use strict;
# Private methods
my $_merge_attr;
my $_merge_attr_arrays = sub {
my ($self, $to, $from) = @_; my $updated = 0;
for (0 .. $#{ $to }) {
if (defined $from->[ $_ ]) {
my $res = $self->$_merge_attr( \$to->[ $_ ], $from->[ $_ ] );
$updated ||= $res;
elsif ($to->[ $_ ]) { splice @{ $to }, $_; $updated = 1; last }
if (@{ $from } > @{ $to }) {
push @{ $to }, (splice @{ $from }, $#{ $to } + 1); $updated = 1;
return $updated;
my $_merge_attr_hashes = sub {
my ($self, $to, $from) = @_; my $updated = 0;
for (grep { exists $from->{ $_ } } keys %{ $to }) {
if (defined $from->{ $_ }) {
my $res = $self->$_merge_attr( \$to->{ $_ }, $from->{ $_ } );
$updated ||= $res;
else { delete $to->{ $_ }; delete $from->{ $_ }; $updated = 1 }
for (grep { not exists $to->{ $_ } } keys %{ $from }) {
if (defined $from->{ $_ }) {
$to->{ $_ } = $from->{ $_ }; $updated = 1;
return $updated;
$_merge_attr = sub {
my ($self, $to_ref, $from) = @_; my $to = ${ $to_ref }; my $updated = 0;
if ($to and ref $to eq 'HASH') {
$updated = $self->$_merge_attr_hashes( $to, $from );
elsif ($to and ref $to eq 'ARRAY') {
$updated = $self->$_merge_attr_arrays( $to, $from );
elsif (defined $to and $to ne $from) {
$updated = 1; ${ $to_ref } = $from;
elsif (not defined $to) {
if (ref $from eq 'HASH') {
scalar keys %{ $from } > 0 and $updated = 1
and ${ $to_ref } = $from;
elsif (ref $from eq 'ARRAY') {
scalar @{ $from } > 0 and $updated = 1 and ${ $to_ref } = $from;
else { $updated = 1; ${ $to_ref } = $from }
return $updated;
# Public methods
sub merge {
my ($self, $dest_ref, $src, $filter) = @_; my $updated = 0;
$dest_ref or die 'No destination reference specified';
${ $dest_ref } ||= {}; $src ||= {}; $filter ||= sub { keys %{ $_[ 0 ] } };
for my $attr ($filter->( $src )) {
if (defined $src->{ $attr }) {
my $res = $self->$_merge_attr
( \${ $dest_ref }->{ $attr }, $src->{ $attr } );
$updated ||= $res;
elsif (exists ${ $dest_ref }->{ $attr }) {
delete ${ $dest_ref }->{ $attr }; $updated = 1;
return $updated;
=head1 Name
File::DataClass::HashMerge - Merge hashes with update flag
=head1 Synopsis
use File::DataClass::HashMerge;
$class = q(File::DataClass::HashMerge);
$updated = $class->merge( $dest_ref, $src, $condition );
=head1 Description
Merge the attributes from the source hash ref into destination ref
=head1 Subroutines/Methods
=head2 merge
$class = q(File::DataClass::HashMerge);
$bool = $class->merge( $dest_ref, $src, $filter );
Only merge the attributes from C<$src> to C<$dest_ref> if the
C<$filter> coderef evaluates returns the,. Return true if the destination
ref was updated
=head1 Diagnostics
=head1 Configuration and Environment
=head1 Dependencies
=head1 Incompatibilities
There are no known incompatibilities in this module
=head1 Bugs and Limitations
There are no known bugs in this module.
Please report problems to the address below.
Patches are welcome
=head1 Author
Peter Flanigan, C<< <> >>
=head1 License and Copyright
Copyright (c) 2015 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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