Changes for version 1.08 - 2015-12-06

  • Test::Clustericious is deprecated. Use Test::Clustericious::Cluster instead. Test::Clustericious will be removed on or after January 31, 2016
  • Configs with .yml extension are deprecated and will be removed on or after January 31, 2016
  • Fixed bug where stop command didn't work with default hypnotoad config
  • Fixed bug where plackup command didn't work.
  • The /status route now returns the actual URL, not the configured one. Among other things, this means that if you start a service withe the mojo daemon command using the -l option, you will get the correct URL in the status body.
  • Reworked start / stop commands and added examples and documentation.
  • Added Test::Clustericious::Command for testing clustericious commands. Interface to be documented better later.
  • The status command now exits with 2 if the service is not up, and 0 if it is.
  • Clustericious daemon command now defaults to configured url
  • Added morbo command to run morbo with the configured url by default


Clustericious command runner


A framework for RESTful processing systems.
Clustericious app base class
Construct command line and perl clients for RESTful services.
Command line type processing for clients.
simple meta object for constructing clients
metadata about a route'
default object returned from client methods
Clustericious DateTime object
Command base class
Clustericious command to stat Apache
Debug a clustericious configuration file
Print the configuration path
Test a Clustericious application's configuration
Generate a default configuration.
Clustericious command to stat nginx
Clustericious code generation commands.
Clustericious command to generate a new Clustericious application
Clustericious command to generate a new Clustericious client
Clustericious command to generate a new Clustericious M::B::D application
Clustericious command to stat Hypnotoad
Clustericious command to stat lighttpd
Clustericious command to stat nginx
Clustericious command to stat nginx
Clustericious command to start plack server
Clustericious command to start a Clustericious application
Clustericious command to report status of Clustericious application
Clustericious command to stop a Clustericious application
Clustericious command runner
Configuration files for Clustericious nodes.
Helpers for clustericious config files.
Deprecated module
Clustericious controller base class
Clustericious hello world application
Clustericious hello world client
A Log::Log4perl wrapper for use with Clustericious.
Handle data types automatically
Plugin for clustericious to use PlugAuth.
renderer for clustericious
Route builder for Clustericious applications
build crud routes easily
Routes common to all clustericious applications
build proxy routes easily
build routes for searching for objects
default templates for clustericious
Test Clustericious applications
Test Clustericious commands
Test Clustericious::Config
Clustericious logging in tests.


in lib/Clustericious/
in lib/Clustericious/
in lib/Test/Clustericious/
in lib/Test/Clustericious/