## Domain Registry Interface, Handling of statuses list (order is irrelevant) (base class)
## Copyright (c) 2005-2008,2010,2011 Patrick Mevzek <netdri@dotandco.com>. All rights reserved.
## This file is part of Net::DRI
## Net::DRI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## See the LICENSE file that comes with this distribution for more details.
use strict;
=head1 NAME
Net::DRI::Data::StatusList - Handle a collection of statuses for an object, in a registry independent fashion for Net::DRI
You should never have to use this class directly, but you may get back objects that
are instances of subclasses of this class. An object of this class can store the statuses' names,
with a message for each and a language tag, and any other stuff, depending on registry.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 is_active()
returns 1 if these statuses enable an object to be active
=head2 is_published()
returns 1 if these statuses enable the object to be published on registry DNS servers
=head2 is_pending()
returns 1 if these statuses are for an object that is pending some action at registry
=head2 is_linked()
returns 1 if these statuses are for an object that is linked to another one at registry
=head2 is_grace()
returns 1 if these statuses are for an object into some grace period at registry
=head2 can_update()
returns 1 if these statuses allow to update the object at registry
=head2 can_transfer()
returns 1 if these statuses allow to transfer the object at registry
=head2 can_delete()
returns 1 if these statuses allow to delete the object at registry
=head2 can_renew()
returns 1 if these statuses allow to renew the object at registry
=head2 possible_no()
returns an array with the list of available status to use in the no() call
=head2 no()
can be used to build a status, which will be added to the list. Must be given three parameters:
a status (from list given by C<possible_no()>), a message (optional), a lang (optional, default to 'en')
You may also use the following methods, but they should be less useful as
the purpose of the module is to give an abstract view of the underlying statuses.
=head2 list_status()
to get only the statuses' names, as an array of sorted names;
if passed a true value, will return an array of strings, each one
being the status name, plus message & lang if available, plus short description
of other information tied to this status name
=head2 status_details()
to get an hash ref with all status information
=head2 has_any()
returns 1 if the object has any of the statuses given as arguments
=head2 has_not()
returns 1 if the object has none of the statuses given as arguments
=head1 SUPPORT
For now, support questions should be sent to:
Please also see the SUPPORT file in the distribution.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Patrick Mevzek, E<lt>netdri@dotandco.comE<gt>
Copyright (c) 2005-2008,2010,2011 Patrick Mevzek <netdri@dotandco.com>.
All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
See the LICENSE file that comes with this distribution for more details.
sub new
my $class=shift;
my $pname=shift || '?';
my $pversion=shift || '?';
my $self={ proto_name => $pname,
proto_version => $pversion,
sl => {}, ## statusname => { lang => lc(lang), msg => '', other per class }
$self->add(@_) if (@_);
return $self;
sub _register_pno
my ($self,$rs)=@_;
sub add
my $self=shift;
my $rs=$self->{sl};
foreach my $el (@_)
if (ref($el))
my %tmp=%{$el};
my $name=$tmp{name};
} else
return $self;
sub rem
my ($self,$status)=@_;
my $rs=$self->{sl};
delete($rs->{$status}) if exists($rs->{$status});
return $self;
sub list_status
my ($self,$full)=@_;
my @names=sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$self->{sl}};
return @names if ! defined $full || ! $full;
my @r;
foreach my $name (@names)
my $r=$name;
$r.=sprintf(' (%s:%s)',$self->{sl}->{$name}->{lang},$self->{sl}->{$name}->{msg}) if exists $self->{sl}->{$name}->{lang} && $self->{sl}->{$name}->{msg};
my @ek=grep { ! /^(?:lang|msg)$/ } keys %{$self->{sl}->{$name}};
$r.=join('',map { '['.$_.']' } @ek) if @ek;
push @r,$r;
return @r;
sub status_details
my $self=shift;
return $self->{sl};
sub is_empty
my $self=shift;
my @a=$self->list_status();
return (@a > 0)? 0 : 1;
sub has_any
my $self=shift;
my %tmp=map { uc($_) => 1 } $self->list_status();
foreach my $el (@_)
return 1 if exists($tmp{uc($el)});
return 0;
sub has_not
my $self=shift;
my %tmp=map { uc($_) => 1 } $self->list_status();
foreach my $el (@_)
return 0 if exists($tmp{uc($el)});
return 1;
sub possible_no
my $self=shift;
my @r=sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$self->{possible_no}};
return @r;
sub no
my ($self,$what,$msg,$lang)=@_;
my $rs=$self->{possible_no};
return $self unless (defined($what) && exists($rs->{$what}));
if (defined($msg) && $msg)
$self->add({name=>$rs->{$what},msg=>$msg,lang=>(defined($lang) && $lang)? $lang : 'en'});
} else
return $self;
## Methods that must be defined in subclasses
sub is_active { Net::DRI::Exception::method_not_implemented('is_active',ref $_[0]); }
sub is_published { Net::DRI::Exception::method_not_implemented('is_published',ref $_[0]); }
sub is_pending { Net::DRI::Exception::method_not_implemented('is_pending',ref $_[0]); }
sub is_linked { Net::DRI::Exception::method_not_implemented('is_linked',ref $_[0]); }
sub is_grace { Net::DRI::Exception::method_not_implemented('is_grace',ref $_[0]); }
sub can_update { Net::DRI::Exception::method_not_implemented('can_update',ref $_[0]); }
sub can_transfer { Net::DRI::Exception::method_not_implemented('can_transfer',ref $_[0]); }
sub can_delete { Net::DRI::Exception::method_not_implemented('can_delete',ref $_[0]); }
sub can_renew { Net::DRI::Exception::method_not_implemented('can_renew',ref $_[0]); }