Changes for version 0.9.229 - 2012-11-07
- Added void method to Programs. A will always throw method for run
- Added File::HomeDir::my_home to Config::Programs and Programs
- Added Module::Build patches since referenced by Module::Provision
- Updated inc::Bob to 1.6
- Made the quiet attribute in Programs non resetable
- Added the constant UNDEFINED_RV to be -1
- Moved all the depends_on calls outside the try/catch blocks in Build
- Improved undefined rv logic in Programs run method
- Fixed bug in Programs config_class default override
- Bumped version from 0.8 to 0.9
- Added bsonid64 to Functions
A base class other packages
M::B utility methods
Things to do after Build install
Things to ask when Build runs install
Version control system
Inflate config values
Additional configuration attributes for CLI programs
Definitions of constant values
Defines Moose type constraints
Encryption/decryption functions
File and directory IO base class
Globally accessible functions
List/Create/Delete processes
Localize text strings
Create methods for each logging level that encode their output
Moose, the way I like it.
Create a Debian package from a standalone application
Provide support for command line programs
Response class for running external programs
Class for CPAN Meta file
Data structure for the table widget
Class methods for date and time manipulation
Load classes at runtime
Untaints @ARGV before Getopts processes it