WebService::TwitterBootstrap::Download::Custom - Download a customized version of Twitter Bootstrap


version 0.02


use WebService::TwitterBootstrap::Download::Custom;
my $dl = WebService::TwitterBootstrap::Download::Custom->new;
# ... adjust js, css, vars and img attributes appropriately ...
my $zip = $dl->download;


This module allows you to create a custom Twitter Bootstrap and download directly from the website without having to muck about with make files or node.js.

The most common pattern is probably

1. fetch default values

Using the fetch_defalts method:

use WebService::TwitterBootstrap::Download::Custom;
my $dl = WebService::TwitterBootstrap::Download::Custom->new;
2. filter

Remove any jQuery plugins or CSS components that you don't want. As an example here we are removing the tooltip component and the tab plugin.

@{ $dl->css } = grep !/^tooltip\.less$/,     @{ $dl->css };
@{ $dl->js  } = grep !/^bootstrap-tab\.js$/, @{ $dl->js };
3. modify variables

Replace the values of any variables with new ones appropriate for your project

$dl->vars->{'@altFontFamily'} = '@serifFontFamily';
4. download

Fetch the custom bootstrap using the download method.

my $zip = $dl->download;
5. extract

Using the resulting instance of WebService::TwitterBootstrap::Download::Custom::Zip, extract files using its extract_all method.


To visualize all of the defaults, it is probably worth looking at, where the defaults are retrieved.



List reference containing the jQuery plugins to include in your custom bootstrap.


List reference containing the CSS components to include in your custom bootstrap.


Hash table containing the variable/value pairs.


List reference containing the images to include in your custom bootstrap.


Hash table containing human understandable labels for the CSS and jQuery plugins.


Cache customizations of bootstrap. That is, if you provide the same input customization it will used a local cached copy instead of consulting the website. Cached copies are kept only for a set time and will be refreshed.

Set this to 0 (zero) to turn of caching. Set to 1 (one) to use the default location (somewhere in your home directory using File::HomeDir). Anything else will be treated as a directory bath to find the cache.

This value gets converted and is used internally as a Path::Class::Dir.



Download your custom bootstrap. This will return an instance of WebService::TwitterBootstrap::Download::Custom::Zip, which can be interrogated to retrieve the various files that make up your custom bootstrap. This method requires Internet access.


Fetch the default values for the js, css, img and var attributes, and fill out the labels attribute. This method requires Internet access.


Graham Ollis <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Graham Ollis.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.