use strict;
use Moo;
has url => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has username => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has password => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has model => (is => 'ro', default => 'ca_objects');
has lang => (is => 'ro', default => 'nl_NL');
has _field_list => (is => 'rw', default => sub { return []; });
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $field_list = delete $args{'field_list'};
if ($field_list) {
my @list = split(/,/, $field_list);
my @fields = map { $_ =~ s/^\s+//; $_; } @list;
$args{'_field_list'} = \@fields;
return \%args;
sub field_list {
my ($self, $field_list) = @_;
if ($field_list) {
my @list = split(/,/, $field_list);
my @fields = map { $_ =~ s/^\s+//; $_; } @list;
$self->_field_list = \@fields;
} else {
return join(',', @{$self->_field_list});
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
Catmandu::Store::CA - Retrieve items from a L<CollectiveAccess|> instance
# From the command line
catmandu export CA to YAML --id 1234 --username demo --password demo --url --model ca_objects --lang nl_NL --field_list 'ca_entities, preferred_labels'
# From a Catmandu Fix
username: demo,
password: demo,
model: ca_objects,
lang: nl_NL,
field_list: 'ca_entities, preferred_labels'
# From Perl code
use Catmandu;
my $store = Catmandu->store('CA',
username => 'demo',
password => 'demo',
model => 'ca_objects',
lang => 'nl_NL',
field_list => 'ca_entities, preferred_labels'
my $item = $store->get('1234');
A Catmandu::Store::CA is Perl package that can query a L<CollectiveAccess|> instance.
=head2 url
C<url> of the CA instance (e.g. I<>).
=head2 username
Name of a user that can be used to query the API. If you want to store
items in the CA instance, it must have the necessary rights.
=head2 password
Password for the user.
=head2 model
The API can access several tables from the CA instance, called I<model> in this module.
The model is by default C<ca_objects>, but the following are also supported:
=item C<ca_objects>
=item C<ca_object_lots>
=item C<ca_entities>
=item C<ca_places>
=item C<ca_occurrences>
=item C<ca_collections>
=item C<ca_storage_locations>
=item C<ca_loans>
=item C<ca_movements>
=head2 lang
The language (locale) in which to return the data. Set to C<nl_NL> by default,
will automatically fall back to C<en_US> if the attribute does not exist in the
selected locale. Use the L<IETF language tag|>.
=head2 field_list
A comma-separated, quoted, (C<'foo, bar'>) list of fields that the CollectiveAccess
API should return. Is optional and can be left empty to return the default 'summary'.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new(%configuration)
Create a new Catmandu::Store::CA
=head2 get($id)
Retrieve a CA record given an identifier. This returns whatever
the CA administrator designated as the "summary" of the record.
=head2 add($data)
see what data you must provide to create a record.
=head2 update($id, $data)
see what data you must provide to create a record.
=head2 delete($id)
Delete (I<soft delete>) a record.
=head2 each()
List all items in the instance and iterate over them one at the time. Returns a single object.
=head1 AUTHOR
Pieter De Praetere E<lt>pieter at packed.beE<gt>
Copyright 2017- PACKED vzw
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO