use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Carp;
use URI::Escape ();
sub new {
my ($class, $env) = @_;
return bless({
'_response' => Plack::Response->new($env),
'_cookies' => Hash::MultiValue->new(),
'_headers' => Hash::MultiValue->new(),
}, $class);
# set a single header
# or get all the keys
sub header {
my $self = shift;
# return the keys if nothing is asked for
return keys(%{$self->headers()}) unless @_;
# if given just a key return that
if (@_ == 1) {
my $key = shift;
return $self->headers->{$key} unless wantarray;
return $self->headers->get_all($key);
# if we are given multiple args assume they are headers in key/value pairs
croak "odd number of headers" unless (@_ % 2 == 0);
while (@_) {
my ($key, $value) = (shift(@_), shift(@_));
$self->headers->add($key => [@{$self->headers->get_all($key) || []}, $value]);
# get all the headers that have been set
sub headers {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'_headers'};
# set a single cookie
# or get all the keys
sub cookie {
my $self = shift;
# return the keys if nothing is asked for
return keys(%{$self->cookies()}) unless @_;
# if given just a key return that
if (@_ == 1) {
my $key = shift;
return $self->cookies->{$key} unless wantarray;
return $self->cookies->get_all($key);
# if we are given multiple args assume they are cookies in key/value pairs
croak "odd number of cookies" unless (@_ % 2 == 0);
while (@_) {
my ($key, $value) = (shift(@_), shift(@_));
# take a moment to validate the cookie
$self->cookies->add($key => [@{$self->cookies->get_all($key) || []}, $value]);
sub cookies {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'_cookies'};
sub body {
my $self = shift;
# make the response be a callback
if (ref($_[0]) && ref($_[0]) eq "CODE") {
$self->{'_callback'} = shift;
# just add this to the body, whatever it is
return $self->{'_response'}->body(@_);
sub finalize {
my ($self, $status) = @_;
# add headers
for my $key (keys %{$self->headers()}) {
for my $value (@{$self->headers->get_all($key)}) {
$self->{'_response'}->header($key => $value);
# add cookies
for my $key (keys %{$self->cookies()}) {
for my $value (@{$self->cookies->get_all($key)}) {
$self->{'_response'}->header('Set-Cookie', $self->_bake_cookie($key, $value));
if (defined($self->{'_callback'}) &&
ref($self->{'_callback'}) &&
ref($self->{'_callback'}) eq "CODE") {
# empty the body out just in case
return sub {
my $responder = shift;
# finalize will always return a three element array. the third
# element is supposed to be the body. because we don't have a body
# yet (it's in the callback) use splice to exclude the third
# element (aka the body) and just return the status code and the
# list of headers.
my $writer = $responder->([splice(@{$self->{'_response'}->finalize()}, 0, 2)]);
return $self->{'_callback'}->($writer);
# just return a normal response
return $self->{'_response'}->finalize();
sub _bake_cookie {
my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
my @cookie = (URI::Escape::uri_escape($key) . "=" . URI::Escape::uri_escape($value->{'value'}));
push(@cookie, "domain=" . $value->{'domain'}) if $value->{'domain'};
push(@cookie, "path=" . $value->{'path'}) if $value->{'path'};
push(@cookie, "expires=" . $self->_cookie_date($value->{'expires'})) if $value->{'expires'};
push(@cookie, "secure") if $value->{'secure'};
push(@cookie, "HttpOnly") if $value->{'httponly'};
return join("; ", @cookie);
my @MON = qw( Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec );
my @WDAY = qw( Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat );
sub _cookie_date {
my ($self, $expires) = @_;
if ($expires =~ /^\d+$/x) {
# all numbers -> epoch date
# (cookies use '-' as date separator, HTTP uses ' ')
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday) = gmtime($expires);
$year += 1900;
return sprintf("%s, %02d-%s-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT",
$WDAY[$wday], $mday, $MON[$mon], $year, $hour, $min, $sec);
return $expires;
=head1 NAME
sub handle {
context->header(set => "Content-Type", value => "text/plain");
context->body("hello, goodbye");
# or using a callback
sub handle {
context->header(set => "Content-Type", value => "text/plain");
context->body(sub {
my $writer = shift;
$writer->write("What's up?");
=over 4
=item header
If called with no arguments this will return the names of all headers that have
been set to be sent with the response. Otherwise, this method expects a list of
headers to add to the response. For example:
context->response->header("Content-Type" => "text/plain");
context->response->header("Content-Length" => 1234, "X-Foo" => "bar");
If the header has already been set this will add another value to it and the
response will include the same header multiple times. To replace a header that
has already been set, remove the existing value first:
=item headers
Returns a L<Hash::MultiValue> of all headers that have been set to be sent with
the response.
=item cookie
If called with no arguments this will return the names of all cookes that have
been set to be sent with the response. Otherwise, this method expects a list of
cookies to add to the response. For example:
$response->cookie('foo' => {
'value' => 'test',
'path' => "/",
'domain' => '',
'expires' => time + 24 * 60 * 60,
The hashref may contain things such as C<value>, C<domain>, C<expires>,
C<path>, C<httponly>, and C<secure>. C<expires> can take a string or an integer
(as an epoch time) and B<does not> convert string formats like C<+3M>.
=item cookies
Returns a L<Hash::MultiValue> of all cookies that have been set to be sent with
the response.
=item body
Send buffered output to the client. Anything sent to the client with this
method will be buffered until C<finalize> is called. For example:
$response->body("goodbye", "world");
The body may also be a callback to send a streaming response to the client.
Any headers or response codes set in the callback will be ignored as they must
all be set beforehand. Any body set before or after a callback is set will also
be ignored. For example:
$response->body(sub {
my $writer = shift;
$writer->write("Hello, world!");
=item finalize
This requires one argument: the HTTP status code of the response. It will then
send a PSGI compatible result. For example:
# send a 200 response
# or hard code it