use lib '../blib/lib';
use lib '../blib/arch';
# get a list of report names from table TRDIR and
# then get the source code of each
print "VERSION: ".$SAP::Rfc::VERSION ."\n";
#exit 0;
my $rfc = new SAP::Rfc(
ASHOST => 'localhost',
PASSWD => '19920706',
LANG => 'EN',
CLIENT => '000',
SYSNR => '18',
TRACE => '1' );
print " START: ".scalar localtime() ."\n";
my $it = $rfc->discover("RFC_READ_TABLE");
$it->ROWCOUNT( 1000 );
$it->OPTIONS( ["NAME LIKE 'RS%'"] );
$rfc->callrfc( $it );
print "NO. PROGS: ".$it->tab('DATA')->rowCount()." \n";
$if = $rfc->discover( "RFC_READ_REPORT" );
my $tot = 0;
my $c = 0;
for my $row ( $it->DATA ){
my $prog = (split(/\|/,$row))[0];
$if->PROGRAM( $prog );
$rfc->callrfc( $if );
# print Dumper( $if );
my $rows = ( $if->QTAB );
$tot += $rows;
print "No. $c PROGRAM: $prog ROWS: $rows TOTAL: $tot\n";
# print "CODE: ".join("\n",( $if->QTAB ));
#print Dumper( $if->TRDIR() );
print " END: ".scalar localtime() ."\n";
print " TOTAL ROWS: $tot \n";