Changes for version 0.06 - 2014-10-29
- Build.PL now exits instead of dies on wrong Perl version
FTP Server
Simple asynchronous ftp client and server
Simple asynchronous ftp client
Response class for asynchronous ftp client
Fetch transfer interface for AnyEvent::FTP objects
Fetch transfer interface for AnyEvent::FTP objects
Request buffer role for asynchronous ftp client
Response buffer role for asynchronous ftp client
Store transfer interface for AnyEvent::FTP objects
Dispatcher for site specific ftp commands
base class for AnyEvent::FTP::Client::Site::* classes
Site specific commands for Microsoft FTP Service
Site specific commands for Net::FTPServer
Site specific commands for Proftpd
Transfer class for asynchronous ftp client
Active transfer class for asynchronous ftp client
Passive transfer class for asynchronous ftp client
Request class for asynchronous ftp server
Response class for asynchronous ftp client
Event interface for AnyEvent::FTP objects
Simple asynchronous ftp server
FTP Server connection class
FTP Server client context class
FTP server context that uses real file system (no transfers)
FTP Server client context class with read-only access
FTP Server client context class with full read/write access
FTP Server client context class with full read/write access
UNIX implementations for AnyEvent::FTP
Authentication role for FTP server
Server connection context role
Help role for FTP server
Role for old archaic FTP server commands
Server response encoder role
Interface for PASV, PORT and REST commands
Type role for FTP server
Server response encoder that encodes responses so they cannot be confused
Test (non-blocking) ftp clients against a real FTP server
in lib/AnyEvent/FTP/Client/Transfer/
in lib/AnyEvent/FTP/Client/Transfer/
in lib/AnyEvent/FTP/Client/Transfer/
in lib/AnyEvent/FTP/Client/Transfer/
in lib/AnyEvent/FTP/Client/Transfer/
in lib/AnyEvent/FTP/Client/Transfer/