# @(#)$Id: Any.pm 416 2012-11-07 07:46:46Z pjf $
use strict;
use version; our $VERSION = qv( sprintf '0.13.%d', q$Rev: 416 $ =~ /\d+/gmx );
use Moose;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use File::DataClass::Functions qw(ensure_class_loaded is_stale merge_hash_data
has 'schema' => is => 'ro', isa => 'Object', required => TRUE, weak_ref => TRUE,
handles => [ qw(cache storage_attributes storage_base), ];
has 'stores' => is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef', lazy => TRUE,
builder => '_build_stores';
sub create_or_update {
return shift->_get_store_from_extension( $_[ 0 ] )->create_or_update( @_ );
sub delete {
return shift->_get_store_from_extension( $_[ 0 ] )->delete( @_ );
sub dump {
return shift->_get_store_from_extension( $_[ 0 ] )->dump( @_ );
sub extn {
return sub {
my $path = shift || NUL; my ($extn) = $path =~ m{ \. ([^\.]+) \z }mx;
return $extn ? q(.).$extn : NUL;
sub insert {
return shift->_get_store_from_extension( $_[ 0 ] )->insert( @_ );
sub load {
my ($self, @paths) = @_; $paths[ 0 ] or return {};
my ($data, $meta, $newest) = $self->cache->get_by_paths( \@paths );
my $cache_mtime = $self->meta_unpack( $meta );
not is_stale $data, $cache_mtime, $newest and return $data;
$data = {}; $newest = 0;
for my $path (@paths) {
my $store = $self->_get_store_from_extension( $path );
my ($red, $path_mtime) = $store->read_file( $path, FALSE ); $red or next;
$path_mtime > $newest and $newest = $path_mtime;
merge_hash_data $data, $red;
$self->cache->set_by_paths( \@paths, $data, $self->meta_pack( $newest ) );
return $data;
sub meta_pack {
my ($self, $mtime) = @_; my $attr = $self->{_meta_cache} || {};
$attr->{mtime} = $mtime; return $attr;
sub meta_unpack {
my ($self, $attr) = @_; $self->{_meta_cache} = $attr;
return $attr ? $attr->{mtime} : undef;
sub read_file {
return shift->_get_store_from_extension( $_[ 0 ] )->read_file( @_ );
sub select {
return shift->_get_store_from_extension( $_[ 0 ] )->select( @_ );
sub txn_do {
return shift->_get_store_from_extension( $_[ 0 ] )->txn_do( @_ );
sub update {
return shift->_get_store_from_extension( $_[ 0 ] )->update( @_ );
sub validate_params {
return shift->_get_store_from_extension( $_[ 0 ] )->validate_params( @_ );
# Private methods
sub _build_stores {
my $self = shift; my $stores = {};
for my $extn (keys %{ EXTENSIONS() }) {
my $class = EXTENSIONS()->{ $extn }->[ 0 ];
if (q(+) eq substr $class, 0, 1) { $class = substr $class, 1 }
else { $class = $self->storage_base.q(::).$class }
ensure_class_loaded $class;
$stores->{ $extn } = $class->new( { %{ $self->storage_attributes },
schema => $self->schema } );
return $stores;
sub _get_store_from_extension {
my ($self, $path) = @_; my $file = basename( NUL.$path );
my $extn = (split m{ \. }mx, $file)[ -1 ]
or throw error => 'File [_1] has no extension', args => [ $file ];
my $store = $self->stores->{ q(.).$extn }
or throw error => 'Extension [_1] has no store', args => [ $extn ];
return $store;
no Moose;
=head1 Name
File::DataClass::Storage::Any - Selects storage class using the extension on the path
=head1 Version
0.1.$Revision: 416 $
=head1 Synopsis
use File::DataClass::Schema;
my $schema = File::DataClass::Schema->new( storage_class => q(Any) );
my $data = $schema->load( 'data_file1.xml', 'data_file2.json' );
=head1 Description
Selects storage class using the extension on the path
=head1 Subroutines/Methods
=head2 create_or_update
=head2 delete
=head2 dump
=head2 extn
=head2 insert
=head2 load
=head2 meta_pack
=head2 meta_unpack
=head2 read_file
=head2 select
=head2 txn_do
=head2 update
=head2 validate_params
=head1 Configuration and Environment
=head1 Diagnostics
=head1 Dependencies
=over 3
=item L<File::DataClass::Storage>
=item L<Moose>
=head1 Incompatibilities
There are no known incompatibilities in this module
=head1 Bugs and Limitations
There are no known bugs in this module.
Please report problems to the address below.
Patches are welcome
=head1 Acknowledgements
Larry Wall - For the Perl programming language
=head1 Author
Peter Flanigan, C<< <Support at RoxSoft.co.uk> >>
=head1 License and Copyright
Copyright (c) 2012 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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