Changes for version 2.004001 - 2025-02-12

  • Improve upgrading and downgrading.
    • Upgrading and downgrading is more consistent.
    • Upgrading and downgrading now keeps the reference, so in the following example, $x changes from being a Math::BigInt with a value of 2 to a Math::BigFloat with the value 1.4142...
      • perl -Mbignum -le '$x = 2; $x -> bsqrt(); print $x'
  • Fix bug in Math::BigFloat->bdiv(): in list context, bdiv() would do floored division, except when the denominator was 1. Now, bdiv() always does floored division.


arbitrary size floating point math package
arbitrary size integer math package
pure Perl module to support Math::BigInt
virtual parent class for Math::BigInt libraries
arbitrary size rational number math package