## Domain Registry Interface, EPP Host commands (RFC4932)
## Copyright (c) 2005,2006,2007 Patrick Mevzek <netdri@dotandco.com>. All rights reserved.
## This file is part of Net::DRI
## Net::DRI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## See the LICENSE file that comes with this distribution for more details.
use strict;
our $VERSION=do { my @r=(q$Revision: 1.8 $=~/\d+/g); sprintf("%d".".%02d" x $#r, @r); };
=head1 NAME
Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Core::Host - EPP Host commands (RFC4932 obsoleting RFC3732) for Net::DRI
Please see the README file for details.
=head1 SUPPORT
For now, support questions should be sent to:
Please also see the SUPPORT file in the distribution.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Patrick Mevzek, E<lt>netdri@dotandco.comE<gt>
Copyright (c) 2005,2006,2007 Patrick Mevzek <netdri@dotandco.com>.
All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
See the LICENSE file that comes with this distribution for more details.
sub register_commands
my ($class,$version)=@_;
my %tmp=( create => [ \&create, \&create_parse ],
check => [ \&check, \&check_parse ],
info => [ \&info, \&info_parse ],
delete => [ \&delete ],
update => [ \&update ],
review_complete => [ undef, \&pandata_parse ],
return { 'host' => \%tmp };
sub build_command
my ($msg,$command,$hostname)=@_;
my @n=map { UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'Net::DRI::Data::Hosts')? $_->get_names() : $_ } ((ref($hostname) eq 'ARRAY')? @$hostname : ($hostname));
Net::DRI::Exception->die(1,'protocol/EPP',2,"Host name needed") unless @n;
foreach my $n (@n)
Net::DRI::Exception->die(1,'protocol/EPP',2,'Host name needed') unless defined($n) && $n;
Net::DRI::Exception->die(1,'protocol/EPP',10,'Invalid host name: '.$n) unless Net::DRI::Util::is_hostname($n);
my @ns=@{$msg->ns->{host}};
$msg->command([$command,'host:'.$command,sprintf('xmlns:host="%s" xsi:schemaLocation="%s %s"',$ns[0],$ns[0],$ns[1])]);
my @d=map { ['host:name',$_] } @n;
return @d;
########### Query commands
sub check
my ($epp,$ns)=@_;
my $mes=$epp->message();
my @d=build_command($mes,'check',$ns);
sub check_parse
my ($po,$otype,$oaction,$oname,$rinfo)=@_;
my $mes=$po->message();
return unless $mes->is_success();
my $chkdata=$mes->get_content('chkData',$mes->ns('host'));
return unless $chkdata;
foreach my $cd ($chkdata->getElementsByTagNameNS($mes->ns('host'),'cd'))
my $c=$cd->getFirstChild();
my $host;
next unless ($c->nodeType() == 1); ## only for element nodes
my $n=$c->localname() || $c->nodeName();
if ($n eq 'name')
if ($n eq 'reason')
} continue { $c=$c->getNextSibling(); }
sub info
my ($epp,$ns)=@_;
my $mes=$epp->message();
my @d=build_command($mes,'info',$ns);
sub info_parse
my ($po,$otype,$oaction,$oname,$rinfo)=@_;
my $mes=$po->message();
return unless $mes->is_success();
my $infdata=$mes->get_content('infData',$mes->ns('host'));
return unless $infdata;
my (@s,@ip4,@ip6);
my $c=$infdata->getFirstChild();
while ($c)
next unless ($c->nodeType() == 1); ## only for element nodes
my $name=$c->localname() || $c->nodeName();
next unless $name;
if ($name eq 'name')
} elsif ($name=~m/^(clID|crID|upID)$/)
} elsif ($name=~m/^(crDate|upDate|trDate)$/)
} elsif ($name eq 'roid')
} elsif ($name eq 'status')
push @s,Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::parse_status($c);
} elsif ($name eq 'addr')
my $ip=$c->getFirstChild()->getData();
my $ipv=$c->getAttribute('ip');
$ipv='v4' unless (defined($ipv) && $ipv);
push @ip4,$ip if ($ipv eq 'v4');
push @ip6,$ip if ($ipv eq 'v6');
} continue { $c=$c->getNextSibling(); }
############ Transform commands
sub create
my ($epp,$ns)=@_;
my $mes=$epp->message();
my @d=build_command($mes,'create',$ns);
push @d,add_ip($ns);
sub create_parse
my ($po,$otype,$oaction,$oname,$rinfo)=@_;
my $mes=$po->message();
return unless $mes->is_success();
my $infdata=$mes->get_content('creData',$mes->ns('host'));
return unless $infdata;
my $c=$infdata->getFirstChild();
while ($c) ## host:name is not used
next unless ($c->nodeType() == 1); ## only for element nodes
my $name=$c->localname() || $c->nodeName();
next unless $name;
if ($name eq 'name')
} elsif ($name=~m/^(crDate)$/)
} continue { $c=$c->getNextSibling(); }
sub delete
my ($epp,$ns)=@_;
my $mes=$epp->message();
my @d=build_command($mes,'delete',$ns);
sub update
my ($epp,$ns,$todo)=@_;
my $mes=$epp->message();
Net::DRI::Exception::usererr_invalid_parameters($todo." must be a Net::DRI::Data::Changes object") unless ($todo && UNIVERSAL::isa($todo,'Net::DRI::Data::Changes'));
if ((grep { ! /^(?:add|del)$/ } $todo->types('ip')) ||
(grep { ! /^(?:add|del)$/ } $todo->types('status')) ||
(grep { ! /^(?:set)$/ } $todo->types('name'))
Net::DRI::Exception->die(0,'protocol/EPP',11,'Only IP/status add/del or name set available for host');
my $nsadd=$todo->add('ip');
my $nsdel=$todo->del('ip');
my $sadd=$todo->add('status');
my $sdel=$todo->del('status');
my $newname=$todo->set('name');
unless (defined($ns) && $ns)
$ns=$nsadd->get_names(1) if (defined($nsadd) && ref($nsadd) && UNIVERSAL::can($nsadd,'get_names'));
$ns=$nsdel->get_names(1) if (defined($nsdel) && ref($nsdel) && UNIVERSAL::can($nsdel,'get_names'));
my @d=build_command($mes,'update',$ns);
my (@add,@rem);
push @add,add_ip($nsadd) if $nsadd;
push @add,$sadd->build_xml('host:status') if $sadd;
push @rem,add_ip($nsdel) if $nsdel;
push @rem,$sdel->build_xml('host:status') if $sdel;
push @d,['host:add',@add] if (@add);
push @d,['host:rem',@rem] if (@rem);
if (defined($newname) && $newname)
Net::DRI::Exception->die(1,'protocol/EPP',10,'Invalid host name: '.$newname) unless Net::DRI::Util::is_hostname($newname);
push @d,['host:chg',['host:name',$newname]];
sub add_ip
my ($ns)=@_;
return () unless (defined($ns) && ref($ns));
my @ip;
my ($name,$r4,$r6)=$ns->get_details(1);
push @ip,map { ['host:addr',$_,{ip=>'v4'}] } @$r4 if @$r4;
push @ip,map { ['host:addr',$_,{ip=>'v6'}] } @$r6 if @$r6;
return @ip;
## RFC4932 §3.3 Offline Review of Requested Actions
sub pandata_parse
my ($po,$otype,$oaction,$oname,$rinfo)=@_;
my $mes=$po->message();
return unless $mes->is_success();
my $pandata=$mes->get_content('panData',$mes->ns('host'));
return unless $pandata;
my $c=$pandata->firstChild();
while ($c)
next unless ($c->nodeType() == 1); ## only for element nodes
my $name=$c->localname() || $c->nodeName();
next unless $name;
if ($name eq 'name')
} elsif ($name eq 'paTRID')
my @tmp=$c->getElementsByTagNameNS($mes->ns('_main'),'clTRID');
$rinfo->{host}->{$oname}->{trid}=$tmp[0]->getFirstChild()->getData() if (@tmp && $tmp[0]);
} elsif ($name eq 'paDate')
} continue { $c=$c->getNextSibling(); }