Class::Usul::Schema - Support for database schemas
package YourApp::Schema;
use Moo;
use Class::Usul::Functions qw( arg_list );
use YourApp::Schema::Authentication;
use YourApp::Schema::Catalog;
extends 'Class::Usul::Schema';
my %DEFAULTS = ( database => 'library',
schema_classes => {
authentication => 'YourApp::Schema::Authentication',
catalog => 'YourApp::Schema::Catalog', }, );
sub new_with_options {
my ($self, @args) = @_; my $attr = arg_list @args;
return $self->next::method( %DEFAULTS, %{ $attr } );
Methods used to install and uninstall database applications
Configuration and Environment
Defines the following attributes
String which is required. The name of the database to connect to
Hash reference which defaults to
{ mysql => 'root', pg => 'postgres', }
The default administration identity for each supported RDBMS db_attr
Hash reference which defaults to
{ add_drop_table => TRUE, no_comments => TRUE, }
A hash reference keyed by database driver. The DDL commands used to create users and databases
A boolean that defaults for false. Can be set from the command line with the
option. Prints out commands, do not execute them preversion
String which defaults to null. The previous schema version number
Array reference which defaults to
[ qw(MySQL PostgreSQL) ]
. List of supported RDBMS schema_classes
Hash reference which defaults to
. Keyed by model name, the DBIC class names for each model schema_version
String which defaults to
. The schema version number is used in the DDL filenames unlink
Boolean which defaults to false. Unlink DDL files if they exist before creating new ones
Boolean which defaults to false. When true flips the defaults for yes/no questions
create_database - Creates a database
Understands how to do this for different RDBMSs, e.g. MySQL and PostgreSQL
create_ddl - Dump the database schema definition
Creates the DDL for multiple RDBMs
create_schema - Creates a database then deploys and populates the schema
Calls create_database followed by deploy_and_populate
deploy_and_populate - Create tables and populates them with initial data
Called as part of the application install
The database driver string, derived from the "dsn" method
drop_database - Drops a database
The database is selected by the database
Returns the DSN from the call to get_connect_info
edit_credentials - Edits the database login information
Encrypts the database connection password before storage
Returns the hostname of the database server derived from the call to "dsn"
The unencrypted password used to connect to the database
The user id used to connect to the database
There are no known incompatibilities in this module
Bugs and Limitations
There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to the address below. Patches are welcome
Peter Flanigan, <>
License and Copyright
Copyright (c) 2015 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE