use strict;
use lib '../blib/lib';
use MyConfig qw(dbi jax);
my $config = MyConfig::get('dbi');
my $jaxconfig = MyConfig::get('jax');
use DBI qw(:sql_types);
use vars qw($DEBUG $DBH);
$DEBUG = 1;
= head1 - Publish & Subscribe Jabber Component
This component is based on Jabber::JAX::Component - a perl module that binds
in the JECL libraries provided by DizzyD -
The component uses a MySQL database to store the subscription and roster information -
see the module MyConfig, and the script for more details.
Create a config section in the server jabber.xml file like:
<service id='pubsub.localhost'>
<pubsub.localhost xmlns='jabber:component:pubsub.localhost'>
This implements the protocol described in:
# register of online presence
my $register = {};
# DB connection details for MySQL
my $mcfg = {
DB => 'mysql',
DBName => $config->{'DBName'},
DBHost => $config->{'DBHost'},
DBUser => $config->{'DBUser'},
DBPasswd => $config->{'DBPasswd'},
# Connect to MySQL
my $mdbh = _check_connect( $mcfg );
my $c = 0;
my $conn = new Jabber::JAX::Component(
component => $jaxconfig->{'component'},
secret => $jaxconfig->{'secret'},
host => $jaxconfig->{'host'},
port => $jaxconfig->{'port'},
handler =>
sub {
my ( $rc, $p ) = @_;
debug( "Counter: ".$c++ );
my $e = $p->getElement();
my $type = $e->getName();
debug("packet type is: $type");
if ( $type eq "message" ){
process_message( $rc, $e, $p );
} elsif ( $type eq "iq" ){
process_iq( $rc, $e, $p );
} elsif ( $type eq "presence" ){
process_presence( $rc, $e, $p );
inithandler =>
sub {
my ( $rc ) = @_;
debug( "Init Handler called " );
my $query = _pubsub_db_sql("select * from roster where type = 'subscribed'");
foreach my $row ( @{$query} ){
my $pres = new Jabber::Judo::Element("presence");
$pres->putAttrib("from", $jaxconfig->{'component'});
$pres->putAttrib("to", $row->{'jid'});
$pres->putAttrib("type", "available");
$rc->deliver(new Jabber::JAX::Packet($pres));
my $probe = new Jabber::Judo::Element("presence");
$probe->putAttrib("from", $jaxconfig->{'component'});
$probe->putAttrib("to", $row->{'jid'});
$probe->putAttrib("type", "probe");
$rc->deliver(new Jabber::JAX::Packet($probe));
stophandler =>
sub {
my ( $rc ) = @_;
debug( "Stop Handler called " );
my %beenthere = ();
foreach my $roster ( keys %{$register} ){
next unless $register->{$roster} eq 'online';
my ( $user, $host , $resource ) = $roster =~ m/^(\w+(?=\@))?\@?([\w \.\-]+)\/?([\w \-]+)?$/;
$roster = $user ? $user.'@'.$host : $host;
next if exists $beenthere{$roster};
$beenthere{$roster} = 1;
my $pres = new Jabber::Judo::Element("presence");
$pres->putAttrib("from", $jaxconfig->{'component'});
$pres->putAttrib("to", $roster);
$pres->putAttrib("type", "unavailable");
$rc->deliver(new Jabber::JAX::Packet($pres));
exit 0;
sub process_message {
my ( $rc, $e, $p ) = @_;
debug( "MESSAGE PACKET: ".$p->toString() );
#my $to = $e->getAttrib('to');
#$e->putAttrib('to', $e->getAttrib('from'));
#$e->putAttrib('from', $to);
#$rc->deliver( $p );
unsupported($rc, $e, $p);
sub get_subscription {
my ( $jid ) = @_;
my $subscription = {};
my $query = _pubsub_db_sql("select * from subscriptions where jid = '$jid'");
foreach my $row ( @{$query} ){
$subscription->{$row->{'publisher'}}->{$row->{'namespace'}} = 1;
return $subscription;
sub process_iq {
my ( $rc, $e, $p ) = @_;
debug( "IQ PACKET: ".$p->toString() );
my $q = $e->findElement("query");
unless ( $q ){
debug("no query tag found - aborting ");
unsupported($rc, $e, $p);
return undef;
unless ( $q->getAttrib("xmlns") eq "jabber:iq:pubsub" ){
debug("This IQ is not in the jabber:iq:pubsub namespace ");
unsupported($rc, $e, $p);
return undef;
my @subelems = $q->getChildren();
if ( $e->getAttrib("type") eq "set" ){
if ( $subelems[0]->getName() eq "publish" ){
process_publish($rc, $e, $p);
} elsif ( $subelems[0]->getName() =~ /subscribe/ ){
process_subscription($rc, $e, $p);
} else {
unsupported($rc, $e, $p);
} elsif( $e->getAttrib("type") eq "get" ) {
# this is a get
if ( $subelems[0]->getName() eq 'subscribe' ){
process_subscription_get($rc, $e, $p);
} else {
unsupported($rc, $e, $p);
} elsif( $e->getAttrib("type") eq "result" ) {
debug( "IQ PACKET RESULT - WHY ONE OF THESE?? : ".$p->toString() );
} else {
unsupported($rc, $e, $p);
sub process_publish {
my ($rc, $e, $p) = @_;
my $from = $e->getAttrib("from");
my $query = $e->findElement("query");
my $good_packet = 1;
foreach my $publish ( $query->getChildren() ){
my $subtag = $publish->getName();
if ($subtag != "publish") {
debug("wrong sub packet type - must be a publish: ".$subtag);
$good_packet = "";
# must have an ns tag
unless ( $publish->getAttrib("ns") ){
debug("publish tag must have ns tag with a value");
$good_packet = "";
my $ns = $publish->getAttrib("ns");
# loop at all the children of the publish and check that they are
# <data>
my $got_children = "";
my @children = $publish->getChildren();
unless ( scalar @children == 1 ){
# the child tag must have a namespace = to ns
debug("publish data must have only 1 child tag: ");
$good_packet = "";
unless ($children[0]->getAttrib("xmlns") eq $ns){
debug("data must have xmlns tag with the same value as publish ns attrib: ".$ns);
$good_packet = "";
unless ( $good_packet ){
# Construct a response iq
unsupported($rc, $e, $p);
# tell the publisher that the request was good
my $pubres = new Jabber::Judo::Element("iq");
$pubres->putAttrib("from", $e->getAttrib("to"));
$pubres->putAttrib("to", $e->getAttrib("from"));
$pubres->putAttrib("id", $e->getAttrib("id"));
$pubres->putAttrib("type", "result");
my $pq = $pubres->addElement("query");
$pq->putAttrib("xmlns", "jabber:iq:pubsub");
my $pqr = $pq->addElement("publish");
$rc->deliver( new Jabber::JAX::Packet($pubres) );
foreach my $publish ( $query->getChildren() ){
my ( $pubdata ) = $publish->getChildren();
my $ns = $publish->getAttrib("ns");
my $query = _pubsub_db_sql("select jid from subscriptions where ( ( publisher = '$from' or publisher = 'all' ) and namespace = '$ns' ) or ( publisher = '$from' and namespace = 'all' ) group by jid");
foreach my $row ( @{$query} ){
if ( getSubscription($row-{'jid'}) eq "unsubscribed" ||
getPresence($row-{'jid'}) eq "online" || $row->{'jid'} !~ /\@/ ) {
# dont worry about components
debug("Going to deliver to: ".$row->{'jid'});
my $response = new Jabber::Judo::Element("iq");
$response->putAttrib("from", $e->getAttrib("to"));
$response->putAttrib("to", $row->{'jid'} );
$response->putAttrib("id", $rc->getNextID());
$response->putAttrib("type", "set");
my $rquery_elem = $response->addElement("query");
$rquery_elem->putAttrib("xmlns", "jabber:iq:pubsub");
my $pub_elem = $rquery_elem->addElement("publish");
$pub_elem->putAttrib("from", $e->getAttrib("from"));
$pub_elem->putAttrib("ns", $ns);
$rc->deliver( new Jabber::JAX::Packet($response) );
sub process_subscription {
my ($rc, $e, $p) = @_;
my $from = $e->getAttrib("from");
my $subscription = get_subscription($from);
my $q = $e->findElement("query");
my $good_packet = 1;
foreach my $subs ( $q->getChildren() ){
# all children are subscribes or unsubscribes
my $subtag = $subs->getName();
unless ($subtag eq "subscribe" || $subtag eq "unsubscribe"){
debug("wrong sub packet type - must be a subscribe/unsubscribe: ".$subtag);
$good_packet = "";
# all subscribe's must have a to attribute
my $to = $subs->getAttrib("to") || "all";
# loop at all the children of the subscribe and check that they are
# <ns>
my $got_children = "";
foreach my $ns ( $subs->getChildren() ){
# all children are ns
unless ( $ns->getName() eq "ns" ){
debug( "has non ns children tags" );
$good_packet = "";
# the children must have a namespace inside
unless ( $ns->getCDATA() ){
debug( "ns must have some data");
$good_packet = "";
$got_children = 1;
# finsh it now if it is allready bad
last unless ( $good_packet );
if ($subs->getName() eq "subscribe"){
if (! $got_children && $to eq "all"){
debug("a subscribe must have children if there is no to address");
$good_packet = "";
unless ( $good_packet ){
# Construct a response iq
unsupported($rc, $e, $p);
debug( "Got a good packet ...");
# we have a good packet so lets match and stash
# if the subscriptio ndoesnt exist then send presence
# subscription
unless (_pubsub_db_sql("select * from roster where jid = '$from'") ){
setSubscription($from, "unsubscribed");
my $sub = new Jabber::Judo::Element("presence");
$sub->putAttrib("from", $e->getAttrib("to"));
$sub->putAttrib("to", $from);
$sub->putAttrib("type", "subscribe");
$rc->deliver(new Jabber::JAX::Packet($sub));
foreach my $p ( $q->getChildren() ){
if ( $p->getName() eq "unsubscribe" ){
if ( scalar ( $p->getChildren() ) == 0 ){
if ( $p->getAttrib("to") ){
# delete specific publisher
delete $subscription->{$p->getAttrib("to")}
if exists $subscription->{$p->getAttrib("to")};
} else {
# delete them all
$subscription = {};
} else {
# unsubscribe has specific namespaces
foreach my $ns ( $p->getChildren() ){
if ( $p->getAttrib("to") ){
# delete specific publisher
delete $subscription->{$p->getAttrib("to")}->{$ns->getCDATA()}
if exists $subscription->{$p->getAttrib("to")}->{$ns->getCDATA()};
} else {
# delete them all
foreach my $sub ( keys %{$subscription} ){
delete $subscription->{$sub}->{$ns->getCDATA()}
if exists $subscription->{$sub}->{$ns->getCDATA()};
} else {
# This is a subscription
if ( scalar ( $p->getChildren() ) == 0 ){
if ( $p->getAttrib("to") ){
# subscribe to all namespaces of a specific publisher
$subscription->{$p->getAttrib("to")}->{"all"} = 1;
} else {
# subscribe to all publisher/namespaces - illegal
die "SUBSCRIBE does not have namespaces or a publisher: ".$p->toString()."\n";
} else {
# unsubscribe has specific namespaces
foreach my $ns ( $p->getChildren() ){
if ( $p->getAttrib("to") ){
# subscribe to a namespace for a specific publisher
$subscription->{$p->getAttrib("to")}->{$ns->getCDATA()} = 1;
} else {
# remove any publisher specific subscriptions and subscribe to this namespace for all publishers
foreach my $sub ( keys %{$subscription} ){
delete $subscription->{$sub}->{$ns->getCDATA()}
if exists $subscription->{$sub}->{$ns->getCDATA()};
$subscription->{"all"}->{$ns->getCDATA()} = 1;
# update the subscription DB
_pubsub_db_sql("delete from subscriptions where jid = '$from'");
foreach my $pub ( sort keys %{$subscription} ){
foreach my $ns ( sort keys %{$subscription->{$pub}} ){
_pubsub_db_sql("insert into subscriptions values('$from', '$pub', '$ns')");
my $to = $e->getAttrib('to');
$e->putAttrib('to', $e->getAttrib('from'));
$e->putAttrib('from', $to);
$e->putAttrib('type', 'result');
$rc->deliver( $p );
sub process_subscription_get {
my ($rc, $e, $p, $subscription) = @_;
# This is an IQ get - so send back the subscription data
my $from = $e->getAttrib("from");
my $subscription = get_subscription($from);
my $to = $e->getAttrib('to');
$e->putAttrib('to', $from);
$e->putAttrib('from', $to);
$e->putAttrib('type', 'result');
my $q = $e->findElement("query");
foreach my $pub ( sort keys %{$subscription} ){
my $publisher = $q->addElement("subscribe");
$publisher->putAttrib("to", $pub) unless $pub eq "all";
foreach my $ns ( sort keys %{$subscription->{$pub}} ){
next if $ns eq "all";
my $nspace = $publisher->addElement("ns");
$rc->deliver( $p );
sub unsupported {
my ($rc, $e, $p) = @_;
debug( "THIS PACKET IS UNSUPPORTED: ".$p->toString() );
return if $e->getAttrib("type") eq "error";
my $resp = new Jabber::Judo::Element($e->getName());
$resp->putAttrib('to', $e->getAttrib("from"));
$resp->putAttrib('from', $e->getAttrib('to'));
$resp->putAttrib('id', $e->getAttrib('id')) if $e->getAttrib('id');
$resp->putAttrib('type', 'error');
my $err = $resp->addElement("error");
$err->putAttrib("code", "400");
$err->addCDATA("Malformed jabber:iq:pubsub query");
$rc->deliver( new Jabber::JAX::Packet($resp ) );
sub process_presence {
my ( $rc, $e, $p ) = @_;
debug( "PRESENCE PACKET: ".$p->toString() );
#$e->putAttrib('to', $e->getAttrib('from'));
#$e->putAttrib('from', $to);
#$rc->deliver( $p );
my $to = $e->getAttrib("to");
if ($e->getAttrib("type") eq "subscribe"){
# allow their subscribe request..
my $pres = new Jabber::Judo::Element("presence");
$pres->putAttrib("from", $to);
$pres->putAttrib("to", $e->getAttrib("from"));
$pres->putAttrib("type", "subscribed");
$rc->deliver(new Jabber::JAX::Packet($pres));
# request their subscription ...
my $sub = new Jabber::Judo::Element("presence");
$sub->putAttrib("from", $to);
$sub->putAttrib("to", $e->getAttrib("from"));
$sub->putAttrib("type", "subscribe");
$rc->deliver(new Jabber::JAX::Packet($sub));
# push our presence
my $here = new Jabber::Judo::Element("presence");
$here->putAttrib("from", $to);
$here->putAttrib("to", $e->getAttrib("from"));
$rc->deliver(new Jabber::JAX::Packet($here));
# update our roster
setSubscription($e->getAttrib("from"), "subscribed");
if ($e->getAttrib("type") eq "unsubscribe"){
# allow their unsubscribe request..
my $pres = new Jabber::Judo::Element("presence");
$pres->putAttrib("from", $to);
$pres->putAttrib("to", $e->getAttrib("from"));
$pres->putAttrib("type", "unsubscribed");
$rc->deliver(new Jabber::JAX::Packet($pres));
# ask them to remove us
my $remove = new Jabber::Judo::Element("presence");
$remove->putAttrib("from", $to);
$remove->putAttrib("to", $e->getAttrib("from"));
$remove->putAttrib("type", "unsubscribe");
$rc->deliver(new Jabber::JAX::Packet($remove));
# update our roster
setSubscription($e->getAttrib("from"), "unsubscribed");
if ($e->getAttrib("type") eq "unavailable"){
setPresence($e->getAttrib("from"), "offline");
if ($e->getAttrib("type") eq "probe"){
setPresence($e->getAttrib("from"), "online");
my $pres = new Jabber::Judo::Element("presence");
$pres->putAttrib("from", $to);
$pres->putAttrib("to", $e->getAttrib("from"));
$rc->deliver(new Jabber::JAX::Packet($pres));
if ($e->getAttrib("type") eq "available" || ! $e->getAttrib("type") ){
setPresence($e->getAttrib("from"), "online");
sub getSubscription {
my ( $from ) = @_;
my ( $user, $host , $resource ) = $from =~ m/^(\w+(?=\@))?\@?([\w \.\-]+)\/?([\w \-]+)?$/;
$from = $user ? $user.'@'.$host : $host;
my $query = _pubsub_db_sql("select * from roster where jid = '$from'");
my $status = "unsubscribed";
foreach my $row ( @{$query} ){
$status = $row->{'type'};
return $status;
sub setSubscription {
my ( $from, $status ) = @_;
my ( $user, $host , $resource ) = $from =~ m/^(\w+(?=\@))?\@?([\w \.\-]+)\/?([\w \-]+)?$/;
$from = $user ? $user.'@'.$host : $host;
_pubsub_db_sql("delete from roster where jid = '$from'");
_pubsub_db_sql("insert into roster values('$from', '$status')");
sub setPresence {
my ( $from, $status ) = @_;
$register->{$from} = $status;
sub getPresence {
my ( $from ) = @_;
return exists $register->{$from} ? $register->{$from} : "offline";
sub _pubsub_db_sql {
my ( $query ) = @_;
my $dbh = _check_connect( $mcfg );
# debug("DB: READING DB QUERY: $query");
my $sthr = $dbh->prepare( $query );
eval { $sthr->execute() };
if ( $@ ){
debug("DB: CANT READ DB QUERY: $query".
"Can't read: $DBI::errstr $@\n");
return undef;
if ( $query =~ /^select/ ){
my @rows;
while ( my $row = $sthr->fetchrow_hashref('NAME_lc') ) { push(@rows, $row) };
if ( scalar @rows == 0 ){
# debug("PUBSUB READ failed: $query ");
return undef;
} else {
return scalar @rows > 0 ? [ @rows ] : undef ;
} else {
return undef;
sub _check_connect{
my ($config) = @_;
my $dbh = "";
if ( ! $DBH ){
debug("DB: Totally NEW Connection DBHOST: ".$config->{'DBHost'}.
" DB: ".$config->{'DBName'}." USER: ".$config->{'DBUser'}.
" PWD: ".$config->{'DBPasswd'});
$dbh = _connect_to_db(
} else {
eval { $DBH->ping };
if ( $@ ){
debug("DB: DSCONNECTED - NEW Connection ". "DBHOST: ".$config->{'DBHost'},
"DB: ".$config->{'DBName'}."USER: ".$config->{'DBUser'}.
"PWD: ".$config->{'DBPasswd'});
$dbh = _connect_to_db(
} else {
# debug("DB: CACHED Connection ". "DBHOST: ".$config->{'DBHost'});
$dbh = $DBH;
return $dbh;
sub _connect_to_db{
my ($db, $dbname, $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd) = @_;
my $conn = "DBI:$db:$dbname;host=$dbhost";
my $dbh = "";
eval {
$dbh = DBI->connect($conn,
{RaiseError => 1} );
if ( $@ ){
debug("DB: CANT CONNECT TO DB: $db DBHOST: ".$dbhost.
" DB: ".$dbname."USER: ".$dbuser.
" PWD: ".$dbpasswd."Can't connect: $DBI::errstr ".$@);
return undef;
$DBH = $dbh;
return $dbh;
sub debug{
return unless $DEBUG;
print STDERR scalar localtime().": ", @_, "\n";