## Domain Registry Interface, Superclass of all Transport/* modules (hence virtual class, never used directly)
## Copyright (c) 2005,2006,2007,2008 Patrick Mevzek <netdri@dotandco.com>. All rights reserved.
## This file is part of Net::DRI
## Net::DRI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## See the LICENSE file that comes with this distribution for more details.
use strict;
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/name version retry pause trace timeout defer current_state has_state is_sync time_creation time_open time_used/);
our $VERSION=do { my @r=(q$Revision: 1.16 $=~/\d+/g); sprintf("%d".".%02d" x $#r, @r); };
=head1 NAME
Net::DRI::Transport - Superclass of all transport modules in Net::DRI
Please see the README file for details.
=head1 SUPPORT
For now, support questions should be sent to:
Please also see the SUPPORT file in the distribution.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Patrick Mevzek, E<lt>netdri@dotandco.comE<gt>
Copyright (c) 2005,2006,2007,2008 Patrick Mevzek <netdri@dotandco.com>.
All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
See the LICENSE file that comes with this distribution for more details.
sub new
my $class=shift;
my %opts=(@_==1 && ref($_[0]))? %{$_[0]} : @_;
my $self={
is_sync => exists($opts{is_sync})? $opts{is_sync} : 1, ## do we need to wait for reply as soon as command sent ?
retry => exists($opts{retry})? $opts{retry} : 1, ## by default, we will try once only
pause => exists($opts{pause})? $opts{pause} : 10, ## time in seconds to wait between two retries
# trace => exists($opts{trace})? $opts{trace} : 0, ## NOT IMPL
timeout => exists($opts{timeout})? $opts{timeout} : 0,
defer => exists($opts{defer})? $opts{defer} : 0, ## defer opening connection as long as possible (irrelevant if stateless) ## XX maybe not here, too low
logging => exists($opts{logging})? $opts{logging} : undef, ## object ref (with a logging method) or ref array of coderef and one opaque data
current_state => undef, ## for stateless transport, otherwise 0=close, 1=open
has_state => undef, ## do we need to open a session before sending commands ?
transport => undef, ## will be defined in subclasses
time_creation => time(),
if (exists($opts{log_fh}) && defined($opts{log_fh})) ## convert to new api
$self->{logging}=[ \&xmldump_to_filehandle,$opts{log_fh} ];
return $self;
sub transport_data { return shift->{transport}; }
sub send
my ($self,$trid,$tosend,$cb1,$cb2)=@_; ## $cb1=how to send, $cb2=how to test if fatal (to break loop) or not (retry once more)
Net::DRI::Exception::err_insufficient_parameters() unless ($cb1 && (ref($cb1) eq 'CODE'));
my $timeout=$self->timeout();
my $prevalarm=alarm(0); ## removes current alarm
my $c=0;
my $ok=0;
while (++$c <= $self->retry())
sleep($self->pause()) if ($self->pause() && ($c > 1));
local $SIG{ALRM}=sub { die 'timeout' };
alarm($timeout) if ($timeout);
## Try to reconnect if needed
$self->open_connection() if ($self->has_state() && !$self->current_state());
}; ## end of try
alarm(0) if ($timeout); ## removes our alarm
if ($@) ## some die happened inside the eval
die($@) if (ref($@) eq 'Net::DRI::Protocol::ResultStatus');
my $is_timeout=(!ref($@) && ($@=~m/timeout/))? 1 : 0;
$@=Net::DRI::Exception->new(1,'internal',0,'Error not handled: '.$@) unless ref($@);
die($@) unless ($cb2 && (ref($cb2) eq 'CODE'));
$self->$cb2($@,$c,$is_timeout,$ok); ## will determine if 1) we break now the loop/we propagate the error (fatal error) 2) we retry
last if ($ok);
## Get inner error message ?
Net::DRI::Exception->die(0,'transport',4,'Unable to send message to registry') unless $ok;
alarm($prevalarm) if $prevalarm; ## re-enable previous alarm (warning, time is off !!)
sub receive
my ($self,$trid,$cb1,$cb2)=@_;
Net::DRI::Exception::err_insufficient_parameters() unless ($cb1 && (ref($cb1) eq 'CODE'));
my $timeout=$self->timeout();
my $prevalarm=alarm(0); ## removes current alarm
my $c=0;
my $ans;
while (++$c <= $self->retry())
sleep($self->pause()) if ($self->pause() && ($c > 1));
local $SIG{ALRM}=sub { die 'timeout' };
alarm($timeout) if ($timeout);
}; ## end of try
alarm(0) if ($timeout); ## removes our alarm
if ($@) ## some die happened inside the eval
my $is_timeout=(!ref($@) && ($@=~m/timeout/))? 1 : 0;
$@=Net::DRI::Exception->new(1,'internal',0,'Error not handled: '.$@) unless ref($@);
die($@) unless ($cb2 && (ref($cb2) eq 'CODE'));
$self->$cb2($@,$c,$is_timeout,defined($ans)); ## will determine if 1) we break now the loop/we propagate the error (fatal error) 2) we retry
last if (defined($ans));
Net::DRI::Exception->die(0,'transport',5,'Unable to receive message from registry') unless defined($ans);
alarm($prevalarm) if $prevalarm; ## re-enable previous alarm (warning, time is off !!)
return $ans;
sub dump_to_filehandle ## NOT a class method
my ($fh,$tname,$tversion,$trid,$step,$dir,$type,$data)=@_; ## $tname,$tversion,$step not used here
my $c=(ref($data) && UNIVERSAL::can($data,'as_string'))? $data->as_string() : $data;
my ($t,$v)=Time::HiRes::gettimeofday();
my @t=localtime($t);
my $tp=sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06d C%sS [%s] ',1900+$t[5],1+$t[4],$t[3],$t[2],$t[1],$t[0],$v,($dir==0)? '=>' : '<=',$trid || '').$c."\n";
if (UNIVERSAL::can($fh,'print'))
} else
print {$fh} $tp;
sub xmldump_to_filehandle ## NOT a class method
my ($fh,$tname,$tversion,$trid,$step,$dir,$type,$data)=@_;
my $c=(ref($data) && UNIVERSAL::can($data,'as_string'))? $data->as_string() : $data; ## Handle other cases, based on $type
$c=~s/\n/ /g;
$c=~s/> </></g;
substr($c,0,4,'') if index($c,'<',0) > 0; ## remove TCP length if there
sub logging
## $self,(cl)TRID,Step (1=Init,2=Live,3=Closing),Direction(0=outgoing,1=incoming),Type of data given(1=Net::DRI::Data::Raw or something with as_string() method,2=string),Data to log
my ($self,$trid,$step,$dir,$type,$data)=@_;
my $tname=$self->name();
my $tversion=$self->version();
my $l=$self->{logging};
return unless defined($l) && ref($l);
if (ref($l) eq 'ARRAY')
my ($fn,$p)=@$l;
return unless (ref($fn) eq 'CODE');
} elsif (UNIVERSAL::can($l,'logging'))
## Returns 1 if we are still connected, 0 otherwise (and sets current_state to 0)
## Pass a true value if you want the connection to be automatically redone if the ping failed
sub ping
my $self=shift;
return unless $self->has_state();
sub open_connection
my $self=shift;
return unless $self->has_state();
sub end
my $self=shift;
return unless $self->has_state();