Changes for version 2.13_03 - 2013-02-21

  • FEATURE: Classes which claim they ->DOES('autodie::skip') are now skipped when generating exceptions. This is mainly of use to utility classes. See `perldoc autodie::skip` for more details. (GH Issue #15)

Changes for version 2.13_02 - 2013-02-21

  • TEST: chown() tests are skipped on Win32, as chown on Windows platforms seems to always say it was successful. (Help in testing this would be appreciated.)

Changes for version 2.13_01 - 2013-02-20

  • BUGFIX: Fixed bug whereby chmod, chown, kill, unlink and utime could not throw an exception, even when they didn't change all their files, or killed all their processes.
  • BUGFIX: Added support for 'chown', that was previously overlooked. Mad props to RsrchBoy for spotting this. (GH Pull #13)
  • BUGFIX: Removed executable bits from some bundled text files.
  • BUILD: We now use dzil to manage autodie.
  • BUILD: Only Perl 5.8.4 and above is supported by autodie. Please upgrade your Perl distro if you're using 5.8.3 or below.
  • TEST: Author tests now look for the AUTHOR_TESTING env variable (for dzil compliance).
  • TEST: Better testing for chown, chmod, and unlink.


Replace functions with equivalents which succeed or die
Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with lexical scope
Exceptions from autodying functions.
Exceptions from autodying system().
Provide hints about user subroutines to autodie
Skip a package when throwing autodie exceptions


in lib/