
HTML::Accessors - Generate HTML elements


0.1.$Rev: 61 $


use HTML::Accessors;

my $htag = HTML::Accessors->new();

# Create an anchor element
$anchor = $htag->a( { href => 'http://...' }, 'This is a link' );


Uses HTML::GenerateUtil to create an autoload method for each of the elements defined by HTML::Tagset. The API was loosely taken from CGI. Using the CGI module is undesirable in a Catalyst application (run from the development server) due go greediness issues over STDIN.

The returned tags are either XHTML 1.1 or HTML 4.01 compliant.

Configuration and Environment

The constructor defines accessors and mutators for one attribute:


Defaults to application/xhtml+xml which causes the generated tags to conform to the XHTML standard. Setting it to text/html will generate HTML compatible tags instead



Uses _arg_list to process the passed options


Expose HTML::GenerateUtil::escape_html


Returns true if the returned tags will be XHTML

Returns the <select> element. The first option passed to popup_menu is either a hash ref or a list of key/value pairs. The keys are:


Determines which of the values will be selected by default


Display these labels in place of the values (but return the value of the selected label). This is a hash ref with a key for each element in the values array


The key references an array ref whose values are used as the list of options returned in the body of the <select> element

The rest of the keys and values are passed as attributes to the <select> element. For example:

$ref = { default => 1, name => q(my_field), values => [ 1, 2 ] };
$htag->popup_menu( $ref );

would return:

<select name="my_field">
   <option selected="selected">1</option>


Generates a list of radio input buttons with labels. Break elements can be inserted to create rows of a given number of columns when displayed. The first option passed to radio_group is either a hash ref or a list of key/value pairs. The keys are:


Integer number of columns to display the generated buttons in. If zero then a list of radio buttons without breaks is generated


Determines which of the radio box will be selected by default


Display these labels next to each button. This is a hash ref with a key for each element in the values array


The form name of the generated buttons


An optional Javascript reference. The JS will be executed each time a different radio button is selected


The key references an array ref whose values are returned by the radio buttons

For example:

$ref = { columns => 2,
         default => 1,
         labels  => { 1 => q(Button One),
                      2 => q(Button Two),
                      3 => q(Button Three),
                      4 => q(Button Four), },
         name    => q(my_field),
         values  => [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] };
$htag->radio_group( $ref );

would return:

   <input checked="checked" tabindex="1" value="1" name="my_field" type="radio" />Button One
   <input tabindex="2" value="2" name="my_field" type="radio" />Button Two
<br />
   <input tabindex="3" value="3" name="my_field" type="radio" />Button Three
   <input tabindex="4" value="4" name="my_field" type="radio" />Button Four
<br />


Calls popup_menu with the multiple argument set to multiple. This has the effect of allowing multiple selections to be returned from the popup menu


Uses HTML::Tagset to check if the requested method is a known HTML element. If it is AUTOLOAD uses HTML::GenerateUtil to create the tag

If the first option is a hash ref then the keys and values are copied and passed to HTML::GenerateUtil::generate_tag which uses them to set the attributes on the created element. The next option is treated as the element's body text and overrides the default attribute which is passed and deleted from the options hash

If the requested element exists in the hard coded list of input elements, then the element is set to input and the mapped value used as the type attribute in the call to generate_tag. For example;

$htag->textfield( { default => q(default value), name => q(my_field) } );

would return

<input value="default value" name="my_field" type="text" />

The list of input elements contains; button, checkbox, hidden, image_button, password_field, radio_button, submit, and textfield


Implement the DESTROY method so that the AUTOLOAD method doesn't get called instead. Re-dispatches the call upstream


Returns a hash ref containing the passed parameter list. Enables methods to be called with either a list or a hash ref as it's input parameters. Makes copies as it goes so that you can change the contents without altering the parameters if they were passed by reference


Call Carp::carp. Don't load Carp if we don't have to


Simplistic merging of two hashes


Carp::carp is called to issue a warning about undefined elements




There are no known incompatibilities in this module

Bugs and Limitations

There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to the address below. Patches are welcome


Peter Flanigan, <Support at>

License and Copyright

Copyright (c) 2008 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.