Test::Clustericious::Config - Test Clustericious::Config


use Test::Clustericious::Config;
use Clustericious::Config;
use Test::More tets => 2;

create_config_ok 'Foo', { url => 'http://localhost:1234' };
my $config = Clustericious::Config->new('Foo');
is $config->url, "http://localhost:1234";

To test against a Clustericious application MyApp:

use Test::Clustericious::Config;
use Test::Clustericious;
use Test::More tests => 3;

create_config_ok 'MyApp', { x => 1, y => 2 }; 
my $t = Test::Clustericious->new('MyApp');


is $t->app->config->x, 1;

To test against multiple Clustericious applications MyApp1, MyApp2 (can also be the same app with different config):

use Test::Clustericious::Config;
use Test::Clustericious;
use Test::More tests => 4;

create_config_ok 'MyApp1', {};
my $t1 = Test::Clustericious->new('MyApp1');


create_config_ok 'MyApp2', { my_app1_url => $t1->app_url };
my $t2 = Test::Clustericious->new('MyApp2');



This module provides an interface for testing Clustericious configurations, or Clustericious applications which use a Clustericious configuration.

It uses File::HomeDir::Test to isolate your test environment from any configurations you may have in your ~/etc. Keep in mind that this means that $HOME and friends will be in a temporary directory and removed after the test runs. It also means that the caveats for File::HomeDir::Test apply when using this module as well (ie. this should be the first module that you use in your test after use strict and use warnings).


create_config_ok $name, $config, [$test_name]

Create a Clustericious config with the given $name. If $config is a reference then it will create the configuration file with YAML::XS::DumpFile, if it is a scalar, it will will write the scalar out to the config file. Thus these three examples should create a config with the same values (though in different formats):

hash reference:

create_config_ok 'Foo', { url => 'http://localhost:1234' }];


create_config_ok 'Foo', <<EOF;
url: http://localhost:1234


create_config_ok 'Foo', <<EOF;

In addition to being a test that will produce a ok/not ok result as output, this function will return the full path to the configuration file created.

create_directory_ok $path, [$test_name]

Creates a directory in your test environment home directory. This directory will be recursively removed when your test terminates. This function returns the full path of the directory created.

home_directory_ok [$test_name]

Tests that the temp homedirectory has been created okay. Returns the full path of the home directory.


Here is an (abreviated) example from Yars that show how to test against an app where you need to know the port/url of the app in the configuration file:

use Test::Mojo;
use Test::More tests => 1;
use Test::Clustericious::Config;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
use Yars;

my $t = Test::Mojo->new;
$t->ua(do {
  my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
  create_config_ok 'Yars', {
    url => $ua->app_url,
    servers => [ {
      url => $ua->app_url,
    } ]


To see the full tests see t/073_tempdir.t in the Yars distribution.


Graham Ollis <>