Padre::Perl - A more nuanced "Where is Perl" module than Probe::Perl


Even though it has only had a single release, Probe::Perl is the "best practice" method for finding the current Perl interpreter, so that we can make a system call to a new instance of the same Perl environment.

However, during the development of Padre we have found the feature set of Probe::Perl to be insufficient.

Padre::Perl is an experimental attempt to improve on Probe::Perl and support a wider range of situations. The implementation is being contained to the Padre project until we have competently "solved" all of the problems that we care about.

GUI vs Command Line

On some operating systems, different Perl binaries need to be called based on whether the process will be executing in a graphical environment versus a command line environment.

On Microsoft Windows perl.exe is the command line Perl binary and wperl.exe is the windowing Perl binary.

On Mac OS X (Darwin) perl.exe is the command line Perl binary and wxPerl.exe is a wxWidgets-specific Perl binary.

PAR Support

PAR executables do not typically support re-invocation, and implementations that do are only a recent invention, and do not support the normal Perl flags.

Once implemented, we may try to implement support for them here as well.



The perl function is equivalent to (and passes through to) the find_perl_interpreter method of Probe::Perl.

It should be used when you simply need the "current" Perl executable and don't have any special needs. The other functions should only be used once you understand your needs in more detail.

Returns the location of current perl executable, or undef if it cannot be found.


The cperl function is a Perl executable location function that specifically tries to find a command line Perl. In some situations you may critically need a command line Perl so that proper STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR handles are available.

Returns a path to a command line Perl, or undef if one cannot be found.


The wxperl function is a Perl executable location function that specifically tries to find a windowing Perl for running wxWidgets applications. In some situations you may critically need a wxWidgets Perl so that a command line box is not show (Windows) or so that Wx starts up properly at all (Mac OS X).

Returns a path to a Perl suitable for the execution of Wx-based applications, or undef if one cannot be found.


Copyright 2008-2009 The Padre development team as listed in

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.