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use strict;
use 5.008004;
use Devel::Cycle qw( find_cycle );
use Test2::API qw( context );
use Exporter qw( import );
# ABSTRACT: Check for memory leaks and circular memory references
our $VERSION = '0.01'; # VERSION
our @EXPORT = qw( memory_cycle_ok );
# Adapted from Test::Memory::Cycle for Test2::API
sub memory_cycle_ok {
my $ref = shift;
my $msg = shift;
$msg ||= 'no memory cycle';
my $cycle_no = 0;
my @diags;
# Callback function that is called once for each memory cycle found.
my $callback = sub {
my $path = shift;
push( @diags, "Cycle #$cycle_no" );
foreach (@$path) {
my ($type,$index,$ref,$value) = @$_;
my $str = 'Unknown! This should never happen!';
my $refdisp = _ref_shortname( $ref );
my $valuedisp = _ref_shortname( $value );
$str = sprintf( ' %s => %s', $refdisp, $valuedisp ) if $type eq 'SCALAR';
$str = sprintf( ' %s => %s', "${refdisp}->[$index]", $valuedisp ) if $type eq 'ARRAY';
$str = sprintf( ' %s => %s', "${refdisp}->{$index}", $valuedisp ) if $type eq 'HASH';
$str = sprintf( ' closure %s => %s', "${refdisp}, $index", $valuedisp ) if $type eq 'CODE';
push( @diags, $str );
find_cycle( $ref, $callback );
my $ok = !$cycle_no;
my $ctx = context();
if($ok) {
} else {
$ctx->fail_and_release($msg, @diags);
return $ok;
} # memory_cycle_ok
my %shortnames;
my $new_shortname = "A";
sub _ref_shortname {
my $ref = shift;
my $refstr = "$ref";
my $refdisp = $shortnames{ $refstr };
if ( !$refdisp ) {
my $sigil = ref($ref) . " ";
$sigil = '%' if $sigil eq "HASH ";
$sigil = '@' if $sigil eq "ARRAY ";
$sigil = '$' if $sigil eq "REF ";
$sigil = '&' if $sigil eq "CODE ";
$refdisp = $shortnames{ $refstr } = $sigil . $new_shortname++;
return $refdisp;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Test2::Tools::MemoryCycle - Check for memory leaks and circular memory references
=head1 VERSION
version 0.01
use Test2::V0;
use Test2::Tools::MemoryCycle;
my $foo = { bar => 1 };
memory_cycle_ok $foo; # pass
$foo->{baz} = sub {
print $foo->{bar}, "\n";
memory_cycle_ok $foo; # fail
Perl's garbage collection has one big problem: Circular references can't get cleaned up.
The above example is the sort of thing that sometimes trips me up, where a code reference
inside a data structure refers to another part of the data structure. There already
exists a good testing module to find these sort of problems: L<Test::Memory::Cycle>,
so why write this one? Well that module uses L<Test::Builder>, and this one instead uses
L<Test2::API>. If you want to write L<Test2::Suite> tests without pulling in L<Test::Builder>
then this is the cycle testing module for you.
This module also uses the standard L<Exporter> interface, instead of letting you specify
a test plan. That behavior was once in vogue I guess, but I do not care for it.
=head2 memory_cycle_ok
memory_cycle_ok $reference, $message;
memory_cycle_ok $reference;
Checks that C<$reference> doesn't have any circular memory references.
=head1 CAVEATS
This module is based on and quite similar to L<Test::Memory::Cycle>. That module is
more mature, and has more features. So far I only need the one test function. Other
features may be added in the future.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item L<Test::Memory::Cycle>
=item L<Devel::Cycle>
=head1 AUTHOR
Graham Ollis <plicease@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Graham Ollis.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.