Changes for version 0.11.401 - 2012-07-10
- Added email_address method to F::MailAlias
- Add class attribute to F::DC::Exception
- F::DC::Storage::WithLanguage does not throw if no lang dep updates
- Fixed F::Gettext::Storage::PO using name for msgid
- Fixed gettext caching in F::DC::Storage::WithLanguage
- Fixed bug in F::DC::HashMerge. Will update undef to 0
- Made EXTENSIONS available in F::DC::Schema
- Replace F::DC::Util with F::DC::Functions
- Made JSON untaint the data it reads
- Moved F::DC::Storage::extensions to F::DC::Util
- Fixed using F::DC::Storage::WithLanguage with F::DC::S::Any
- F::DC::Schema::translate defaults to storage class Any
- Fixed bug in update detection logic
- Fixed F::MailAlias api
- Added Schema attribute builder, deprecated ioc_obj
- Added columns and has_column to F::DC::ResultSource
- Do not allow setting attributes to undef in F::DC::IO
- Optimised coercions in F::DC::Constraints
- Optimised F::DC::Storage::WithLanguage::_get_key_and_newest
- Added type coercion to LanguageType from Undef in F::DC::Schema::WithLanguage
Structured data file IO with OO paradigm
Adds extra methods to the CHI API
Definitions of constant values
Role defining package constraints
Exception base class
<One-line description of module's purpose>
Merge hashes with update flag
Better IO syntax
List response class
Result object definition
Core element methods
A source of result sets for a given schema
Result source localisation
Base class for schema definitions
Adds language support to the default schema
Storage base class
Selects storage class using the extension on the path
Read/write JSON data storage model
Split/merge language dependent data
Read/write XML data storage model
Read/write XML data storage model
Read/write XML data storage model
Read and write GNU gettext po/mo files
Definitions of constant values
Storage class for GNU gettext machine object format
Storage class for GNU gettext portable object format
Domain model for the system mail aliases file
Storage class file the mail alias file
OO access to the MealMaster recipe files
MealMaster food recipes custom methods
MealMaster food recipe file storage
Result source definitions for the Unix auth files
Unix authentication and authorisation file custom results
Unix authentication and authorisation file storage