Changes for version 0.95_11 - 2019-08-19

  • Documentation fixes (hakonhagland++ gh#173)
  • Increased Perl::Critic criticism and associated fixes (gh#172)

Changes for version 0.95_10 - 2019-08-16

  • Detect bad (gh#170)

Changes for version 0.95_09 - 2019-08-15

  • Daignostic release

Changes for version 0.95_08 - 2019-08-14

  • Document constant interface (see FFI::Platypus::Constant) (gh#169)

Changes for version 0.95_07 - 2019-08-13

  • Minor tweak to bundle interface: do not create fbx.json file when running on-demand (gh#167)
  • Document bundle interface (see FFI::Platypus::Bundle) (gh#160, gh#168)

Changes for version 0.95_06 - 2019-08-03

  • Platypus now passes the api version (if > 0) into language plugins class native_type_map method (gh#165, gh#166)

Changes for version 0.95_05 - 2019-08-01

  • Under api = 1, a warning will be issued when Platypus tries to load a file that is not a dnyamic library. Previously, and under api = 0 this warning was only issued if the environment variable FFI_PLATYPUS_DLERROR is set to a true value (gh#161, gh#163)

Changes for version 0.95_04 - 2019-07-31

  • New interface for bundling code with dist (see bundle method) experimental, requires api = 1 (gh#160, gh#162)
  • Bundle API provides a way to define Perl constants from C (gh#138)

Changes for version 0.95_03 - 2019-07-29

Changes for version 0.95_02 - 2019-07-25

  • Fix memory leak related to array in the case of bad type error (gh#154)
  • Fix compiler warnings in record meta module (gh#153, gh155)
  • More consistent use of temp directories to work around noexec on /tmp (gh#156, gh#158)

Changes for version 0.95_01 - 2019-07-23

  • Add support for "object" types. (gh#49, gh#89, gh#151)
  • Fixed bug where 64 bit integer types could be truncated in a cast on 32 bit platform (gh#151)
  • You can now decorate record value types with * to get a record type using type parse 1 (gh#150)
  • Add support for complex arrays on platforms where complex types are supported (gh#89, gh#152)


Build shared libraries for use with FFI
Base class for File::Build files
Class to track C source file in FFI::Build
Class to track C source file in FFI::Build
Class to track object file in FFI::Build
Class to track object file in FFI::Build
FFI::Build installer code for ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Platform specific configuration.
Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI. No XS required.
Platypus arguments and return value API for custom types
Convert scalars to C buffers
Bundle foreign code with your Perl module
Platypus closure object
Define constants in C space for Perl
Slightly non-portable interface to libdl
Declarative interface to FFI::Platypus
An FFI function object
For internal use only
Language specific customizations
Documentation and tools for using Platypus with the Assembly
Documentation and tools for using Platypus with the C programming language
Documentation and tools for using Platypus with the Windows API
Legacy Platypus interfaces
Memory functions for FFI
FFI support for structured records data
FFI support for structured records data
Tied array interface for record array members
Defining types for FFI::Platypus
Convert string scalar to a buffer as a pointer / size_t combination
Platypus custom type for arrays of strings
Convert a pointer to a string and back
FFI Type Parser
FFI Type Parser Version Zero
FFI Type Parser Version One
System detection and probing for FFI extensions.
Probe runner for FFI
Probe runner builder for FFI
The results from a probe run.
Temp Dir support for FFI::Platypus


in lib/FFI/Build/
in lib/FFI/Platypus/
in lib/FFI/Platypus/
in lib/FFI/Platypus/
in lib/FFI/Platypus/
in lib/FFI/Platypus/