
App::Munchies - Catalyst example application using food recipes as a data set


0.1.$Revision: 657 $


Start the development mini server with



This is an example application for the CatalystX::Usul base classes

Some web applications require common controllers and data models. For example; welcome mat, authentication, password changing, navigation tools and site map are some of the controllers implemented here. Since these modules are not an end in themselves, most of the visible text is stored in XML configuration files and can be customised using the controllers and data models provided. The string "Munchies" for example is a generic application name and it is meant to be replaced with a more specific application name once it has been written

Pages are rendered using a single TT template. The template, CSS, Javascript and collection of GIFs, PNG, etc are stored together and form a "skin" for which a switching mechanism is provided. This enables development of the web application to proceed independently of the interface development. Content (provided by Perl on Catalyst) has been separated from layout (TT+CSS), presentation (CSS) and behaviour (JS). If the interface is not to your liking, write your own skin. These ideas and techniques have been aquired from and

Don't even think about using anything other than a modern version of Firefox to display these pages


Run these commands as root to install this application from a distribution tarball:

tar -xvzf app_munchies-?.?.?.tar.gz
cd app_munchies-?.?.?

It defaults to installing all files (including the var data) under /opt/app-munchies (which is easy to remove if this is not a permanent installation)

If you want to customise the installation then instead of run

./Build --ask
./Build distclean
cd ..
tar -czf app_munchies-local.tar.gz app_munchies-?.?.?

which will create a local tarball. Install from this and you will not be prompted to answer any more questions

Once the schema has been deployed and populated the following (optional) commands will be run:

bin/munchies_misc   -n -c pod2html    -o uid=[% uid %] -o gid=[% gid %]
bin/munchies_schema -n -c catalog_mmf -o uid=[% uid %] -o gid=[% gid %]

as the munchies user. They may take some time to finish. When complete the var area of the application is about 60Mb in size

This distribution contains a setuid root program. It is used to provide limited access to root only functions, e.g. authentication against /etc/shadow. The build process asks if this should be enabled

N.B. Remove user_root from var/secure/support.sub if it exists



Lists the users session data stored in Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap

This method should be implemented on each of the C::P::S::Store::* backends


Append -d to bin/ to start the mini server in debug mode

Replace the prepare body method in with this one

sub prepare_body {
   my $c = shift;

   # Do we run for the first time?
   return if defined $c->request->{_body};

   # Initialize on-demand data
   $c->engine->prepare_body( $c, @_ );

   if ( $c->debug && keys %{ $c->req->body_parameters } ) {
      my $params = $c->req->body_parameters;
      my $re = $c->config->{Debug}->{skip_dump_parameters};
      my $t = Text::SimpleTable->new( [ 35, 'Parameter' ], [ 36, 'Value' ] );

      for my $key ( sort keys %{ $params } ) {
         my $param = exists $params->{ $key } ? $params->{ $key } : q();
         my $value = ref $param eq q(ARRAY)
                   ? (join q(, ), @{ $param }) : $param;

         $value = q(*) x length $value if ($re && $key =~ m{ \A $re \z }mx);

         $t->row( $key, $value );

      $c->log->debug( "Body Parameters are:\n" . $t->draw );

Configuration and Environment

Application configuration is in the file lib/app_munchies/app_munchies.xml




Cygwin - Has a wierd gecos field in the passwd file that is a problem for the identity model.

Bugs and Limitations

There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to the address below. Patches are welcome

Remember to patch M::B::PodParser::textblock. Change tests to case insensitive pattern matches. Delete requirement for authors to have @s Otherwise Build dist will fail to create META.yml


Peter Flanigan, <Support at>

License and Copyright

Copyright (c) 2009 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE