Changes for version 1.999822 - 2021-07-09

  • Make the from_hex(), from_oct(), and from_bin() methods consistent with CORE::oct(), which does not require a leading "0" before the letter ("x", "o", or "b").
  • Make the from_oct() and new() methods accept octal numbers with prefix "0o", "0O", "o" (lowercase letter o), and "O" (capital letter O).
  • Make the from_bin() and new() methods accept binary numbers with prefix "0b", "0B", "b", and "B".
  • Make the from_hex() and new() methods accept hexadecimal numbers with prefix "0x", "0X", "x", and "X".
  • Update test files to match with the above.


Arbitrary size floating point math package
Arbitrary size integer/float math package
pure Perl module to support Math::BigInt
virtual parent class for Math::BigInt libraries