Pithub::Base - Github v3 base class for all Pithub modules


version 0.01001


All "MODULES" in Pithub inherit from Pithub::Base, even Pithub itself. So all attributes listed here can either be set in the constructor or via the setter on the objects.



Defaults to


$users = Pithub::Users->new( api_uri => '' );

$users = Pithub::Users->new;


This can be set as a default repo to use for API calls that require the repo parameter to be set.


$c = Pithub::Repos::Collaborators->new( repo => 'Pithub' );
$result = $c->list( user => 'plu' );

There are two helper methods:

  • clear_repo: reset the repo attribute

  • has_repo: check if the repo attribute is set


Mainly used by tests. But it might be useful to build another library on top of Pithub.


$c = Pithub::Repos::Collaborators->new( skip_request => 1 );

# This will not make any request at all!
$result = $c->list( user => 'plu' );

# This will return the HTTP::Request object that has been created
# for this particular API call
$http_request = $c->request->http_request;


If the OAuth token is set, Pithub will sent it via an HTTP header on each API request. Currently the basic authentication method is not supported.

See also:


By default a LWP::UserAgent object, but it can be anything that implements the same interface.


This can be set as a default user to use for API calls that require the user parameter to be set.


$c = Pithub::Repos::Collaborators->new( user => 'plu' );
$result = $c->list( repo => 'Pithub' );

There are two helper methods:

  • clear_user: reset the user attribute

  • has_user: check if the user attribute is set

It might makes sense to use this together with the repo attribute:

$c = Pithub::Repos::Commits->new( user => 'plu', repo => 'Pithub' );
$result = $c->list;
$result = $c->list_comments;
$reuslt = $c->get('6b6127383666e8ecb41ec20a669e4f0552772363');



This method is the central point: All Pithub are using this method for making requests to the Github. If Github adds a new API call that is not yet supported, this method can be used directly. It accepts following parameters:

  • $method: mandatory string, one of the following:

    • DELETE

    • GET

    • PATCH

    • POST

    • PUT

  • $path: mandatory string of the relative path used for making the API call.

  • $data: optional data reference, usually a reference to an array or hash. It must be possible to serialize this using JSON::Any. This will be the HTTP request body.

  • $options: optional hash reference to set additional options on the request. So far only prepare_uri is supported. See more about that in the examples below.

Usually you should not end up using this method at all. It's only available if Pithub is missing anything from the Github v3 API. Though here are some examples how to use it:

  • Same as "get" in Pithub::Users:

    $p = Pithub->new;
    $result = $p->request( GET => '/users/plu' );

    Same as "create" in Pithub::Gists:

    $p      = Pithub->new;
    $method = 'POST';
    $path   = '/gists';
    $data   = {
        description => 'the description for this gist',
        public      => 1,
        files       => { 'file1.txt' => { content => 'String file content' } }
    $result = $p->request( $method, $path, $data );

    Same as "get" in Pithub::GitData::Trees:

    $p       = Pithub->new;
    $method  = 'GET';
    $path    = '/repos/plu/Pithub/git/trees/aac667c5aaa6e49572894e8c722d0705bb00fab2';
    $data    = undef;
    $options = {
        prepare_uri => sub {
            my ($uri) = @_;
            $uri->query_form( recursive => 1 );
    $result = $p->request( $method, $path, $data, $options );

    This method always returns a Pithub::Result object.


Johannes Plunien <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Johannes Plunien.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 443:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 478:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'