret => "secret",
host => "localhost",
port => "7000",
if (exists $self->{server}){
if ( $self->{server} =~ /:/ ){
( $self->{host}, $self->{port} ) =
split( /:/, $self->{server});
} else {
$self->{host} = $self->{server};
$self->{port} = '7000'; # ? not sure what this should be
die "must supply 'component' parameter to Jabber::JAX::Component"
unless exists $self->{component};
die "must supply 'secret' parameter to Jabber::JAX::Component"
unless exists $self->{secret};
die "must supply 'host' or 'server' parameter".
" to Jabber::JAX::Component"
unless exists $self->{host};
die "must supply 'port' or 'server' parameter".
" to Jabber::JAX::Component"
unless exists $self->{port};
die "must supply 'handler' parameter to Jabber::JAX::Component"
unless exists $self->{handler};
# create the object and return it
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
# This calls into the JECL libraries - sets up the component
# to run and never returns
sub start {
my $self = shift;
# we never come back from here
# Wrapper for the callback subroutine that the user passes
sub ComponentHandler {
my $self = shift;
my $router = shift;
my $packet = shift;
my $xml = shift;
# create a Router object to pass for access to the
# deliver function
my $class = 'Jabber::JAX::Component';
my $rc = {
'ROUTER' => $router
bless ($rc, $class);
# create a Packet object to give access to the
# incoming xml packet
my $class = 'Jabber::JAX::Packet';
my $p = {
'PACKET' => $packet
bless ($p, $class);
# Call the subroutine reference passing
# the Router, Packet and the stringified XML ( not really necessary )
my @result = &{$self->{handler}}( $rc, $p, $xml );
return @result;
sub getElement {
my $self = shift;
my $class = 'Jabber::Judo::Element';
my $e = {
ELEMENT => get_element( $self->{PACKET} )
die "Could not create a Element object "
unless $e->{ELEMENT};
bless( $e, $class );
return $e;
sub toString {
my $self = shift;
return to_string( $self->{PACKET} );
sub deliver {
my $self = shift;
my $packet = shift->_packet();
return punt( $self->{ROUTER}, $packet );
sub stop {
my $self = shift;
return component_stop( $self->{ROUTER} );
using namespace std;
// Constructor
GenComponentController::GenComponentController(const std::string& serviceid,
const std::string& password,
const std::string& hostname,
unsigned int port, bool outgoing_dir,
const std::string& perl_func,
void* my_self)
: _id(serviceid), _password(password), _hostname(hostname),
_port(port), _tpool(1), _watcher(_tpool, 10),
_router(_watcher, *this, outgoing_dir, 0),
// Create an address struct, passing the hostname we want to
// connect to, a standard SRV identifier, and a default port
// to use (in case the SRV lookup doesn't get us a port)
bedrock::net::Address addr(_hostname, "_jabber._tcp", _port);
// Start the router connection
_router.connect(_id, _password, addr);
// Router event callbacks
void GenComponentController::onRouterConnected()
cerr << "[jax::RouterConnection] Router is now connected." << endl;
void GenComponentController::onRouterDisconnected()
cerr << "[jax::RouterConnection] Router is now disconnected." << endl;
bedrock::Application::stop(1, "Router connection lost");
//bedrock::Application::exit(1, "Router connection lost - exiting");
void GenComponentController::onRouterError()
cerr << "[jax::RouterConnection] Router error occurred." << endl;
void GenComponentController::onRouterPacket(jax::Packet* packet)
// Generic packet handler
// Call registered perl subroutine
// Test for a deliver/follow on action and return
int result;
SV* res;
std::string xml;
// pointer to the calling object instance
// Pointer to the router instance to be plugged into
// an object for calling use
SV* obj_ref = newSViv(0);
SV* obj = newSVrv(obj_ref, NULL);
sv_setiv(obj, (IV) ((MyRouterConnection*)&_router));
// Pointer to the current incoming packet
SV* packet_ref = newSViv(0);
SV* packet_obj = newSVrv(packet_ref, NULL);
sv_setiv(packet_obj, (IV) packet);
// scalar of the XML to string
xml = packet->toString();
xml.length() )));
result = perl_call_pv(, G_ARRAY | G_EVAL );
if(SvTRUE(ERRSV)) fprintf(stderr, "perl call errored: %s", SvPV(ERRSV,PL_na));
if ( result > 0 ){
res = POPs;
pop_scope(); // is the part of LEAVE that we want
int runComponent(char* cid,
char* sec,
char* host,
int prt,
char* pfunc,
SV* myself)
string component_id = cid;
string secret = sec;
bool outgoing = true;
string jabberd_ip = host;
unsigned int jabberd_port = prt;
string perl_func = pfunc;
void* my_self = myself;
int retval;
cerr << "[jax::RouterConnection] Starting component..." <<endl;
cerr << "\tComponent ID : " << component_id <<endl;
cerr << "\tJabberd IP : " << jabberd_ip << endl;
cerr << "\tJabberd Port : " << jabberd_port << endl << endl;
GenComponentController genComp(component_id,
SV* to_string(SV* obj) {
std::string s = ((Packet*) SvIV(SvRV(obj)))->toString();
return newSVpv(, s.length() );
SV* punt(SV* obj, SV* pkt) {
((MyRouterConnection*) SvIV(SvRV(obj)))->deliver( ((Packet*) SvIV(SvRV(pkt))) );
return newSViv(1);
SV* component_stop(SV* obj) {
// stop it!
((MyRouterConnection*) SvIV(SvRV(obj)))->disconnect();
return newSViv(1);