package SAP::SOAP;
use strict;
# Super class from SAP::Rfc - This module is basically a few
# added extensions for translation of SOAP xml blobs too and
# from SAP::Iface objects
use vars qw/@ISA/;
@ISA = ('SAP::Rfc');
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.01';
use vars qw($SOAPLiteMode);
$SOAPLiteMode = undef;
# Global definition of SAP rfc namespace
use vars qw($NAMESPACE);
$NAMESPACE = " xmlns:rfc=\"urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions\"";
# decode a SOAP packet into a SAP::Iface object
sub soapRequest {
my ( $self, $xml ) = @_;
# An alternate constructor is to pass the SAP::Iface object a SOAP
# XML Object
my $soap = "";
if ( $SAP::SOAP::SOAPLiteMode ){
$soap = $xml;
} else {
eval {
$soap = SOAP::Deserializer->deserialize( $xml );
return $self->soapFault( 'Server',
"XML::Parser of SOAP request failed",
"ERROR: $@" ) if $@;
my $name = $soap->dataof("/Envelope/Body/[1]")->name();
print STDERR "NAME IS: ".$name ."\n";
my ( $rfcname ) = $soap->dataof("/Envelope/Body/[1]")->name() =~ /.*\:(.*?)$/;
print STDERR "RFCNAME THING: ".$soap->dataof("/Envelope/Body/[1]")->name()."\n";
print STDERR "RFCNAME IS: ".$rfcname ."\n";
# Grab the cached interface or discover a new one
my $iface = $self->{'INTERFACES'}->{$rfcname} || "";
if ( ! $iface ) {
eval {
$iface = $self->discover( $rfcname || $name );
return $self->soapFault( 'Server',
"SAP::Rfc discover of $rfcname failed",
"ERROR: $@" ) if $@;
# Process each of the parameters
foreach my $data ( $soap->dataof("/Envelope/Body/".$name.'/*') ){
if ( $iface->isTab($data->name) ){
my $struct = $iface->tab($data->name)->structure;
# process each row
my @rows = ();
foreach my $row ( $soap->dataof("/Envelope/Body/".$name.'/'.$data->name.'/*') ){
map {
eval { $struct->fieldValue( $_, $row->value->{$_}); };
return $self->soapFault( 'Server',
"Encoded parameter field not found: ".$data->name." - $_",
"ERROR: $@" ) if $@;
} ( $struct->fields );
push( @rows, $struct->value );
} else {
# is it a complex parameter
my $struct = "";
eval {
$struct = $iface->parm($data->name)->structure;
return $self->soapFault( 'Server',
"Encoded parameter not found: ".$data->name,
"ERROR: $@" ) if $@;
if ( $struct ){
map {
eval { $struct->fieldValue( $_, $data->value->{$_}); };
return $self->soapFault( 'Server',
"Encoded parameter field not found: ".$data->name." - $_",
"ERROR: $@" ) if $@;
} ( $struct->fields );
$iface->parm($data->name)->intvalue( $struct->value );
} else {
# Simple Parameter
eval {
return $self->soapFault( 'Server',
"Encoded parameter not found: ".$data->name,
"ERROR: $@" ) if $@;
return $iface;
# do the SOAP call
sub soapCall {
my ( $self, $xml ) = @_;
my $iface = $self->soapRequest( $xml );
return ( $iface, 1) if ! ref( $iface );
print STDERR "Abount to do the call: ". Dumper( $iface )."\n";
# Now we have a complete Interface object - do the call
eval {
$self->callrfc( $iface );
print STDERR "After the call: ". Dumper( $iface )."\n";
return $self->soapFault( 'Server',
"SAP::Rfc call of ".$iface->name." failed",
"ERROR: $@" )
if $@;
# transform the call into a SOAP response object and return
return $SAP::SOAP::SOAPLiteMode ? $iface : $self->soapResponse( $iface );
# Encode the current interface definition into a SOAP
# Response - this takes all data currently in the Interface
# and wraps it in SOAP XML
# This partners a new instantiation mechanism for the SAP::Iface object
# Where the object can be passed a SOAP XML request that will be
# parsed and translated into an interface definition to be called
# via SAP::Rfc
sub soapResponse {
my ( $self, $iface ) = @_;
my $start_content = <<ENDOFHDR;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
my $end_content = <<ENDOFTRL;
# modify the RFC name to cope with SAP namespaces
my $intrfc = $iface->name();
$intrfc =~ s/\//\_\-/g;
my $xml_out = "<rfc:".$intrfc.$NAMESPACE.">\n";
my $p = $_;
$xml_out.= " <" . $p->name .">";
if ( $p->structure ){
my $flds = $p->value();
$xml_out.= "\n";
map { $xml_out.= " <$_>".$flds->{$_}."<\/$_>\n" ;
} ( keys %{$flds} );
} else {
$xml_out.= $p->value;
$xml_out.= " <\/" . $p->name . ">\n" ;
} ( $iface->parms );
map{ my $tab = $_;
$xml_out.= " <" . $tab->name . ">\n";
foreach my $row ( $tab->hashRows ){
$xml_out .= " <item>\n";
map { $xml_out .= " <$_>$row->{$_}<\/$_>\n" } keys %{$row};
$xml_out .= " <\/item>\n";
$xml_out.= " <\/" . $tab->name . ">\n"
} ( $iface->tabs );
$xml_out .= "<\/rfc:".$intrfc.">\n";
# empty the interface as we dont want all this space hanging arround
return $start_content.$xml_out.$end_content;
# Generate a fault message
sub soapFault {
my ($self, $faultcode, $faultstring, $result_desc) = @_;
if ( $SOAPLiteMode ){
die SOAP::Fault->faultcode($faultcode)
->faultdetail(bless {code => 1} => $result_desc)
# faultcodes:
# SOAP-ENV:MustUnderstand <- failing to honour mandatory header
# SOAP-ENV:Server <- failing to handle body
my $response_content = <<EOFFAULT;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
my $response_content_length = length $response_content;
# $response_header_writer->('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
# $response_header_writer->('Content-Length', $response_content_length);
# $response_content_writer->($response_content);
return $response_content;
=head1 NAME
SAP::SOAP - Perl extension to translate to and from SOAP calls
use SAP::SOAP;
$rfc = new SAP::SOAP(
ASHOST => 'myhost',
USER => 'ME',
PASSWD => 'secret',
LANG => 'EN',
CLIENT => '200',
SYSNR => '00',
TRACE => '1' );
my $sr =<<EOF;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""
<rfc:RFC_READ_TABLE xmlns:rfc="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions">
print $rfc->soapCall( $sr );
The best way to discribe this package is to give a brief over view, and
then launch into several examples.
=head1 METHODS:
Translate a SOAP request into an SAP::Iface object ready for
a call via SAP::Rfc.
Accepts a SOAP request, processes the SAP RFC and provides a SOAP
response or fault.
Accepts fault code, fault string, and a fault description - Returns
a SOAP fault response.
=head1 AUTHOR
Piers Harding,
But Credit must go to all those that have helped.
=head1 SEE ALSO
perl(1), SAP::Rfc(3), SAP::Iface(3), SOAP::Lite(3).