use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(SOAP::Server::Parameters);
use lib '/web/perllib';
use lib '/home/piers/code/saprfc/lib';
use vars qw($VERSION $AUTOLOAD);
my $times = 0;
# Autoload the RFC Function name ( SOAP Method )
my $self = shift;
my @parms = @_;
my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
$name =~ s/.*://;
# Autoload RFC Function
$self->method( $name, @parms );
# use something to pull the config
use SAP::Config qw(/home/piers/code/saprfc/examples/);
my %config = SAP::Config::get();
# global connection object to SAP
use vars qw($rfc);
check_connect( $config{'sap'} );
# Fatal error on load if no SAP system
die "SAPSOAP: Cannot connect to SAP System: $config{sap}->{ashost} \n"
unless $rfc;
sub method {
my ( $package, $method, @parms ) = @_;
my $request = pop( @parms );
# check that this RFC is allowed to be called as per the
# configuration
die SOAP::Fault->faultcode("SAPSOAP.ForbiddenRFC")
->faultstring("RFC Call Forbidden")
->faultdetail(bless {code => 1} => "RFC $method is Forbidden due to configuration")
if ! exists $config{'rfc'}->{$method};
# set the internal flag that makes SAP::SOAP behave for
# SOAP::Lite
$SAP::SOAP::SOAPLiteMode = 1;
print STDERR "Doing the call ...\n";
# refresh the SAP connection
check_connect( $config{'sap'} );
print STDERR "Connection is fine ...\n";
# process the call
my $response = $rfc->soapCall( $request );
# print STDERR "Done SAP RFC SOAP Call ",$response->tab('DATA')->rows(),"...\n";
print STDERR "Done SAP RFC SOAP Call ".$times ++ ."...\n";
# create SOAP::Lite data objects for return
my @parms = ();
eval {
import SOAP::Data 'name';
my $p = $_;
if ( $p->structure ){
my $flds = $p->value();
push( @parms, name( $p->name => $flds ) );
} else {
push( @parms, name( $p->name => $p->value ) );
} ( $response->parms );
map{ my $tab = $_;
push( @parms, SOAP::Data->name( $tab->name )->type('array')->value(
\name( 'item' =>
( $tab->hashRows )
} ( $response->tabs );
# empty the interface as we dont want all this space hanging arround
return @parms;
# Connect to the SAP System
sub check_connect {
my $config = shift;
if ( ! $rfc ){
print STDERR "SAPSOAP: Creating a new connection to: ".$config->{'ashost'}."\n";
$rfc = new SAP::SOAP(
ASHOST => $config->{'ashost'},
USER => $config->{'user'},
PASSWD => $config->{'passwd'},
LANG => $config->{'lang'},
CLIENT => $config->{'client'},
SYSNR => $config->{'sysnr'},
# TRACE => $config->{'trace'}
} elsif ( ! $rfc->is_connected ){
print STDERR "SAPSOAP: Restarting connection to: ".$config->{'ashost'}."\n";
$rfc = new SAP::SOAP(
ASHOST => $config->{'ashost'},
USER => $config->{'user'},
PASSWD => $config->{'passwd'},
LANG => $config->{'lang'},
CLIENT => $config->{'client'},
SYSNR => $config->{'sysnr'},
# TRACE => $config->{'trace'}
} else {
# print STDERR "SAPSOAP: Great connection to: ".$config->{'ashost'}." - using cached\n";
die "SAPSOAP: Cannot connect to SAP System: $config->{ashost} \n"
unless $rfc;