# @(#)$Id: Storage.pm 285 2011-07-11 12:40:49Z pjf $
use strict;
use version; our $VERSION = qv( sprintf '0.6.%d', q$Rev: 285 $ =~ /\d+/gmx );
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use Hash::Merge qw(merge);
use Moose;
extends qw(File::DataClass);
has 'backup' => is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => NUL;
has 'extn' => is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => NUL;
has 'schema' => is => 'ro', isa => 'Object', required => 1, weak_ref => TRUE,
handles => { _cache => q(cache), _debug => q(debug), _lock => q(lock),
_log => q(log), _perms => q(perms) };
sub delete {
my ($self, $path, $element_obj) = @_;
my $element = $element_obj->_resultset->source->name;
$self->validate_params( $path, $element );
my ($data) = $self->_read_file( $path, TRUE );
my $name = $element_obj->{name};
if (exists $data->{ $element } and exists $data->{ $element }->{ $name }) {
delete $data->{ $element }->{ $name };
scalar keys %{ $data->{ $element } } or delete $data->{ $element };
$self->_write_file( $path, $data );
return TRUE;
$self->_lock->reset( k => $path->pathname );
return FALSE;
sub dump {
my ($self, $path, $data) = @_;
$self->validate_params( $path, TRUE );
$self->_lock->set( k => $path );
return $self->_write_file( $path, $data, TRUE );
sub insert {
my ($self, $path, $element_obj) = @_;
return $self->_update( $path, $element_obj, FALSE, sub { TRUE } );
sub load {
my ($self, @paths) = @_; $paths[0] or return {};
scalar @paths == 1
and return ($self->_read_file( $paths[0], FALSE ))[0] || {};
my ($data, $meta, $newest) = $self->_cache->get_by_paths( \@paths );
my $cache_mtime = $self->_meta_unpack( $meta );
my $stale = ! defined $newest || ! defined $cache_mtime
|| $newest > $cache_mtime
defined $data and not $stale and return $data;
$data = {}; $newest = 0;
for my $path (@paths) {
my ($red, $path_mtime) = $self->_read_file( $path, FALSE );
$red or next; $path_mtime > $newest and $newest = $path_mtime;
for (keys %{ $red }) {
$data->{ $_ } = exists $data->{ $_ }
? merge( $data->{ $_ }, $red->{ $_ } )
: $red->{ $_ };
$self->_cache->set_by_paths( \@paths, $data, $self->_meta_pack( $newest ) );
return $data;
sub select {
my ($self, $path, $element) = @_;
$self->validate_params( $path, $element );
my ($data) = $self->_read_file( $path, FALSE );
return exists $data->{ $element } ? $data->{ $element } : {};
sub txn_do {
my ($self, $path, $code_ref) = @_;
$self->validate_params( $path, TRUE );
my $key = q(txn:).$path; my $wantarray = wantarray; my $res;
try {
$self->_lock->set( k => $key );
if ($wantarray) { @{ $res } = $code_ref->() }
else { $res = $code_ref->() }
$self->_lock->reset( k => $key );
catch { $self->_lock->reset( k => $key ); $self->throw( $_ ) };
return $wantarray ? @{ $res } : $res;
sub update {
my ($self, $path, $element_obj, $overwrite, $condition) = @_;
defined $overwrite or $overwrite = TRUE; $condition ||= sub { TRUE };
return $self->_update( $path, $element_obj, $overwrite, $condition );
sub validate_params {
my ($self, $path, $element) = @_;
$path or $self->throw( 'No file path specified' );
blessed $path or
$self->throw( error => 'Path [_1] is not blessed', args => [ $path ] );
$element or $self->throw( error => 'Path [_1] no element specified',
args => [ $path ] );
# Private methods
sub _meta_pack {
# Can be modified in a subclass
my ($self, $mtime) = @_; return { mtime => $mtime };
sub _meta_unpack {
# Can be modified in a subclass
my ($self, $attrs) = @_; return $attrs ? $attrs->{mtime} : undef;
sub _read_file {
my ($self, $path, $for_update) = @_;
$self->_lock->set( k => $path );
my ($data, $meta) = $self->_cache->get( $path );
my $cache_mtime = $self->_meta_unpack( $meta );
my $path_mtime = $path->stat->{mtime};
if (not defined $data or not defined $cache_mtime
or $path_mtime > $cache_mtime) {
try { $data = inner( $path->lock ); $path->close }
catch { $self->_lock->reset( k => $path ); $self->throw( $_ ) };
$self->_cache->set( $path, $data, $self->_meta_pack( $path_mtime ) );
$self->_debug and $self->_log->debug( "Read file $path" );
else {
$self->_debug and $self->_log->debug( "Read cache $path" );
$for_update or $self->_lock->reset( k => $path );
return ($data, $path_mtime);
sub _update {
my ($self, $path, $element_obj, $overwrite, $condition) = @_;
my $element = $element_obj->_resultset->source->name;
$self->validate_params( $path, $element );
my ($data) = $self->_read_file( $path, TRUE );
my $name = $element_obj->{name};
if (not $overwrite and exists $data->{ $element }->{ $name }) {
$self->_lock->reset( k => $path );
$self->throw( error => 'File [_1] element [_2] already exists',
args => [ $path, $name ] );
my $updated = File::DataClass::HashMerge->merge
( $element_obj, \$data->{ $element }->{ $name }, $condition );
if ($updated) { $self->_write_file( $path, $data ) }
else { $self->_lock->reset( k => $path ) }
return $updated;
sub _write_file {
my ($self, $path, $data, $create) = @_;
$create or $path->is_file
or $self->throw( error => 'File [_1] not found', args => [ $path ] );
$path->is_file or $path->perms( $self->_perms );
if ($self->backup and $path->is_file and not $path->empty) {
copy( $path.NUL, $path.$self->backup ) or $self->throw( $ERRNO );
try { $data = inner( $path->atomic->lock, $data ) }
catch { $path->delete; $self->_lock->reset( k => $path );
$self->throw( $_ ) };
$self->_cache->remove( $path );
$self->_lock->reset( k => $path );
return $data;
no Moose;
=head1 Name
File::DataClass::Storage - Storage base class
=head1 Version
0.6.$Revision: 285 $
=head1 Synopsis
=head1 Description
Storage base class
=head1 Subroutines/Methods
=head2 delete
$bool = $storage->delete( $path, $element_obj );
Deletes the specified element object returning true if successful. Throws
an error otherwise. Path is an instance of L<File::DataClass::IO>
=head2 dump
$data = $storage->dump( $path, $data );
Dumps the data to the specified path. Path is an instance of
=head2 insert
$bool = $storage->insert( $path, $element_obj );
Inserts the specified element object returning true if successful. Throws
an error otherwise. Path is an instance of L<File::DataClass::IO>
=head2 load
$hash_ref = $storage->load( @paths );
Loads each of the specified files merging the resultant hash ref which
it returns. Paths are instances of L<File::DataClass::IO>
=head2 select
$hash_ref = $storage->select( $path );
Returns a hash ref containing all the elements of the type specified in the
schema. Path is an instance of L<File::DataClass::IO>
=head2 txn_do
Executes the supplied coderef wrapped in lock on the pathname
=head2 update
$bool = $storage->update( $path, $element_object, $overwrite, $condition );
Updates the specified element object returning true if successful. Throws
an error otherwise. Path is an instance of L<File::DataClass::IO>
=head2 validate_params
=head1 Diagnostics
=head1 Configuration and Environment
=head1 Dependencies
=over 3
=item L<File::DataClass::Base>
=item L<File::DataClass::HashMerge>
=item L<Hash::Merge>
=item L<Scalar::Util>
=head1 Incompatibilities
There are no known incompatibilities in this module
=head1 Bugs and Limitations
There are no known bugs in this module.
Please report problems to the address below.
Patches are welcome
=head1 Author
Peter Flanigan, C<< <Support at RoxSoft.co.uk> >>
=head1 License and Copyright
Copyright (c) 2009 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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