Changes for version 0.2614 - 2018-04-17
- Fix bug in bpow() (CPAN RT #124002). Add tests to verify fix.
- Fix bug in is_one(). The code $x->is_one("-") returned false when $x was -1 and true when $x was 1. Add tests to verify fix.
- Improve bsqrt() so it returns the exact result when possible.
- Fix documentation errors.
- The tests now require Test::More version 0.88 or newer.
- Add test files t/release-portability.t, t/release-test-version.t, and t/release-cpan-changes.t.
- Update TODO file.
- Prefer as_int() to as_number(), since what is does is return an integer.
- Expand tabs to spaces and clean up whitepace.
- Convert test file t/02pod.t to t/release-pod.t and t/03podcov.t to t/release-pod-coverage.t.
- Reformat CHANGES to match the specification in CPAN::Changes::Spec and CPAN::Meta::Spec.
- Better testing of NaN and Inf trapping.
- Use $class->config("xyz") rather than $class->config()->{xyz}.
- Add more tests of is_inf() to catch bugs like the one that was in is_one(). Specifically, make sure we test is_inf() with and without a sign argument.
- Use $LIB for the math backend library class.
- Reformat test data in t/
- Import carp() and croak() from Carp.
- Make tests pass when '.' is not in @INC.
- Remove t/bigroot.t and t/biglog.t which didn't test Math::BigRat at all.
Arbitrary big rational numbers