CatalystX::Usul::Model::Identity::Users - Manager user data stores
0.1.$Revision: 418 $
use CatalystX::Usul::Model::Identity::Users::DBIC;
my $class = CatalystX::Usul::Model::Identity::Users::DBIC;
my $user_obj = $class->new( $app, $config );
Implements the base class for user data stores. Each factory subclass should inherit from this and implement the required list of methods
Constructor initialises these attributes
- app_name
Name of the application using this identity model. Prefixes the subject line of the account activation email sent to users who create an account via the registration method
- field_defaults
A hashref of the user object attributes and their default values
- fs_model
An instance of CatalystX::Usul::FileSystem used by the "user_report_form" method to list the available user reports
- mail_domain
The default email domain used when users are created and a specific email address is not supplied
- rprtdir
Location in the filesystem of the user reports
- sessdir
Location in the filesystem of used user passwords and account activation keys
Checks for the existence of the file created by the "register" method. If it exists it contains the username of a recently created account. The accounts active attribute is set to true, enabling the account
Called by the "check_password" method via the factory subclass. The supplied password is encrypted and compared to the one in storage. Failures are counted and when max_login_trys are exceeded the account is disabled. Errors can be thrown for; unknown user, inactive account, expired password, maximum attempts exceeded and incorrect password
Adds fields to the stash for the login screen
If the user is unknown this method adds a label field to the stash reminding the user to login
Method to change the users password. Throws exceptions for field constraint failures and if the passwords entered are not the same
Adds field data to the stash for the change password screen. Allows users to change their own password
This method is required by the Catalyst::Authentication::Store API. It calls the factory method in the subclass to check that the supplied password is the correct one
Method to create a new account or update an existing one. Throws exceptions for field constraint failures. Calls methods in the subclass to do the actual work
Deletes the selected account
This method is required by the Catalyst::Authentication::Store API. It returns a user object even if the user is unknown. If the user is known a list of roles that the user belongs to is also returned. A weakened copy of the self referential object is included in the returned object so that the Catalyst::Authentication plugin can call the "check_password" method
This method is required by the Catalyst::Authentication::Store API. Removes the copy of the self referential object so that the user object can be serialized for the session store
This method is required by the Catalyst::Authentication::Store API. Field accessor returns undef if the field does not exist, otherwise returns the value of the required field
Implements the algorithmn that derives the username from the users first name and surname. The supplied prefix from the user profile is prepended to the generated value. If the prefix contains unique domain information then the generated username will be globally unique to the organisation
This method is required by the Catalyst::Authentication::Store API. Returns the self referential object
Returns the primary role id for the given user. Note not all storage models support primary_role ids
Returns the list of users that share the given primary role id
This method is required by the Catalyst::Authentication::Store API. Returns the username of the user object
Returns true if the given user exists, false otherwise
Delete the list of selected accounts
Create the self registered account. The account is created in an inactive state and a confirmation email is sent
Added the fields to the stash for the self registration screen. Users can use this screen to create their own accounts
Returns a user object for the selected user and a list of usernames
Sets the users password to a given value
Updates the users password only if the new one has not been used before or there is an administrative override
Sets the fill attribute of the stash in response to clicking the auto fill button
Adds fields to the stash for the user management screen. Adminstrators can create new accounts or modify the details of existing ones
Creates a report of the user accounts in this realm
View either the list of available account reports or the contents of a specific report
Add fields to the stash for the security administration screen. From here administrators can reset passwords and change the list of roles to which the selected user belongs
Configuration and Environment
- CatalystX::Usul::Model
- CatalystX::Usul::Model::FileSystem
- Class::Null
- Crypt::PasswdMD5
- Scalar::Util
- Sys::Hostname
- XML::Simple
There are no known incompatibilities in this module
Bugs and Limitations
There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to the address below. Patches are welcome
Peter Flanigan, <Support at>
License and Copyright
Copyright (c) 2008 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE