Changes for version 0.22.4 - 2013-07-29

  • Aborting Bingoes failed see df276fba-f57c-11e2-8c80-50d7c5c10595 No choice but to send this smoker to sleep 10 while 1. Chris Williams, put my pause id in your stop list
  • Added missing dependency on MooX::ClassStash
  • Fixed unwanted Moose loading in ::Result
  • Depends on Moo version of CHI


Structured data file IO with OO paradigm
Adds extra methods to the CHI API
Definitions of constant values
Exception class composed from traits
Common functions used in this distribution
Merge hashes with update flag
Better IO syntax
List response class
Result object definition
Core element methods
A source of result sets for a given schema
Base class for schema definitions
Storage base class
Selects storage class using the extension on the path
Read/write JSON data storage model
Read/write XML data storage model
Read/write XML data storage model
Read/write XML data storage model
Role defining package constraints